Worcester County, Massachusetts

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Abbott Street School Academie Brochu Adams, Benjamin, House Adams, Elwood, Store Adriatic Mills Ahern, Catherine, Three-Decker Albee, E., House Alden, William E., House Alden-Delahanty Block Aldrich, Daniel, Cottage and Sawmill Aldrich, J., House Aldrich, Nathan C., House and Resthaven Chapel Aldrich, S., House Aldrich, W., House Alexander, Arad, House Allen, Charles, House Allen, Ethan, House and Gun Shop American Antiquarian Society Ammidown-Harding Farmhouse Anderson, Ludwig, Three-Decker Armsby Block Ash Street School Ashburnham Center Historic District Ashland Mill Tenement Ashworth and Jones Factory Atherton Bridge Athol High School Aurora Hotel Ayer Main Street Historic District Babcock Block Bacon-Morse Historic District Baker, Peter, Three-Decker Baldwinville Village Historic District Bancroft Hotel Bancroft Memorial Library Bancroft Tower Bank Building Bannister, Emory, House Barker, Richard, Octagon House Barlin Acres Barnes-Hill House Barre Common District Bartlett's Bridge Barton, Clara, Homestead Battelle, Marion, Three-Decker Beacon Street Firehouse Beaman Memorial Public Library Beaver Street Historic District Beechwood Bentley, George, House Berlin Town Hall Bigelow Carpet Company Woolen Mills Bigelow Carpet Mill Bigelow Tavern Historic District Black Tavern Black Tavern (Boundary Increase) Blackstone Canal Blackstone Manufacturing Company Historic District Blackstone Viaduct Bliss Building Blodgett, Lydia, Three-Decker Bloomingdale Firehouse Bloomingdale School Bolton Center Historic District Borden-Pond House Bostrom, Eric, Three-Decker Boulevard Diner Bousquet, Henry, Three-Decker Bowers School Boyer, Alexis, House Boynton and Windsor Bradley, J.D.C., House Brightside Apartments Brookfield Cemetery Brookfield Common Historic District Brooks, John, House Brown, E., House Brown-Davis-Frost Farm Building at 25-27 River Street Building at 29-31 River Street Building at 38-42 Worcester Street Building at 52 Main Street Bullard House Butler Block Calvinistic Congregational Church Cambridge Grant Historic District Cambridge Street Firehouse Cambridge Street School Camp Atwater Carlson, Eric, Three-Decker Carpenter, George, House Castle Street Row Castle Street Row-Boundary Increase Cathedral of St. Paul Center Village District Central Mills Historic District Central Street Historic District Central Woolen Mills District Centre Village Historic District Chadwick Square Diner Chadwick-Brittan House Chamberlain, Charles, House Chamberlain-Bordeau House Chamberlain-Flagg House Chapin Block Chapin, A., House Charlton Center Historic District Cheney, Alpha M., House Cheney, J. M., Rental House Chestnut Hill Meetinghouse Clapp, George, House Clark University Clarke-Glover Farmhouse Cliff Cottage Cluett Peabody & Company Cobb, George, House Cole, E. Merritt, House Colton's Block Comins-Wall House Congregational Church Cook, A. E., House Copeland, Samuel, House Corcoran School Corner Lunch Crabtree, Thomas, Three-Decker Crawford, Elias, House Crocker Field Historic District Crompton Loom Works Crossman Bridge Crystal Street Historic District Cummings, E. B., House Dale and Ethan Allen Streets Historic District Dana Common Historic and Archaeological District Dani and Soldani Cabinet Makers and Wood Workers Factory Daniels, Frederick, House Dartmouth Street School Davis, Isaac, House Davis, Joseph, House Davis, Rodney, Three-Decker Davis, Wesley, Three-Decker Day Building Dean, Frank L. and Mabel H., House Dean, Mary, Three-Decker Deane, Francis, Cottage Delsignore, Louis, Three-Decker Dennison School House Dewey Francis, House District Five Schoolhouse District No. 4 School District No. 5 School District No. 5 School Dodge Block and Sawyer Building, Bancroft Trust Building Dodge, Helen, Three-Decker Doran, Thomas F., Three-Decker Dowley-Taylor House