Glynn County, Georgia

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A Clash Of Cultures A Life of Slavery A Man Named Wesley Passed This Way / Lovely Lane Chapel A Miserable Voyage A Mission By The Sea / Susannah Wesley A New House? A Winter City All Work and No Play Arriving on This Island Battle of Bloody Marsh Battle of Gully Hole Creek Beach Access Benjamin and Nancy Hart Bernice Echols Grant Boys Estate Broad Street Brunswick Across the Sound Brunswick First United Methodist Church Brunswick Stew Brunswick's "Liberty Ships" Cannon's Point Plantation Capt. Mark Carr Captain Clarks Cottage Captain Gascoigne Captain Wylly Road Cassina Garden Club Houses Cherokee Cottage Childhood in an Island Paradise Christ Church Cemetery Christ Episcopal Church Colored Memorial School and Risley High School Commissary - Pay Shed Confederate Battery Couper's Point Dedicated to the Veterans of 1898 -1902 Delegal's Fort Demere Road Early History of St. Simons Island Emanuel United Methodist Church Enigma of the Island Enslavement, Resistance, Creativity, and Resilience Epworth By The Sea / Epworth Pioneers Epworth-By-The-Sea Evolution of Elegance F-104 Starfighter Fairbank Cottage Site First Transcontinental Call Five Years at Frederica Food Fort Frederica Fort Saint Simons Fort St. Simons Fort St. Simons Frederica Frederica - Candlemaker Frederica - Huts and Houses Frederica - Indian Interpreter Frederica - Military Road Frederica - Oglethorpe Frederica - Old Burial Ground Frederica - The Barracks Frederica - The Fort Frederica — Carpenter and Oarmaker Frederica — Destroyed by Fire Frederica — Guns on the River Frederica — Keeper of the Kings Stores Frederica — North Storehouse Frederica — Northeast Town Bastion Frederica — Tavernkeeper and Doctor Frederica — The Kings Magazine Frederica — The Parade Gascoigne Bluff Gascoigne Bluff Generations German Village Glynn Academy Vietnam Veterans Memorial Glynn County Glynn County War Memorial Great Dunes: A Golf Tradition Hamilton Plantation Hampton Plantation Hanover Square Hanover Square Hanover Square Hanover Square Hanover Square Confederate Monument Harrington Hall Historic St. Simons Lighthouse Hofwyl Dairy Hofwyl Plantation Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation Historic Site Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation State Historic Site Hopeton-on-the-Altamaha Horton House Horton House Harvest Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site Horton House Historic Site House Servants Quarters If Trees Could Speak… James Edward Oglethorpe Jekyll Island Boat House Site, Shipshape for the Season Jekyll Island Club Wharf Jekyll Square East Jekyll Square West Keepers of the Light Lanier's Oak Lanier's Oak Le Sieur Christophe Anne Poulain du Bignon Liberty Tree Lovely Lane Chapel M.E. Thompson and the Purchase of Jekyll Island Machen Square East Machen Square West Major William Horton Marched to the Sea Mark Carr McEvers Bayard Brown Oak Memories of Home Men of Means Morgan Tennis Court Music Needwood Baptist Church and Needwood School North Atlantic Right Whale Old Post Road Old Spanish Garden Old World Charm Patrick and Priscilla Houstoun Pike's Bluff Plantation Oak Poulain du Bignon and du Bignon Burying Ground Preserving the Legacy Pursuit of Freedom Queen Square Queen Square Queen Square Queen Square Retreat Plantation Reverends John & Charles Wesley / Wesley Memorial Garden S.S. Oklahoma and Esso Baton Rouge Sans Souci Boiler House Separate But Equal? Shoemaker and Soldier Sidney Lanier Sinclair Plantation Slave Cabin Solterra Dove Cote St. Andrews Beach St. Simons Island St. Simons Park Strange New World Strong Walls From Refuse Survivors of the Wanderer Tabby Taken From Africa Taking Care of Family Tavernkeepers The Active Life The Beach Pavilion The Boat House Site The Clubhouse The Defender The Dolphin Club Lounge The Dolphin Motor Hotel The First Lighthouse ~ 1810 The Flesh Market The Georgia Navy The Historic St. Simons Light Station The Infirmary / Furness Cottage The Legacy of the Land and the Stewards of Hofwyl-Broadfield The Military Road The Sans Souci The Skeet House The Spanish on Jekyll Island The State of Georgia Salutes The Town Wall The Wanderer — Arrival The Wanderer — Built For Speed The Wanderer — Cilucangy: Ward Lee The Wanderer — Timeline The Wanderer — Timeline: Continued The Wanderer — What Happened to the Survivors: Their Stories The Wesley Oak The World Is My Parish Twentieth-Century Changes Union School Up In Smoke Villa Marianna Villa Ospo Wanderer Memory Trail Welcome to St. Simons Light! What Was Here Before? What Was Here Before? William Bartram Trail World War II Memorial Wright Square
Glynn County, located in the southeastern part of the state of Georgia, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. The area was originally home to Native American tribes such as the Timucua and Creek Indians. European exploration of the region began in the 16th century, with Spanish explorers sailing along the Georgia coast. In the late 18th century, the area was settled by English colonists, ultimately leading to the establishment of Glynn County in 1777.

During the colonial era, Glynn County played a significant role in the development of the Georgia colony. The county was one of the original eight counties created when Georgia became a state in 1777. The region prospered in the 19th century with the growth of the cotton industry, which relied heavily on enslaved labor. Glynn County was a major producer of sea island cotton, known for its high quality. Plantations were established along the Altamaha River, and the county became a center of agriculture and trade.

In the 20th century, Glynn County experienced economic growth with the development of the timber and shipping industries. Brunswick, the county seat, became a major port city and a hub for shipbuilding. The county also became a popular destination for tourists, attracted by its beautiful coastline, historic sites, and natural beauty. Jekyll Island, one of the barrier islands in Glynn County, became a winter retreat for wealthy industrialists such as the Rockefellers and Vanderbilts.

Today, Glynn County is a vibrant community with a diverse economy that includes tourism, manufacturing, healthcare, and education. The county is known for its rich cultural heritage, with historic landmarks such as the Old City Hall in Brunswick and the St. Simons Island Lighthouse. It continues to be a popular tourist destination, offering visitors activities such as boating, fishing, and exploring the area's stunning natural landscapes. Glynn County's history and natural beauty make it a unique and captivating place to explore.
Brief timeline of the history of Glynn County, Georgia:

  • 1736 - James Oglethorpe establishes the colony of Georgia, including what is now Glynn County
  • 1777 - Glynn County is officially created as a county in Georgia
  • 1804 - Brunswick is established as the county seat of Glynn County
  • 1812 - Fort Frederica National Monument is established to preserve the remains of the colonial fort
  • 1839 - The first lighthouse on St. Simons Island, the St. Simons Light, is constructed
  • 1864 - The Battle of Bloody Marsh takes place during the Civil War
  • 1870 - The first railroad reaches Brunswick, boosting the local economy and trade
  • 1958 - The Sidney Lanier Bridge is completed, becoming a landmark in Glynn County
  • 1994 - The Jekyll Island Club Hotel is restored and becomes a popular tourist destination
  • 2016 - Hurricane Matthew causes significant damage to Glynn County

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Glynn County, Georgia.