Charleston County, South Carolina
Aiken, Gov. William, House
Aiken, William, House and Associated Railroad Structures
Ashley River Historic District
Ashley River Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Ashley River Road
Atlanticville Historic District
Bache, Alexander, U.S. Coast Survey Line
Bailey's Store
Barnwell House
Battery Cheves
Battery Gadsden
Battery LeRoy
Battery No. 1
Battery No. 5
Battery Thomson
Battery Tynes
Battery Wilkes
Bennett, Gov. Thomas, House
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel Methodist Church
Blacklock, William, House
Blake Tenements
Bleak Hall Plantation Outbuildings
Boone Hall Plantation House and Historic Landscape (Boundary Increase)
Branford-Horry House
Brewton, Miles, House
Brewton, Robert, House
Brick House Ruin
Brooklands Plantation
Brown, Dianna, Antique Shop
Cape Romain Lighthouses
Cassina Point
Castle Pinckney
Central Baptist Church
Charleston Cemeteries Historic District
Charleston Consolidated Railway, Electric and Gas Company Car House
Charleston Historic District
Charleston Historic District
Charleston Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Charleston Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Charleston Naval Hospital
Charleston Naval Hospital Historic District
Charleston Navy Yard Historic District
Charleston Navy Yard Officers' Quarters Historic District
Charleston Old and Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Charleston Old and Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Charleston's French Quarter District
Christ Church
Cigar Factory
Circular Congregational Church and Parish House
Citizens and Southern National Bank of South Carolina
College of Charleston
Coming Street Cemetery
Cook's Old Field Cemetery
Crawford's Plantation House
Dock Street Theatre
Drayton Hall
Edisto Island Baptist Church
Edisto Island Presbyterian Church
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Engineering-Management Building
Enston, William, Home
Exchange and Provost
Faber House
Fairfield Plantation
Farmers' and Exchange Bank
Farmfield Plantation House
Fenwick Hall
Fireproof Building
Florence Crittenton Home
Fort Johnson/Powder Magazine
Fort Moultrie Quartermaster and Support Facilities Historic District
Fort Palmetto
Fort Pringle
Fort Sumter National Monument
Fort Sumter National Monument (Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation)
Fort Trenholm
General Asbestos and Rubber Company (GARCO) Main Mill
Gibbes, William, House
Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity
Grove Plantation
H. L. HUNLEY (submarine)
Hampton Park Terrace Historic District
Hampton Plantation
Harrietta Plantation
Heyward, Dubose, House
Heyward-Washington House
Hibernian Hall
Host of America Motel
Huger, Cleland Kinloch and Burnet R. Maybank, House
Huguenot Church
Hutchinson House
Jackson Street Freedman's Cottages
John's Island Presbyterian Church
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Synagogue
King Cemetery
Lawton-Seabrook Cemetery
Lowndes Grove
Lucas Family Cemetery
Lucas, Jonathan, House
Magnolia Cemetery
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Manigault, Joseph, House
Marine Barracks, Charleston Navy Yard
Market Hall and Sheds
Marshlands Plantation House
McClellanville Historic District
McCrady's Tavern and Long Room
McLeod Plantation
Meggett, W. Gresham, High and Elementary School
Middleton's Plantation
Mills, Clark, Studio
Morris Island Lighthouse
Mosquito Beach Historic District
Moultrieville Historic District
Mount Pleasant Historic District
Moving Star Hall
Murray, Andrew B., Vocational School
Nicholson, James, House
Oak Island
Oakland Plantation House
Old Bethel United Methodist Church
Old Courthouse
Old Georgetown Road
Old House Plantation
Old House Plantation and Commissary (Boundary Increase)
Old Marine Hospital
Old Slave Mart
Patrick, Dr. John B., House
Peter's Point Plantation
Porter Military Academy
Powder Magazine
Presbyterian Manse