Downing Street School Downtown Clinton Historic District Drake, Frances H. and Jonathan, House Dresser, Sylvester, House Drew, Elvira, Three-Decker Duck Mill Dudley Hill Historic District Duke, Philip, Three-Decker Dunbar-Vinton House Duprey Building Durfee, Henry E., Farmhouse Dworman, David, Three-Decker Eagleville Historic District East Blackstone Friends Meetinghouse East Blackstone Village Historic District East Main Street-Cherry Street Historic District East Main-Cherry Street Historic District (Boundary Increase) East Princeton Village Historic District East Worcester School-Norcross Factory Eddy Block Elizabeth Street School Elm Hill Farm Historic District Elm Park Elm Street Fire House Elm Street Fire Station Elm Street Historic District Emmanuel Baptist English High School Enterprise Building Erikson, Knut, Three-Decker Euclid Avenue-Montrose Street Historic District Evangelical Free Church Fairlawn Farnum Block Farnum's Gate Historic District Farnum, Coronet John, House Farnum, Moses, House Farnum, R., House Farnum, William and Mary, House Farnumsville Historic District Fay Club Fay Street Historic District Felton Street School Fernside-Vacation House for Working Girls First Church of Christ, Lancaster First Methodist Church First Minister's House First Presbyterian Society Meeting House Fisher, Nathan, House Fisherville Historic District Fitch, C.H., House Fitchburg Historical Society Fitchburg Yarn Mill Flagg, Amos, House Flagg, Benjamin, House Flagg, Levi, Three-Decker Fobes-O'Donnell House Fontaine, George, Three-Decker Forbes, William Trowbridge, House Forest Hill Cottage Foster, Jedediah, Homesite Founder's Hall Four Corners-Goodnow Farm Historic District Freegrace Marble Farm Historic District Freeland Street School Friberg, Andrew, Three-Decker Friends Meetinghouse Fruitlands Fruitlands Museums Historic District G.A.R. Hall Gabriel, George, House Gale, George, House Garbose Building Gardner News Building Gardner Uptown Historic District Gay Farm Gay, Rev. Samuel, House Giguere, Thomas, Three-Decker Gilbertville Historic District Gillon Block Gilman Block Gleason, James, Cottage Globe Village Fire House Glover Street Historic District Goddard House Goddard Rocket Launching Site Goddard, Harry, House Goldberg Building Gough, John B., House Goulding, Henry, House Goulding, W.H., House Grafton Common Historic District Grafton Inn Grafton Street School Granite Store Green Hill Park Shelter Greendale Branch Library Greendale Village Improvement Society Building Grove Street School Gullberg, Evert, Three-Decker Hadley Furniture Company Building Hadley, Gilbert, Three-Decker Hall, Charles A., Three-Decker Hall, S.A., House Hamilton Mill Brick House Hamilton Mill-West Street Factory Housing Hamilton Millwright-Agent's House Hamilton Woolen Company Historic District Hammond Heights Hammond Organ Factory Harding-Winter Street Manufacturing District Hardwick Village Historic District Harrington, Theodore, House Harris-Merrick House Hartwell, George H., House Hartwell, Samuel C., House Harvard Center Historic District Harvard Shaker Village Historic District Hassanamisco Reservation Hastings, Stephen, House Hastins, John, Cottage Hayward Mill Hayward, William, House Heywood, Levi, Memorial Library Building Heywood-Wakefield Company Complex Higgins Armory Museum Higgins, Aldus Chapin, House High-School Streets Historic District Hirst, Samuel, Three-Decker Hobbs, Marcus, House Hodgson, William, Two-Family House Hogg, William, House Holbrook, Sylvanus, House Holden Center Historic District Holden Center Historic District (Boundary Increase) Holland-Towne House Holy Cross College Holy Name of Jesus Complex Hope Cemetery Hopedale Village Historic District Houghton Street Historic District House at 18 Walnut Street House at 3 Dean Street House at 34 Benefit Street House at 59-63 Crystal Street House at 64 Main Street House at 70-72 Main Street