Texas was once a part of Mexico but gained independence in 1836 after a famous battle at the Alamo.
Randall County is located in the Texas Panhandle and has a rich history dating back to the early 1870s. The county was officially established on July 10, 1876, and was named in honor of Horace Randal, a Confederate brigadier general during the American Civil War. The region was originally inhabited by Native American tribes such as the Apache, Comanche, and Kiowa.

The settlement of Randall County began with the arrival of ranchers in the late 1870s, who found the area ideal for cattle grazing due to its vast grasslands and access to water sources such as the Canadian River. In the early years, the county experienced growth through the establishment of ranches and small communities. The discovery of oil in the early 1900s brought further economic opportunities to the area.

During the early 20th century, the county's population grew steadily, and agriculture became a major industry. Cotton, wheat, and other crops were cultivated throughout the region, with a focus on dryland farming techniques. The county's agricultural success was bolstered by the development of irrigation systems and improved transportation infrastructure, such as the arrival of railroads.

In the mid-20th century, Randall County experienced significant growth and development. The city of Amarillo, which is partially located within the county, became a hub for business, commerce, and industry in the region. The county's economy diversified, with the growth of manufacturing, healthcare, and service industries. Today, Randall County continues to thrive as a center of economic activity and a vibrant community with a rich and storied history.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Randall County, Texas.

  • 1876 - Randall County was established by the Texas legislature.
  • 1880 - The county's first courthouse was built in the town of Henrietta.
  • 1889 - Canyon City became the county seat and a new courthouse was constructed.
  • 1899 - West Texas State Normal College (now West Texas A&M University) was established in Canyon.
  • 1910 - The county's population reached over 8,000 residents.
  • 1928 - The current Randall County Courthouse was built in downtown Canyon.
  • 1954 - Palo Duro State Park was created, covering a large area in the county.
  • 1984 - The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon became the largest history museum in Texas.
  • 2000 - The population of Randall County surpassed 100,000 residents.
  • 2019 - The county experienced rapid growth, becoming one of the fastest-growing counties in Texas.