Progressive Club, The
Prospect Hill
Remley Point Cemetery
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, House
Robb, William, House
Rockville Historic District
Roper, Robert William, House
Rose, Thomas, House
Russell, Nathaniel, House
Rutledge, Edward, House
Rutledge, Gov. John, House
Seabrook, John, Plantation Bridge
Seabrook, William, House
Seashore Farmers' Lodge No. 767
Seaside Plantation House
Seaside School
Secessionville Historic District
Simmons-Edwards House
Site of Old Charles Towne
Sixth Naval District Training Aids Library
Slave Street, Smokehouse, and Allee, Boone Hall Plantation
Snee Farm-Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Sottile, Giovanni, House
South Carolina National Bank of Charleston
South Carolina State Arsenal
Sparrow, James, House
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
St. James Episcopal Church, Santee
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
St. Philip's Episcopal Church
Standard Oil Company Headquarters
Stiles-Hinson House
Stono River Slave Rebellion Site
Stuart, Col. John, House
Sullivan's Island Historic District
Summit Plantation House
Sunnyside Plantation Foreman's House (Boundary Increase)
Sword Gate Houses
Tennent, Josiah Smith, House
Towles Farmstead
Trinity Episcopal Church
U.S. Coast Guard Historic District
U.S. Customhouse
U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
Unitarian Church
Unnamed Battery
Unnamed Battery No. 1
Vander Horst, Arnoldus, House
Vesey, Denmark, House
Wedge, The
Wescott Road
West Point Rice Mill
Wilkinson-Boineau House
Willtown Bluff
Windsor Plantation
10-Inch Columbiad (Rodman)
10-Inch Columbiad, Rifled and Banded
10-Inch Confederate Columbiad
10-Inch Mortar, Model 1819
10-Inch Parrott (300 pounder)
113 Ashley Avenue
123 Tradd Street
125 Tradd Street
126 Tradd Street
13-Inch Seacoast Mortar
14 George Street
15-Inch Rodman
17 Limehouse Street
18 Church Street
1860 Flanking Caponniere
19 State Street
23 Tradd Street
26 Tradd Street
28 Chapel Street
300th Anniversary of the Settlement of Charles Towne
31 Savage Street
32 Legare Street
36 Meeting Street
36 Meeting Street
37 Meeting Street
39 Meeting Street
41 For Freedom
42 Church Street
42-Pounder, Banded and Rifled
54 King Street
54 Queen Street
55 Ashley Avenue The Baker House
58 Tradd Street
6 Water Street - Francis Saltus House
6.4-Inch (100-Pounder) Parrott
66 Bull Street The John Cart House
69 Ashley Avenue Eli Gedding House
7-Inch Brooke Rifle, Triple Banded
72-74 Tradd Street
73 Church Street
8 Legare Street
8-10 Tradd Street
8-inch (200 Pounder) Parrott
8-Inch Columbiad
8-inch Parrott (200 Pounder)
83-107 East Bay Street Rainbow Row
83-85 Church Street
90 East Bay Street Ancrum Wharf Building
95 Ashley Avenue
95 Lenwood Boulevard
A Common Lodging
A Forgotten Branch Of The Service . . . The U.S. Army Coast Artillery
A History of Courtenay Square
A House in Mourning: Death of a Soldier
A Temporary Home?
A Unique Find Brings Unanswered Questions
A-6E Intruder
A4C Skyhawk
Affra Harleston Coming
African American Cemetery
AH 1 Cobra
Alexander Christie House
Alhambra Hall
America Responds To A New Challenge
Anchor of the U.S.S. Coral Sea
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry / Solomon's Lodge No. 1
Ann Peacock House
Archibald Rutledge Birthplace
Arming the Fort
Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge
As Old as Charleston
Battery Cheves
Battery Haskell
Battery Huger
Battery Jasper
Battery Number 5
Battery Reed
Battle of Fort Sullivan
Battle of Secessionville
Battle of Sol-Legare Island
Battle of Sullivans Island
Belvidere School Site
Benjamin Lucas House
Bethel Methodist Church
Bible Depository
Black and White Worlds:
Blake Tenements
Blake-Grimké House
Blockade Runners
Bound For Glory
Branford-Horry House
Brickyard Plantation
Brig. Gen. R. S. Ripley
British Attack
British Attack at Breach Inlet / Battery Marshall
Building a Nation
Building Forts
Buildings All of Wood?