House at 91 Coombs Street Hubbard-Dawson House Hubbardston Public Library Hubbardston Town Common Historic District Hudson House Huguenot Fort Hunt, Daniel, Three-Decker Hunt, David, Three-Decker I00F Building Indian Cemetery, Old Indian Hill-North Village Ingleside Avenue Historic District Ingraham, Harry B., Three-Decker Institutional District Ironstone Mill Housing and Cellar Hole Jenckes, E. N., Store Jewett Piano Company Building Johnson, Edwin, Three-Decker Johnson, John and Edward, Three-Decker Johnson, John, Three-Decker Johnson, Paul, Three-Decker Judson-Litchfield House Judson-Taft House Junction Shop and Herman Street District Kaller, Erick, Three-Decker Kaller, Erick, Three-Decker Katz and Leavitt Apartment House Kensely, J., House Kinney, A., House Knollwood Knowles, Lucius, House Knowlton Hat Factory LaCroix-Mosher House Lake Street Fire Station Lancaster Industrial School for Girls Lancaster Mills Lane, Anthony, House Larchmont LaRochelle, Napoleon, Two-Family House Larson, Swan, Three-Decker Legg, John, House Leominster High School Levenson, Morris, Three-Decker Liberty Farm Lincoln Estate-Elm Park Historic District Lincoln, Gov. Levi, House Linwood Historic District Lothrop, Joseph, House Lower Pleasant Street District Lumb, Thomas, Three-Decker Lumb, Thomas, Three-Decker Lundberg, Charles, Three-Decker Lunenburg Historic District Lyman School for Boys Magnuson, Charles, Three-Decker Main Street Historic District Main Street Historic District Malvern Road School Manchaug Village Historic District Manning-Ball House Maple Street Historic District Maples Cottage Marble, Jerome, House Marcy, Mrs. R., House Mark, John, Three-Decker Marlborough Brook Filter Beds Marsh, Alexander, House Masonic Temple Massachusetts Avenue Historic District Massad, Anthony, Three-Decker May Street Historic District McCafferty, Elizabeth, Three-Decker McCarron, Andrew, Three-Decker McDermott, John B., Three-Decker McFarland, William, House McGrath, Patrick, Three-Decker McGuinness, Patrick, Three-Decker McKinstry, William, Farmhouse McKinstry, William, Jr., House McPartland, Frank, Three-Decker McPartland, James, Three-Decker Mechanics Hall Mechanics' Hall District Memorial Hall Mendon Center Historic District Merrill Double House Middle Cemetery Miles, Charles, House Milford Town Hall Miss Toy Town Diner Miss Worcester Diner Mission Chapel Montvale Monument Park Historic District Monument Square Historic District Moore, Jesse, House Moran Square Historic District Morse, H., House Mount Vernon Cemetery Munroe, Sarah, Three-Decker Murdock School Murphy, Patrick, Three-Decker Nelson, Christina, Three-Decker New York, New Haven & Hartford Passenger Depot Newton, Azariah, House Newton, Charles, House Newton, S.D., House No. 4 Schoolhouse Norcross Brothers Houses North Avenue Rural Historic District North Brookfield Town House North Uxbridge School North Village Historic District North Worcester Aid Society Northside Village Historic District Notre Dame Catholic Church O'Brien, Richard, Three-Decker O'Connor, James, Three-Decker O'Connor, James-John Trybowski Three-Decker Oakdale Village Historic District Oakes, J. J., House Oakham Center Historic District Odd Fellows' Home Old Centre Historic District Old Douglas Center Historic District Old Settlers' Burying Ground Old State Mutual Building Old Stone Church Old Town Hall Olney Cook Artisan Shop Osgood Bradley Building Oxford Main Street Historic District Oxford-Crown Extension District Oxford-Crown Historic District Paddock Farm Paine, Timothy, House Pan Burying Ground Pan Historic District Park Building Parkhill Mill Partridge, Jabez, Homestead Pequoig Hotel Perry Avenue Historic District Petersham Common Historic District Petterson, Lars-Adolph Carlson Three-Decker Petterson, Lars-Fred Gurney Three-Decker Petterson, Lars-Silas Archer Three-Decker Petterson,Lars-James Reidy Three-Decker Phillips, E. M., House