Historical Markers in
Washington County, Texas

African American Catholic Community Allcorn-Kokemoor Farmstead Allcorn-McNeese Cemetery Amos Gates Andrew Robinson Sr. Anson Jones Barrington Home Anson Jones Home Applewhite House Armistead, Robert Starke (grave marker) Asa Brigham Atkinson Cemetery B'nai Abraham Synagogue Barrington Plantation Bassett and Bassett Banking House Baylor University for Boys Baylor University on Windmill Hill Baylor University State Park Bethlehem Cemetery Birthplace of Hedwig T. Kniker Blinn College Main Building Blue Bell Creameries Brenham Brenham Banner Press Brenham Fire Department Brenham Maifest Brenham Normal & Industrial College Brenham Presbyterian Church Brenham Public Library Brown's Prairie School and Building Burton Cafe Burton Community Burton Depot Burton Farmers Gin Burton High School Burton State Bank Camp Felder Camptown Cemetery Cedar Creek Community Chappell Hill Chappell Hill Female College Bell Chappell Hill Masonic Cemetery Christian Church Cemetery City of Brenham Columns of a Building of Old Baylor University Davis Family Dr. Asa Hoxey Home Dr. Horace G. Clark Early Texas River Steamers Eben-Ezer Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Colleges of Texas Farmers State Bank and Reinstein Store Female Department of Baylor University First Baptist Church First Christian Church of Brenham First Methodist Church First Public High School in Brenham Former Bank Building of Giddings & Giddings Friedens Church of Washington UCC Cemetery Friedens Church of Washington, UCC Fritz Paul and Emma Schroeder House Gantt-Jones House Gen. James Willie General Sam Houston George Campbell Childress Statue George Clark Red Homestead George Washington Petty Germania Mutual Aid Association Giddings-Stone House Giddings-Wilkin House Gideon Lincecum Gideon Lincecum Gideon Lincecum (at Cabin) Glenblythe Plantation, Home of Thomas Affleck Greenvine Baptist Church Greenvine Gas Discovery Greenvine Schools Harmon School Hasskarl House-"Far View" Hatfield Plantation Henry V. and Rebecca Robertson Homestead Hogan Funeral Home Holly Oaks Home Built in 1845 by General Jerome B. Robertson Home Hood's Texas Brigade, C.S.A. Houston, Baptism of General Sam Houston, Gen. Sam, Site of Home Houston-Lea Family Cemetery Independence Independence Independence Postal Service Independence School Jacob Haller House James Holt, Texas Ranger James Walker Log House John Hoblett Seward Home John McNeese Graveyard John Prince Coles John Sterling Smith House John William Smith Julius Yanch Home La Bahia Road Leander H. McNelly Lewis Kraatz Liberty Baptist Church Liberty Community Cemetery Live Oak Female Seminary Lockhart Plantation Louis Lehmann House Ludwig Lehmann Family Cemetery Major William Edward Howth Margaret Lea Houston Home Margaret M. Lea Houston Masonic Academy Mayer Cemetery Mercy Seat Baptist Church Methodist Church Milas Roberson "Burney" Parker Mill Creek Farm Milroy's Garden and Orchard Moses Austin Bryan Moses Baine Mount Rose Missionary Baptist Church Mount Vernon Mount Zion Cemetery Mt. Calvary Cemetery Mt. Zion Baptist Church Mt. Zion Cemetery Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Rest Cemetery and Site of Prospect Presbyterian Church Old Baptist Church Old Baylor Park Old Independence Cemetery Old Rock Store Pampell-Day Homestead Permelia Haynie Home Pleasant Hill School Prairie Lea Cemetery Providence Baptist Church Rees Sanitarium Reue-Eickenhorst House Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor (1793-1873) Robert Starke Armistead Rocky Hill School Rosedale Nursery Ross-Carroll House Sacred Heart Catholic Church Salem Lutheran Church Salem School Schmid Bros. Building Schuerenberg House Seelhorst-Lehrmann House Site of Chappell Hill College Site of Mound Hill School Site of Old St. Anthony Hotel Site of Soule University for Boys Site of the Home of General Sam Houston and Family Site of Wesley School Southern Pacific Freight Depot St. John's Evangelical and Reformed Church St. John's United Church of Christ Cemetery St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul-Rehburg School St. Peter's Episcopal Church St. Peter's Lutheran Church Steiner & Dallmeyer Building Texas Confederate County Commissioners Court The Brown-Woodlief Log House The Hutchinson-Korth Home The Nancy Lea Bell The Wood-Hughes House Thomas Affleck Thomas Deye Owings Union Hill W. W. Browning House Washington County Washington County Courthouse Washington County in World War I Washington County State Bank Washington County, C.S.A. Washington Methodist Church Washington-on-the-Brazos Waul's Texas Legion Campsite Waverly Whiting Cemetery William H. Watson William Jones E. Heard Wittbecker-Weiss House Witte-Williams House
The Alamo, a mission in San Antonio, is perhaps the most famous historical site in Texas. It was the site of a key battle during the Texas Revolution in 1836.
Washington County, Texas has a rich and diverse history that spans over 150 years. The county was established in 1836, the same year that Texas gained its independence from Mexico. It was named after George Washington, the first President of the United States. The county's founding coincided with the establishment of the Republic of Texas, and it played a significant role in the state's early development.

In its early years, Washington County was primarily an agricultural community, with cotton being the main crop. Many German immigrants settled in the area and brought with them their farming expertise and traditions. These settlers played a crucial role in shaping the county's agricultural landscape and introducing a strong cultural influence that is still evident today.

During the Civil War, Washington County saw its fair share of conflict and upheaval. The county was divided in its loyalties, with some residents supporting the Confederacy while others opposed secession. The region experienced military occupation and witnessed battles and skirmishes, leaving a lasting impact on its residents.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Washington County transitioned from an agrarian economy to a more diversified one. With the arrival of the railroad, the county experienced a boost in commerce and industry. Businesses and services expanded, and the county's population grew as a result. Today, Washington County is known for its thriving agricultural industry, historical sites, and picturesque landscapes, attracting visitors from around the country.

Overall, Washington County, Texas has a storied past that reflects the broader history of the state. From its early origins as an agricultural community to its role in the Civil War and subsequent development, the county has played a significant part in shaping the growth and identity of Texas.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Washington County, Texas.

  • 1834 - Washington County is organized as the first county in the Republic of Texas
  • 1836 - The Battle of San Jacinto takes place, securing Texas independence
  • 1838 - Washington-on-the-Brazos becomes the first capital of the Republic of Texas
  • 1851 - Brenham is established as the county seat
  • 1861 - Texas secedes from the Union and joins the Confederate States of America
  • 1870 - The Houston and Texas Central Railroad reaches Brenham, boosting the local economy
  • 1930s - The Great Depression impacts the agricultural industry in Washington County
  • 1950 - Blue Bell Creameries is founded in Brenham
  • 1972 - Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site is established
  • 1990s - Washington County experiences population growth and development