Buoyant Mine
Burger's Tavern
Burke High School
Calvary Episcopal Church
Camden Depot
Cameron House
Camp of Wild's African Brigade, 1863 - 1864 / Wild's Brigade Cemetery
Cannon Row
Cannon Street Hospital / McClennan Banks Memorial Hospital
Cannon Street Y
Capers Motte House
Captain John Christie
Carrier-Based A-6 Intruder
Casemates and Cannon
Casper Christian Schutt House
Cassique of the Kiawah
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
Champneys' Pink Cluster
Channel 2 & Suzie Q
Charles Pinckney
Charles Pinckney - Statesman
Charles Town in the American Revolution
Charles Towne / Old Town Plantation
Charleston Besieged
Charleston City Market
Charleston City Market
Charleston Gas Light Company
Charleston Harbor
Charleston Light Dragoons
Charleston Naval Hospital Historic District
Charleston Naval Yard Officers' Quarters Historic District
Charleston Navy Yard Historic District
Charleston Public Water System
Charleston Surrenders
Charleston Waterfront
Christ Church
Cigar Factory / We Shall Overcome
Citadel Flag
City Hall
City Market
Civil War Armament
Civil War Defense of Sullivan's Island
Civil War Torpedo Boatmen Memorial
Civilian Conservation Corps
Clamagore (SS-343)
Clark Mills Studio
Coastal Defense: The Endicott System
Col. Othneil Beale's House
Col. William Rhett House
Cold War Submarine Memorial
College of Charleston
Colonel John Stuart House
Colonel William Rhett
Confederate Cemetery / Memorial
Confederate Defenders of Charleston
Confederate Lines
Constitutional Convention of 1868
Controlling the Harbor
Convention on Ratification
Cook's Old Field Cemetery / Copahee Plantation and Hamlin Beach
Cooper - O'Conner House
County of Charleston Historic Courthouse
Cove Inlet
Crime & Punishment: Tyed to the Usual Tree
CS H.L. Hunley
Daniel Huger House
Daniel Ravenel II House
Darby Building
David Ramsay House
Deerhead Oak
Defending Charleston
Defending Charleston 1861-1865
Defense of Charleston Harbor Memorial
Dewar-Lee-Pringle House
Disappearing Rifle: The Endicott System
Discovering the Hunley
Dr. Henry Woodward
Dr. Joseph Johnson House
Dr. Thomas Dale House
Dr. Vincent Le Seigneur House
Dr. William Cleland's House
Drayton Hall / Drayton Family
DuBose Heyward House
E-1B Tracer
Edgar Wells House
Edmund Jenkins / Ocean Grove Cemetery
Edward Rutledge
Eleven - Inch Dahlgren Gun
Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson
Elizabeth Jackson
Elizabeth Timothy
Emanuel A.M.E. Church
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Emanuel AME Church
Enlisted Men's Barracks
Ernest F. "Fritz" Hollings
Etiwan Masonic Lodge
F-14A Tomcat
F-4J Phantom II
F-8K Crusader
F/A-18A Hornet
Farmers and Exchange Bank
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Project SC 1233 F
Federal Expedition on John's Island / Battle of Burden's Causeway
Fielding Home for Funerals
Fireproof Building
Fireproof Building
First Baptist Church
First Central Station in South Carolina
First Medical College of South Carolina Site
Flags of the Fort
Fort Johnson
Fort Moultrie
Fort Moultrie
Fort Moultrie II
Fort Sumter 1861-65
Fort Sumter Bombarded
Fort Sumter Bricks
Fort Sumter Today
Fort Sumter Today
Foundations of the Southern Plantation
Foundations of the Southern Plantation
Francis Salvador
French Botanical Garden
Friendship A.M.E. Church
From Military Base to National Park
Gadsden's Wharf
Gedney Main Howe, Jr
General William Moultrie / Moultrie Schools
Genevieve Kanapaux McMahon
George Eveleigh House
George Washington Statue
German Confederate Soldier's Monument
Ghost Structure
Glover - Sottile House
Gorge Wall
Grave Of Colonel William A. Washington
Grave of General William Moultrie
Greater Charleston Naval Base Memorial
Greenhill Community / Greenhill Farming
Greyhounds Of The Fleet
Grice Marine Laboratory
H. L. Hunley Memorial
H.L. Hunley
H.L. Hunley Disappears
H.M.S. Seraph
Haddrell's Point
Hampstead Cemetery
Hampton Park Terrace
Hampton Plantation
Harbor Defense
Harbor Defense 1809-1860
Harbor Defense 1898-1939
Harbor Vigilance
Harleston Boags Funeral Home
Harmon Field / Cannon Street All-Stars
Harnessing the Wind
Harry M. Hallman, Jr.