Phillipston Center Historic District Pilgrim Congregational Church Pine Grove Cemetery Pleasant Street Firehouse Pleasant Street School Plimpton, Simon, Farmhouse Poli's Palace Theater Ponakin Bridge Prentiss, Addison, House Prescott Town House Princeton Center Historic District Printers Building, The Prospect Heights Historic District Providence Street Firehouse Providence Street Historic District Provost, Arthur, Three-Decker Putnam, Gen. Rufus, House Putnam, Otis, House Quinepoxet River Bridge Quinsigamond Branch Library Quinsigamond Firehouse Raymond, Tilley, House Reed, Frank, Three-Decker Rice, Ezra, House Richard, Stephen, House Richardson, Dexter, House Richardson, Joseph, House Richmond, Willard, Apartment Block Rider Tavern Ridyard, Albert, Three-Decker Ridyard, B. E., Three-Decker Riordan, John, Three-Decker Rivulet Mill Complex Rock Castle School Rockdale Common Housing District Rogers House Rogerson's Village Historic District Royalston Common Historic District Roynane, Catharine, Three-Decker Ruggles, Draper, House Rural Glen Cemetery Russell Corner Historic District Russell, The Sacred Heart Church Historic District Safety Fund National Bank Salisbury Factory Building Salisbury Factory Building Salisbury House Salisbury Mansion and Store Sawyer Homestead Sayles, Richard, House Schofield, James, House Searles Hill Cemetery Shaarai Torah Synagogue Shattuck, Moody, House Shea, Bridget, Three-Decker Shrewsbury Historic District Shumway Block Simpson, Clara, Three-Decker Slater Building Smith, Ellen M., Three-Decker Smith, Elliot, House Smith, F.W., Silver Company Smith-Lyon Farmhouse Smith-Thaxter-Merrifield House Soho Cottage South Lancaster Engine House South Union School South Unitarian South Worcester Branch Library Southbridge Town Hall Southbridge-Sargent Manufacturing District Southwick, Elisha, House Southwick, Israel, House Southwick-Daniels Farm Spaulding Block Spencer Town Center Historic District Spencer Town Center Historic District (Boundary Increase) Spurr, John, House St. George's Greek Orthodox Church St. John`s Catholic Church St. Marks St. Matthews St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church-St. Mary's School St. Peters Catholic Church Stark, Edward, House Stearns Tavern Sterling Center Historic District Stevens Linen Works Historic District Stevens' Building Stevens, Daniel, House Still River Baptist Church Stoliker, Edna, Three-Decker Stone, Edward, Three-Decker Stone, Joseph, House Stone, Lorenzo R., House Stone, Lucy, Home Site Stony Farm Sturbridge Common Historic District Sturtevant, Leonard, House Sumner, George, House Sutton Center Historic District Swift, D. Wheeler, House Taft Brothers Block Taft, Aaron, House Taft, Bazaleel, Jr., House and Law Office Taft, George, House Taft, Hon. Bazaleel, House Taft, Moses, House Taft, Samuel, House Taft, Zadock, House Tantiusques Reservation Tapin, Eugene, House Ted's Diner Templeton Common Historic District Templeton Farm Colony Thayer, Benjamin, House Thayer, Nathaniel, Estate Thom Block Thompson School Thomson, C.R., House and Barn Thule-Plummer Buildings Tiffany-Leonard House Tower, Horatio, House Troupes, John, Three-Decker Tuttle Square School Twinehurst American Optical Company Neighborhood U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Union Congregational Church Union Station Upper Chapin Street Historic District Upsala Street School Upton Town Hall US Post Office-Millbury Main US Post Office-Whitinsville Main Uxbridge Common District Uxbridge Passenger Depot Uxbridge Town Hall Vendome, The, and the St. Ives View Street Historic District Vinton-Boardman Farmhouse Vinton-Torrey House Vintonville Historic District Wachusett Aqueduct Linear District Wachusett Dam Historic District Wachusett Shirt Company Waldo Street Police Station Ward Street School-Millbury Street Ward, Gen. Artemas, Homestead Warren First Congregational