McMullen County, Texas

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Boot Hill Cemetery
Camp Rio Frio, C.S.A.
Dog Town Jail
First Producing Gas Well in McMullen County and First Gas Pipeline to San Antonio
Franklin Ranch
John Swanson Yarbrough
Loma Alta
Louisa Renshaw Covey
McMullen County
Moses William Hindes
Old McMullen College
Old Rock Store
Old San Antonio-Laredo Road
San Caja Hill
San Miguel Cemetery
Site of Old Crowther Ranch
Stringfield Massacre
Stringfield, Thomas & Sarah
Townsite of Wentz
Townsite of Zella
Yarbrough Bend
The county is named after John McMullen, an Irishman who immigrated to Texas in the 1830s and played a significant role in its history. McMullen was known for his involvement in the Texas Revolution and his efforts to establish a colony in the area. Following his death, the county was named in his honor, signifying his impact on the region.
During the late 19th century, McMullen County experienced rapid growth and development. The discovery of oil in the early 1900s provided a major economic boost to the area, attracting numerous oil companies and workers. The oil industry continues to be a significant contributor to the county's economy today.
In recent years, McMullen County has become known for its vast ranchlands and wildlife. Its picturesque landscape and abundance of wildlife make it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, and nature lovers. Today, the county retains its rural character, while also benefiting from the economic opportunities provided by the energy industry.
Brief timeline of the history of McMullen County, Texas:
- 1858 - McMullen County is established
- 1860s - The county experiences conflicts with Native American tribes
- 1870s - The first post office is established in Tilden
- 1881 - The county courthouse is built
- 1920s - The oil boom brings significant economic growth to the county
- 1930s - The Great Depression affects the county's economy
- 1960s - Intensified oil and gas production leads to increased prosperity
- 1980s - The oil industry experiences a downturn, impacting the county's economy
- 2000s - McMullen County experiences a resurgence in oil and gas activity
This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of McMullen County, Texas.