Harth-Middleton House
Helicopter Attack Squadron (Light) Three Memorial
Henry Timrod
Heyward-Washington House
Hibben House
Hibernian Hall
Hints of Slave Row
Historic Fort Sumter - Fort Sumter Today
Historical Sketch
Hobcaw Point Powder Magazine
Hobcaw Shipyards
Hog Island
Holding the Fort
Home of Doctor John Lining
Home of Robert Limehouse
Hospital Strike of 1969
Huguenot Church
Hurricane Hugo
I. Jenkins Mikell House
In Memoriam USS Thresher and USS Scorpion
In Need of an Ally
In Search of the Walled City
In Trust
Institute Hall / "The Union Is Dissolved!"
Irish Volunteers
Ironclads Attack
I'on Cemetery
Jacob Bond I'On
Jacob Motte House
James Francis Byrnes
James Verree House
Jasper Green/ Sergeant William Jasper
Jenkins Orphanage
Jenkins Orphanage
John Caldwell Calhoun
John Cordes Prioleau House
John Fullerton House
John McCall House
John McKee House
John P. Grace Tower
John Rutledge Home
Johnson's Row
John's Island Presbyterian Church
Jonathan Jasper Wright
Jones-Howell House
Joseph Verree House
Josiah Flagg
Judge J. Waties Waring
Judge Robert Pringle House
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim
Kornahrens-Guenveur House
Laing School
Laurens - Rutledge House
Lee Cohen Harby
Liberty Hill
Liberty or Death
Lord Cornwallis
Lowcountry Waterways
Lucas 1792 Wind Powered Sawmill
Lucius Mendel Rivers
Magnolia Cemetery
Magnolia Plantation
Major General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Major General William Moultrie
Major Peter Bocquet's House
Major Robert Anderson
Marion Square
Market Hall and Sheds
Marshlands House
Maybank Green / Hobcaw Plantation
McDonnell F-4C Phantom II
Miles Brewton House
Milton's Ferry Tavern
Mining Casemate
Mixed Results
Moore-Trapman-Wragg House
Morris Island
Mount Pleasant Academy
Mount Pleasant Home for Destitute Children
Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church
Mount Pleasant Waterworks
Mountain Howitzer
Move a 50,000 pound Rodman Gun
Nathaniel Russell House
Night Attack
Nine College Way
Northwest Bastionet
Oceola / Patapsco Dead
Old Bank Building
Old Bethel Methodist Church
Old Bethel United Methodist Church
Old Marine Hospital
Old Wappetaw Church
On the Edge of an Empire
One Broad Street
One Hand Sanders / Prince's Ferry
One North Adger's Wharf
Ordinance of Secession
P.G.T. Beauregard
Palmetto Fort
Park Circle
Parker Drayton House
Passengers and Products
Patjens Post Office
Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum/The Medal of Honor Museum
Patriots Point Vietnam Memorial
Philip Porcher House
Philip Simmons
Phillips Community
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
Pierates Cruze / Pierates Cruze Gardens
Pitt Street Merchants
Plainsfield Plantation
Plant - a - Palm
Poinsett Tavern
Point Plantation
Point Plantation / Richmond Plantation
Pollitzer House
Port of Charleston
Postponed Aspirations
Powder Magazine
Powder Magazine
Powder Magazine Flags
Poyas-Mordecai House
Prayer Composed By Ellison Capers
President's House
Protecting the Colony The Palisade Wall
Quaker Burial Ground
Quaker Cemetery
Rearming the Fort
Redoubt Number 3
Remnant of Horn Work
Revolutionary Artillery
Revolutionary War Artillery
Rice Trunk
Rice, Rattlesnakes, and Rainwater
Richard Hutson
Richard Tillia Morrison
Rifle Range Road
Riverside Beach / White's Paridise
Riversville / Battle of Secessionville
Riviera Theatre
Robert Brewton House
Robert Gibbes
Robert Smalls
Ronkin's Long Room / Ferry Service
Royal Judge John Drayton
S-2 Tracker
S-3B Viking
Sally Port
Second Bank of the United States
Section of parapet, or upper portion of the wall
Seeking, Wealth, Sowing Servitude
Septima Clark Birthplace