Church-Federated Church Warren Public Library Warren Town Hall Warren, Frederick Fiske and Gretchen Osgood, House Warren, Jonah, House Washburn and Moen North Works District Washburn Square-Leicester Common Historic District Waters Farm Waters, Asa, Mansion Waucantuck Mill Complex WCIS Bank Webster Municipal Buildings Historic District Webster Street Firehouse Wellington Piano Case Company Building Wellington Street Apartment House District Wells, George B. and Ruth D., House Wells, H. C., Double House Wells, John M., House Wescott, John, Three-Decker Wesson, Franklin, House West Brick School West Brookfield Center Historic District West Brookfield Center Historic District (Boundary Increase) West Gardner Square Historic District West Main Street Historic District West Main Street Historic District (Boundary Increase II) West Main Street Historic District (Boundary Increase III) West Main Street Historic District (Boundary Increase) West Sutton Historic District West Village Historic District Westborough State Hospital Westminster Village-Academy Hill Historic District Wheeler, Albert H., House Wheelockville District Whipple, A., House Whitcomb House Whitcomb Inn and Farm Whitcomb Mansion White Homestead-Salem Cross Inn Whitinsville Historic District Whitmore, Enoch, House Whitney & Company Whitney Tavern Whitney, F. A., Carriage Company Complex Historic District Whittall Mills Wickaboag Valley Historic District Wight, Oliver, House Willard House and Clock Museum Willard-Fisk House Williams, N., House Winchendon Village Historic District Windsor Court Historic District Wood, Ahijah, House Wood, Ezra-Levi Warner Place Wood, Nathan, House Woodford Street Historic District Woodland Street Firehouse Woodland Street Historic District Woodlawn Cemetery Worcester Academy Worcester Asylum and related buildings Worcester Bleach and Dye Works Worcester City Hall and Common Worcester Corset Company Factory Worcester Five Cents Savings Bank Worcester Market Building Worcester State Hospital Farmhouse Zemaitis, Anthony, Three-Decker

150th Anniversary of St. Mark's Church 1771 Publick House Historic Inn & Country Lodge 1st Lt. Joshua L. Booth USMC 4th Meetinghouse Adin Ballou Memorial American Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial An Open Landscape Armenian Genocide Ashburnham Civil War Monument B-24 Liberator Crash Site Bartholomew F. (Bart) Sullivan Birthplace of Johnny Appleseed Birthplace of Lucy Stone Birthplace of Lucy Stone Blackstone Canal Blackstone Canal Boston Post Road Boston Post Road Brig. Gen. Timothy Ruggles Brookfield Brooks Pottery Kiln Calvin Coolidge Chaubunagungamaug Civil War Memorial Civil War Memorial Civil War Memorial Civil War Memorial Civil War Soldier's Monument Clara Barton’s Birthplace Colonial Home 1777 Commerce on the Common Communist Chinese Intervention Company A, 2nd Mass. Inf., U. S. V. Company C, 2nd Mass. Inf. U.S.V. Company G, 9th Mass. Inf., U.S.V. Company H, 2nd Mass. Inf., U. S. V. Controlling Livestock: The Town Pound Corporal Harold E. Fay Corporal John M. Dawson David P. Casey Desert Storm Memorial Douglas Center Cemetery Douglas Civil War Monument Douglas Post Office Dr. Robert H. Goddard Park Dudley Soldiers War Memorial East Village Textile Mill Edward Sullivan Square Eliza, Waldo and Edward Fay Farming as a Way of Life First Lieutenant John V. Power First Meeting House First Mill First Perfect Game in Professional Baseball First Settler of Fitchburg Fitch House Yard Fitchburg Civil War Memorial Forgotten No More Fort Gilbert Founders' Park Freeman Farm From Rail to Trail Gardner Soldiers' Monument Garside Square Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail General John Spurr House George Frisbie Hoar George Peter Bott Sr / Fred James Bott / Russell Peter Bott George Washington George Washington Memorial Getting Water Green Island Hardwick Civil War Monument Harrison Hall Harvard