Bernalillo County, New Mexico

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Albuquerque Municipal Airport Building, Old
Albuquerque Veterans Administration Medical Center
Aldo Leopold Neighborhood Historic District
Anaya, Gavino, House
Armijo, Juan Cristobal, Homestead
Armijo, Salvador, House
Art Annex
AT & SF Freight Office
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Locomotive Shops
ATSF Locomotive No. 2926
Aztec Auto Court
Barela, Adrian, House
Barela-Bledsoe House
Barelas-South Fourth Street Historic District
Bottger, Charles A., House
Building at 701 Roma NW
Carlisle Gymnasium
Carnes, Chester, House
Castle Apartments
Chavez, Juan de Dios, House
Chavez, Juan, House
Chavez, Rumaldo, House
Congregation B'nai Israel
Coronado School
Cottage Bakery
Davis House
De Anza Motor Lodge
De Garcia, Tomasa Griego, House
Dietz, Robert, Farmhouse
Downtowner Motor Inn
Eighth Street-Forrester District
El Campo Tourist Courts
El Vado Auto Court
Eller Apartments
Employees' New Dormitory and Club
Enchanted Mesa Trading Post
Federal Building
First Methodist Episcopal Church
First National Bank Building
Foraker, C. M., Farmhouse
Fourth Ward District
Garcia, Juan Antonio, House
Gladding, James N., House
Gomez, Refugio, House
Grande, Charles, House
Gurule, Delfinia, House
Harwood School
Hayden, A. W., House
Hendren Building
Hilltop Lodge
Hodgin Hall
Hoffmantown Baptist Church
Holy Child Church
Hope Building
Hubbell, James Lawrence and Juliana Gutierrez y Chavez, House
Hudson House
Huning Highlands Conoco Service Station
Huning Highlands Historic District
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Isleta Pueblo
Jones Motor Company
Jonson Gallery and House
Kimo Theater
Kress, S. H., Building
Kromer House
La Glorieta House
La Mesa Motel
La Puerta Lodge
LeFeber, Charles, House
Lembke House
Leverett, William J., House
Lewis, Charles W. Building
Lopez, Hilario, House
Los Candelarias Chapel-San Antonio Chapel
Los Duranes Chapel
Los Griegos Historic District
Los Poblanos Historic District
Los Tomases Chapel
Lucero y Montoya, Francisco, House
Luna Lodge
Main Library
Maisel's Indian Trading Post
Mann, Henry, House
Manzano Court Addition Historic District
McCanna-Hubbell Building
Menaul School Historic District
Milne, John, House
Modern Auto Court
Monte Vista and College View Historic District
Monte Vista Fire Station
Monte Vista School
National Humane Alliance Animal Fountain
New Mexico Madonna of the Trail
New Mexico-Arizona Wool Warehouse
Newlander Apartments
Nob Hill Business Center
Nordhaus, Robert, House
O'Rielly, J. H., House
Occidental Life Building
Old Armijo School
Old Hilton Hotel
Old Post Office
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Our Lady of the Angels School
Pacific Desk Building
Parkland Hills Historic District
Pearce, John, House
Petroglyph National Monument
Pig 'n Calf Lunch
President's House
Pyle, Ernie, House
Raynolds, Sara, Hall
Rio Puerco Bridge
Romero, Felipe, House
Roosevelt Park
Rosenwald Building
Route 66, State maintained from Albuquerque to Rio Puerco
Saint Joseph 1930 Hospital
San Antonito Church and Cemetery
San Felipe de Neri Church
San Ignacio Church
Santa Barbara School
Scholes Hall
Second United Presbyterian Church
Shalit, Samuel, House
Shoup Boardinghouse
Silver Hill Historic District
Simms Building
Skinner Building
Solar Building
Southern Union Gas Company Building
Southwestern Brewery and Ice Company
Spitz, Berthold, House
Springer Building
Spruce Park Historic District
St. John's Cathedral
Superintendent's House, Atlantic & Pacific Railroad
Tafoya, Domingo, House
Tewa Lodge
Tower Courts
Vigil, Antonio, House
Washington Apartments
Werner-Gilchrist House
West San Jose School
Whitcomb Springs
Willis, J.R., House and La Miradora Apartments
Zeiger, Charles, House
Zimmerman Library
Albuquerque on the Camino Real
Albuquerque Petroglyphs
Camp Albuquerque
Crossroads at Martineztown / Cruce en Martineztown
Dennis Chavez Highway
Doña Dolores “Lola” Chávez de Armijo (1858–1929)
Doña Elena Gallegos (c.1890-1731) / Elena Gallegos Land Grant
Founding Women of Albuquerque
Graciela Olivárez (1928–1987)
Harvey Girls and Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter (1869–1958)
Juliana Gutiérrez y Chaves Hubbell (1833-1899) / Gutiérrez-Hubbell House
Los Padillas
María Dolores Gonzáles, "La Doctora" (1917–1975)
Old Armijo School
Río Grande Rift (2)
Tijeras Canyon
Women of the Judiciary: The Honorable Mary Coon Walters (1922–2001) and Chief Justice Pamela B. Minzner (1943–2007)
In 1540, Spanish explorer Francisco Vásquez de Coronado led an expedition into what is now Bernalillo County. The Spanish established several missions and settlements in the region, including the Alameda Mission and the village of Alburquerque (later renamed Albuquerque). These early settlements laid the foundation for the region's future development.
During the 19th century, Bernalillo County experienced significant growth with the arrival of American pioneers and traders. The region became an important trading post along the historic Santa Fe Trail, further connecting it to the expanding western frontier. In 1851, Bernalillo County was officially established as one of the original nine counties in the newly formed New Mexico Territory.
Bernalillo County played a significant role during the Mexican-American War and the American Civil War. It served as a strategic location for both sides, as the Rio Grande acted as a natural barrier. The county saw battles, skirmishes, and military engagements, leaving a lasting impact on the region.
In the 20th century, Bernalillo County continued to grow and develop, becoming an important center for government, commerce, and culture in New Mexico. Today, the county is home to the vibrant city of Albuquerque, which is the state's largest city and the cultural, economic, and political hub of the region. Bernalillo County's rich history can be seen through its diverse architectural styles, cultural traditions, and landmarks that reflect the people who have called this area home throughout the centuries.
Brief timeline of the history of Bernalillo County, New Mexico:
- 1692: Bernalillo County established as part of New Spain's Santa Ana Pueblo land grant.
- 1821: Mexico gains independence from Spain, and Bernalillo County becomes part of the Republic of Mexico.
- 1848: Bernalillo County is ceded to the United States as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War.
- 1852: Bernalillo County officially organized as a county within the New Mexico Territory.
- 1880: Completion of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway line through Bernalillo County stimulates growth and development in the region.
- 1902: The county seat is moved from Albuquerque to nearby Los Ranchos.
- 1930: The county seat is moved back to Albuquerque due to the city's rapid growth and importance.
- 1960s: Bernalillo County experiences significant population growth as a result of urbanization and suburban development.
- 2000s: Bernalillo County implements various initiatives to promote economic development, community engagement, and sustainable growth.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Bernalillo County, New Mexico.