Septima P. Clark Expressway
Septima Poinsette Clark
Septima Poinsette Clark 1898-1987
Sergeant Jasper
Seven - Inch Banded Brooks Rifle
SH-3G Sea King
Shell Rings and Shell Middens
Shem Creek
Shepheard's Tavern
Ship Shaping
Shipyard Road / Shelmore Boulevard
Siege of Fort Sumter
Silas N. Pearman Tower
Simmons-Edwards House
Sir Nathaniel Johnson
Site of Fort Johnson
Site of Fort Mechanic
Site of Old Charles Town
Site of St. Andrew's Hall
Site of the First Methodist Church
Site of the First Public Lending Library in the American Colonies
Site of the William Burrows House
Slave Auctions
Slave Community
Snee Farm
Snee Farm
Sol Blatt, Jr.
Soldiers Ground
Sons of Charleston Confederate Monument
South Carolina Canal & Rail Road Company
South Carolina Generals Memorial
St. Andrew's Church
St. Andrews Parish Church
St. James Santee Parish Church
St. James Santee Parish Veterans Memorial
St. John's Church
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
St. Paul's, Stono / St. Paul's Churchyard
St. Peter's Catholic Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church Cemetery
St. Philip's Church
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Stained Dirt?!
Star of the West
Stede Bonnet / Richard Worley
Still On Patrol
Swamp Angel
Sweetgrass Baskets
Tabby Seawall Remnants
Tales of the Tub
Talos Missile
Ten - Inch Smooth Bore Columbaid Cannon
The A-4 Skyhawk Pilots
The A-7E Corsair II
The Adventure, Trading Ketch
The Benjamin DuPré House
The Best Friend of Charleston
The Borough Houses
The Boulevard
The Bowles - Legare House
The Charleston Museum's Joseph Manigault House
The Civil War Submarine, H.L. Hunley
The Colonel Alexander Hext Tenements
The Colonel James English House
The Columbiad
The Confederate Home
The Douxsaint House
The Elms
The Elms Plantation
The F-4 Phantom Pilots
The Farr House
The Ferry Tract
The First Presbyterian Church of Charleston
The First Shot of the War of Secession
The Footlight Players Workshop
The Garrison Defending Fort Sumter
The Gator Navy
The George Ducat House
The Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina
The Hunley Recovery Project
The Independent or Congregational Church of Charlestown
The John Blake House
The John Fabre Jr. House
The John N. Tidemann House
The Joseph Manigault House
The Joseph Yates House
The Julius L. Lee House
The King's Highway / Coleman Boulevard
The Landscape of the Enslaved
The Liberty Tree
The Lowcountry Seamans Memorial
The Moses C. Levy House
The Most Reverend Emmet Michael Walsh
The Navy Base
The Nicholas Trott House
The Noyer-Wildhagen House
The Old Exchange
The Old Powder Magazine
The Old Village
The Parsonage / Miss Izard's School
The Progressive Club
The Railroad Comes To Charleston
The Rev. John G. Drayton
The Reverend Paul Trapier Gervais House
The Salvaging of this Gun
The Samuel Wainwright House
The Search Goes On
The Seizure of the Planter
The Siege of Charleston, 1780
The Site of Carteret Bastion
The Site of Colleton Bastion
The Site of Craven Bastion
The Site of Granville Bastion
The Society of the Cincinnati of the State of South Carolina
The South Carolina Society
The Stono Rebellion
The Tavern
The Two Cannons
The Unitarian Church in Charleston
The Unitarian Church in Charleston
The Walled City of Charles Town
The Whilden House / 54th Massachusetts Regiment
The William Vanderhorst House
Thirteen Inch Mortar
This Building
This is Sullivan's Island
Thomas Bee's House
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
Thomas Lamboll House 19 King Street
Thomas Legare House
Thomas Lynch at Rivertowne
Thomas Pinckney / St. James, Santee
Thomas Rose's House