Civil War Monument Harvard Unitarian Universalist Church Harvard Veteran's Memorial Hassanamesit Hiding Place for Slaves Honor Roll Huguenot Settlement In Honor of Mendon's Soldiers In Honor of Those Who Served In Memory of All Veterans In memory of Arthur M Longsjo Jr In memory of the men of Leominster Indian Reservation Indian Trail Indian Village Pakachoag John J. (Jack) Barry '10 Johnny Ro Veterans Memorial Park Jonas Rice Jonas Rice Homesite Joseph Burnett Joseph J. Michna Square Korean War Coast Guard Korean War Memorial Lancaster Longfellow School Lt Col William J Ledoux Lt. Charles J. Collins USAAC Lysander Spooner Mary Goodnow's Grave Mary Sawyer’s Birthplace Memorial Mendon Civil War Memorial Mendon Historical Society Mendon Korean Vietnam Era Monument Mendon World War I Monument Mendon World World War II Monument Mendon’s First Meeting House Millstones Millstones Millville Main Street Millville Mills Millville Veterans Monument Millville Village Near This Spot Neck Bridge No City Has A Worthier Memorial Of Her Honored Sons North Korea Memorial Northborough World War I Memorial Northeast Corner of the Worcester Cemetery Old Maanexit Ford Old Toll Gate Old Town House Olde Burial Grounds Oliver E. Hazard On June 27, 1785 Patrick Joseph Moran Paul V Mullaney USMCR Plummer's Landing Prescott Grist Mill Puerto Rican 65th US Army Regiment Quinebaug Honor Roll Redemption Rock Revere Bell Reverend Nathan Stone Rollstone Boulder Rowlandson Rock Rowlandson Rock Samuel Leonardson Samuel Slater Samuel Thompson’s Gristmill Stone 1727 Sawyer-Carter Bridge Servant Square Seth Heywood Site SFC Jared C. Monti, USA Shrewsbury Minute Men Simeon Wheelock House Site of District 3 Schoolhouse Site of former Ohave Synagogue Site of Mary Rowlandson’s Capture Site of Mary Rowlandson’s Release Site of Second Meeting House Site of the Great Elm Slater Cotton Mill Soldiers of the American Revolution Southbridge 1898-1902 Veterans Monument Southbridge Civil War Memorial Southbridge Honor Rolls Southbridge Veterans Monument Southbridge Vietnam Veterans Monument Southbridge World War I Memorial Southeast Corner of the Worcester Cemetery Spanish American War Memorial Spanish American War Memorial Spanish War Veterans Memorial Stagecoach Stop Sturbridge Honor Roll War Memorial Tantiusques Thank You The 65th Infantry Regiment / El Regimiento Del 65 De Infantería The Architectural Style of the Salem Towne House The Blackstone Canal: 1828-1848 The Center School The Central Massachusetts Korean War Memorial The Drake Home and the Underground Railroad The Fire Pit The First School-House in Worcester The Goddard Rocket Launching Site The Gold Star Mother The Graveyard The Home Front The Honorable Paul V. Mullaney Plaza The Irish Community in Worcester The Johnson Massacre The Minuteman The Northbridge Contingent in the Nations Wars - 1939-1955 The Official State Monument For Veterans Of The Southwest Asian War The Old Burial Ground The Old Connecticut Path The Oldest House in Uxbridge The Raceway The School Boy of 1850 The Smokehouse The Store of Ephraim Kimball The Sturbridge Common The United Nations Defensive The United Nations Offensive Thomas Hooker Trail Thomas J Carroll Thomas J. Melia, Jr. Those Who Served and Died in Korea To The Memory Of Her Sons Who Died For The Unity Of The Republic Today we see a different view. Town House Town House Town of Harvard Town Pound Town Pound 1816 Toy Town Horse Udor Tower Uptown Common and 3rd Meetinghouse Uxbridge Civil War Monument Uxbridge Korea Vietnam Monument Uxbridge Veterans Monument Uxbridge World War I Memorial Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial Vietnam Memorial Vietnam War Memorial Vietnam War Memorial Vietnam/Korea War Memorial Walter F. Wesgan Square War in Europe War in the Pacific War Memorial War Memorial War Memorial War Memorial Warren Civil War Memorial Welcome to Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park Welcome to the Pasture Walk West Village Wheeler’s Surprise Where is the Farm? Whitinsville Social Library Wickapickit Brook and Bridge Wigwam Hill William T. Kershaw Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Civil War Memorial Worcester World War II Memorial Worcester's First City Hall World War 1 Memorial World War I Memorial World War I Memorial World War II World War II Memorial World War II Time Capsule World War l Memorial World War l Memorial World War l Memorial World War ll Memorial World War ll Memorial World War ll Vietnam Korean War Memorial World War ll/Korean/Vietnam Memorial World War Memorial "Mary Had a Little Lamb" "Witness Tree" “Old Cemetery” “Spirit of the American Doughboy”
Worcester County, Massachusetts, has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1731. The area was initially inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Nipmuc, who called the region Quinsigamond. In 1673, European settlers established a trading post in the area, and by the early 18th century, colonists began to settle permanently.

During the American Revolution, Worcester County played a significant role. In 1774, the county hosted the Worcester Convention, a gathering of Massachusetts towns that denounced British colonial policies. The convention's resolutions helped pave the way for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence two years later. Throughout the war, the county provided soldiers and resources to the Continental Army, and several battles were fought in the region.

In the 19th century, Worcester County became an industrial powerhouse. The construction of the Blackstone Canal and the arrival of the railroad spurred economic growth. The county became a center for manufacturing, with industries such as textiles, machinery, and shoes flourishing. The city of Worcester, located in the heart of the county, became known as the "City of the Seven Hills" and was a hub of commerce and innovation.

In the 20th century, Worcester County continued to evolve, facing both challenges and opportunities. The Great Depression and the decline of manufacturing put a strain on the local economy, but the county rebounded in the post-World War II era. Today, Worcester County is known for its diverse economy, with sectors such as healthcare, education, and biotechnology driving growth. Its rich history, vibrant culture, and scenic landscapes make it a unique and beloved part of Massachusetts.
Brief timeline of the history of Worcester County, Massachusetts:

  • 1662 - The town of Worcester is officially incorporated.
  • 1713 - The town of Worcester becomes the county seat of newly-formed Worcester County.
  • 1755 - The French and Indian War begins, leading to increased military activity in Worcester County.
  • 1767 - Worcester County's population reaches approximately 15,000.
  • 1781 - The town of Warren is incorporated as a separate town within Worcester County.
  • 1793 - Worcester County's population exceeds 50,000.
  • 1801 - The town of Athol is incorporated.
  • 1835 - The town of Fitchburg is incorporated as a city.
  • 1845 - The Blackstone Canal, connecting Worcester to Providence, Rhode Island, officially opens.
  • 1868 - The town of Clinton is incorporated as a city.
  • 1883 - Worcester County's population surpasses 150,000.
  • 1905 - The city of Worcester is granted a city charter.
  • 1938 - The Great New England Hurricane strikes Worcester County, causing significant damage.
  • 1956 - The construction of the Massachusetts Turnpike begins, passing through Worcester County.
  • 1978 - Worcester County's population reaches over 600,000.
  • 1985 - The Worcester Common Outlets, a major shopping center, opens in Worcester.
  • 2008 - The city of Worcester celebrates its 300th anniversary.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Worcester County, Massachusetts.