Shackelford County, Texas

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Big Country Baptist Assembly
Black Cemetery
Bud Matthews Switch of the Texas Central Railway
Butterfield Overland Mail
City of Albany
Civilian Conservation Corps at Fort Griffin
Cook Ranch Oil Field
Cottle No.1, First Gas Well in Shackelford County
Dr. Jack Shackelford
Family Forts, C.S.A.
First Christian Church
First Producing Oil Well in West Texas
First United Methodist Church of Albany
Fort Griffin Civil Jail
Fort Griffin Fandangle
Frank Eben Conrad
Frontier Town of Fort Griffin
Goodnight-Loving Trail in Shackelford County
Granville E. Waters
H. C. Jacobs House
Hartfield Building
Jackson Warehouse
Ledbetter Picket House
Ledbetter Salt Work, C.S.A.
Lt. Col. William E. Dyess
Lt. Col. William E. Dyess
Matthews Memorial Presbyterian Church
Moran Cemetery
Moran Church of Christ
Robert Edward Nail, Jr.
Rye-Caperton House
Shackelford County
Shackelford County
Shackelford County Courthouse
Shackelford County's First Permanent Jail
Site of Reynolds Presbyterian Academy
Smith's Station
Texas Cattle Trail
Texas Central Railway Company
The Albany News
The Lynch Building
The Rev. John Brown, Clara Barton and the 1886-1887 Drought Relief
Trinity Episcopal Church
Western Cattle Trail Crossings at Fort Griffin, The
White Elephant Saloon
Black Cemetery
Caldwell Ranch
Fort Griffin Cemetery
Fort Griffin Civilian Cemetery
Fox Grave
Greer Cemetery
Johnson Cemetery
Lee Graves
Lynch Cemetery
Moran Cemetery
Parrish Cemetery
Pleasant View Cemetery
Rucker Cemetery
St. John's Cemetery
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery
unknown grave (S Reynold Creek)
Unknown Graves near Camp Wilson
The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes such as the Comanche and Kiowa. However, it was eventually settled by European settlers in the mid-1800s, who sought fertile land for ranching and farming. The discovery of oil in the early 20th century further boosted the local economy and brought new opportunities for growth.
During the Civil War, Shackelford County witnessed significant military activities. Confederate troops were stationed in the area, and the county saw skirmishes and battles between local troops and Union forces. After the war, the County experienced a period of reconstruction and recovery, as settlers worked to rebuild their communities and infrastructure.
In the early 20th century, Shackelford County was predominantly an agricultural and ranching community. However, the discovery of oil in the region in the 1920s transformed the local economy. Oil wells and refineries were established, attracting new industries and jobs to the area. The County experienced a period of prosperity and development during this time.
Today, Shackelford County continues to be a vibrant community with a thriving agriculture industry, supported by ranching, farming, and oil production. Its rich history is preserved and celebrated through various historical sites and museums, offering visitors and locals a glimpse into the county's past.
Brief timeline of the history of Shackelford County, Texas:
- 1858 - Shackelford County is created by the Texas Legislature from portions of Bosque, Travis, and Young counties.
- 1874 - The first settlers begin arriving in the area.
- 1875 - Fort Griffin is established as a U.S. Army outpost.
- 1878 - The county seat is moved from Fort Griffin to Albany.
- 1880 - The Texas Central Railroad extends its line to Albany, boosting the local economy.
- 1883 - The town of Moran is founded.
- 1900 - Oil and gas is discovered, leading to an economic boom in the county.
- 1940 - World War II brings an increase in military activity to the area.
- 1979 - The Shackelford County Historical Commission is established to preserve the county's history.
- 2000 - The population of Shackelford County reaches its peak, with over 3,300 residents.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Shackelford County, Texas.