Thomas Smith
Thomson Park
Timothy Ford's House
To the Defenders of Fort Moultrie
Toomer- Purse House
Trade, Profits and Support
Traverse c.1820
Trinity Methodist Church Original Site / William Hammett
Trott's Cottage
U.S. Courthouse and Post Office / Briggs V. Elliott
U.S. Custom House
U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
U.S.S. Laffey
Union Heights / Howard Heights
United Order of Tents Building
United States Marine Hospital
USS Clamagore
USS Hobson Tribute
USS Pollack (SSN 603) USS Haddo (SSN 604)
USS Pringle (DD-477)
USS Yorktown (CV~10)
Vaughn Edward Kee
Victory at Breach Inlet
Wade Hampton Monument
Wagner-Trott Building
Walker, Evans & Cogswell Company
Wando Pottery
War of 1812 Encampment
Washington Light Infantry
Washington Light Infantry Monument
Water for the Army
William A. Giles
William Aiken House
William Blacklock House
William Bull's House
William C. McElheran House
William Gibbes House
William Gilmore Simms
William Harvey House
William Harvey House
William Mills Tenement
William Pinckney Shingler House
William Rhett House
Wilson-Sottile House
Windsor Hill Plantation
Windsor Hill Plantation
Wooden Ships And Iron Men
World War II Submarine Lost Boat Memorial
Wragg Square
Young-Johnson House
"Storm of the Century"
"The Kings Highway"
Brave & Happy Settlements
In 1670, the English established the first permanent European settlement in the region, known as Charles Towne. The settlement quickly grew and became an important trading port, attracting colonists from England, Scotland, and Germany. By the early 18th century, Charleston had become one of the wealthiest and largest cities in the American colonies.
During the Revolutionary War, Charleston played a pivotal role as a major British stronghold. In 1780, the city was attacked and captured by British forces, leading to a period of occupation until 1782. However, Charlestonians' resilience and contributions to the war effort were crucial in gaining independence.
In the 19th century, Charleston County experienced tremendous growth and prosperity, driven by industries such as rice and indigo plantations, and later, the cotton industry. This prosperity relied heavily on enslaved African labor, leading to significant social, economic, and cultural impacts on the county. The rise of the abolitionist movement and the ensuing Civil War would later shape Charleston's history and lead to its ultimate transformation.
Today, Charleston County is a diverse and vibrant region, known for its historic charm, beautiful architecture, and thriving tourism industry. It continues to honor and preserve its rich history while embracing progress and growth in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and technology.
Brief timeline of the history of Charleston County, South Carolina:
- 1670 - Charleston County established when English settlers arrive and establish Charles Town.
- 1718 - Blackbeard the pirate is killed off the coast of Charleston County.
- 1776 - Charleston County residents sign the South Carolina Constitution.
- 1861 - American Civil War begins with the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston County.
- 1871 - First public school in Charleston County opens.
- 1927 - Ravenel Bridge, connecting Charleston County to Mount Pleasant, is completed.
- 1989 - Hurricane Hugo hits Charleston County, causing significant damage.
- 2000 - Charleston County population reaches over 309,969 people.
- 2015 - Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church shooting in Charleston County.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Charleston County, South Carolina.