Polk County, Texas

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Abbott Springs Meadows Cemetery Adams Cemetery Augustus Darby Home Bethel Baptist Church Birthplace of Margo Jones Bluewater Cemetery Capt. Hardy B. Purvis Captain Isaac Newton Moreland Turner, C. S. A. Central Baptist Church Chief John Blount Chief John Scott Confederate Service of Alabama and Coushatta Indians Damascus Missionary Baptist Church Davison Home Dunbar High School E. C. Matthews Home Early Indian Trails Early Roads in Polk County Education in Livingston Feagin Cemetery First Baptist Church First Methodist Church of Livingston First National Bank First State Bank of Livingston Forest Hill Cemetery G. G. Nettles Home Goodrich School Greenfield Cemetery James Burch John C. Leggett House John Kale House Lilly Island Cemetery Livingston Livingston Telephone Company Locomotive No. 5 Magee-Love Log House Magnolia Hill Cemetery Major Henry W. Augustine Margaret V. "Margo" Jones Menard Chapel Church, School, and Cemetery Midway Cemetery Moscow Moscow Baptist Church Moscow Male and Female Academy Moscow Masonic Male and Female Academy Moscow, Camden & San Augustine Railroad Near Boyhood Home of John Wesley Hardin Nelson Henry Rice Cemetery Nettles Cemetery Oates Cemetery Old Bean Place Old City Cemetery (Old Livingston Cemetery) Onalaska First United Methodist Church P. B. Maxey Home Paddlewheels on the Trinity Polk County Polk County Courthouse "Polk County Enterprise" Polk County, C. S. A. R.A. McCaghren Cemetery Roscoe D. Holliday Saxon Family Homestead Site of Old Andress Inn Site of Smithfield Site of the Town of Swartwout Sunflower Baptist Church Texas Statesman William Pettus Hobby The Sawyer House Town of Corrigan Trinity Lodge No. 14, A.F. & A.M. Union Springs Baptist Church Valentine Burch Village of the Alabama and Coushatti Indians West Tempe Cemetery Wheeler Cemetery Whitehead Home William Barnett Hardin

Abbott Springs Meadows Cemetery Adams Cemetery Alabama-Coushatta Cemetery at Indian Village Alexander Bailey Barfield Barney Wiggins Memorial Park Beard Beard Private Family Bethel Beulah Big Sandy Community Church Bluewater Cemetery Bluff Creek Cemetery Bold Springs Bethel Baptist Church Bracewell Hill Brown Burch Family Burroughs Cemetery Butler Camden Camp Ruby Camp Ruby Community Church Cemetery Annex Canon Carmona Community Church Carrington Carrington-Lyle Center Grove Chapel Colita Church Collins Cook Family Copeland Damascus Darby-Holcomb Cemetery Darden Davis Cemetery Davis Cemetery at Caney Creek DeLaFosse Doughty Family Drew Collins Fairfield Feagin Forest Hill Cemetery Friendship Garner Prairie Church Gassiott Gay George Glover Gordon Family Grace Hill Baptist Church Cemtery Greenfield Cemetery Guilding Star Sanctified Church Hammond Harding Family Havis Hickman Family Hicks Cemetery at Abel Hill Place Holcomb Holhousen-Darby Hubert Indian Baptist Indian Baptist Currie J. A. S. Turner John Turner Johnson Cemetery Jones Prairie Jones-Carr Kent Kibbie Field Knox Lilly Island Cemetery Lima Lyons Magnolia Magnolia Hill Cemetery Marion Davis Massey Matthews Grave Meekins Family Menard Midway Midway Cemetery at Pickney Modica Family Moore Moscow Cemetery Mt Rose Nelson Rice Nettles New Hope Baptist Church Nowlin Oakdale Oates Cemetery Old Barnes (African American) Old Livingston Founders Parrish Peebles Peebles Cemetery at Israel Peg Top Pine Grove Cemetery Pine Grove Church of Christ Pine Ridge Pluck Memorial Providence #1 Baptist Church Pullen-Davis-Toney Family R.A. McCaghren Cemetery Restland Memorial Rowe-Dunham Shiloah Methodist Simmons Simmons Smith Smith Cemetery at Beard Smith Family Snell-Read Family Spring Hill Schoolhouse St Andrews Stryker #2 Swartout Sykes, Laura Taylor Towns Union Springs Cemetery unknown unknown Unknown Grave Unknown on Rock Island Road Usher Victory Wagner Hill Waldrep Watson-Ollie-Dickens Watts and Jones West Tempe Cemetery Wheeler Whitehead Whiteside Williams, John Van Family Wright Zimmerman Singletary
Polk County, Texas, located in the eastern part of the state, has a rich and diverse history dating back to indigenous peoples who inhabited the area for thousands of years. The region was settled by European explorers in the early 1800s, with the establishment of Stephen F. Austin's colony. Polk County was officially formed in 1846, named after the former United States President James K. Polk.

During the 19th century, the county witnessed significant developments, including the arrival of railroads in the late 1800s, which led to economic growth and an influx of settlers. Timber became the county's most important resource, and the lumber industry boomed, fueled by abundant pine forests. Sawmills and logging camps thrived, shaping the county's economy for many years.

The county's history also includes periods of strife. During the Civil War, Polk County experienced its fair share of conflict, with many residents joining the Confederate army. Additionally, the county suffered from occasional raids by Native American tribes, seeking to regain their land and resist encroachment.

In the 20th century, Polk County continued to progress, with further advancements in transportation and industry. The construction of dams on the Trinity River provided hydroelectric power and created recreational opportunities with the formation of Lake Livingston. Agriculture also played a significant role, particularly in the production of livestock and crops such as cotton.

Today, Polk County is a mix of rural communities and growing suburban areas. Its proximity to Houston has attracted residents looking for a quieter way of life while still having access to urban amenities. The county remains influenced by its past, with reminders of its rich history visible in the form of historic sites, museums, and landmarks that showcase the diverse and fascinating story of Polk County.
Brief timeline of the history of Polk County, Texas:

  • 1846 - Polk County, Texas is established.
  • Mid-1800s - Early settlers arrive, primarily farmers and ranchers.
  • Late 1800s - Logging and lumber industry becomes prominent.
  • 1881 - Trinity and Sabine Valley Railway reaches the county, boosting trade and transportation.
  • Early 1900s - Oil and gas exploration begins in the county.
  • 1930s-1940s - The Great Depression and World War II bring economic challenges.
  • 1957 - Lake Livingston is completed, becoming a popular recreational area.
  • 1980s - Tourism and retirement industries grow in the county.
  • 2000s - Population and economic growth continue.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Polk County, Texas.