
Hawaii is like that old girlfriend you still love. You love her more than ever as each day goes by. Even though you are no longer a part of each other’s lives. The thought of her out there happy and settled with a new love is satisfying – and it always brings a twinge of pain.
This timeline provides an overview of the major events in the history of Hawaii, from its Polynesian settlement to its status as a US state. The state's rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and unique blend of traditions make it a distinctive part of the United States.
Brief timeline of the history of the state of Hawaii:

  • Pre-1000 CE: Polynesians, likely from the Marquesas Islands, arrive in Hawaii, establishing the original settlement of the islands.

  • 1778: British explorer Captain James Cook becomes the first known European to visit the Hawaiian Islands.

  • Late 18th century: European and American traders arrive in Hawaii, introducing new goods and diseases to the islands.

  • 1810: King Kamehameha I unifies the Hawaiian Islands, establishing the Kingdom of Hawaii.

  • 1820: Christian missionaries from New England arrive in Hawaii, bringing their religion, Western education, and introducing a written Hawaiian language.

  • 1840: The Kingdom of Hawaii adopts a constitution, establishing a constitutional monarchy.

  • 1893: A group of American business interests, supported by US Marines, overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in what is known as the "Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii."

  • 1898: Hawaii is annexed by the United States through the Newlands Resolution, becoming a territory of the United States.

  • 1941: The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese during World War II marks a turning point for Hawaii and leads to the United States' entry into the war.

  • 1959: Hawaii becomes the 50th state of the United States on August 21, becoming the most recent state to join the Union.

  • Late 20th century: Hawaii experiences a surge in tourism, with visitors drawn to the state's natural beauty, tropical climate, and cultural attractions.

  • Present: Hawaii is known for its stunning beaches, volcanoes, diverse marine life, and unique indigenous culture. It continues to thrive as a popular tourist destination and is home to a multicultural population.