Historical Markers in Montgomery County, Maryland
11333 Woodglen Drive
1862 Antietam Campaign
1862 Antietam Campaign
1891 Red Brick Courthouse
20101 Fisher Avenue
24-Hour Service
9-11 Memorial KVFD
A 19th Century Crossroads
A Center of Culture and Commerce
A Community Grows
A Downtown is Born
A Geologic Barrier
A Heroine's Home
A Life of Service
A Lift Lock
A Mixed Community
A New Deal in Town
A Night at the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory
A Real Field of Dreams
A Refuge
A Royal Audience
A Totem For Healing
A Trolley Returns to Glen Echo
A Veterans Life in Montgomery County
A Way for Fish
Adam Robb's Tavern
African American Soldiers from Montgomery County
African Americans and Quakers in Sandy Spring
Agricultural History Farm Park
Agriculture on the Riley Plantation
Ament Hall
An Ideal Crossing
Andrew Small Academy
Archaeology at Dowden's Ordinary
Archaeology at Josiah Henson Park
Archie Bell (Jerry)
Artist's Conception of Battery Bailey, Circa 1862
Arts Pavilion
At All Hours
At the Junction of War and Peace:
At This Location
August 26, 1814
Autre - St. Marys Plantation
Azalea Garden
B.Y. Morrison Park
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Bridge Abutment
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station
Barnesville Station
Baseball Field
Battery Bailey
Beall-Dawson House
Beall-Dawson House and Park
Beall-Dawson House and Park
Bear and the Steelhead
Belle Ziegler Park
Bentley House
Bethesda Meeting House
Bethesda's Big Train
Bicentennial of Maryland's Ratification of the Constitution
Bingham-Brewer House
Black Hill Gold Mine
Black Rock Mill and Great Seneca Creek
Blair House
Blair Mansion: Silver Spring / Blair Station Post Office
Boats Passing By
Boundary Stone
Boundary Stone of Rockville
Brewer Farmstead
Briggs House
Brookes, Russell and Walker Historic District
Brookeville - Mt. Zion / Early Builders in Sandy Spring: The Robert Hill Story
Brookeville Academy
Brookeville Angel
Building Blocks
Building The Cabin John Bridge
Building The Future
Burnt Mills
Bussard Farmhouse
c. 1926
c. 1931
Canada Dry Building
Carroll Avenue Bridge
Cemetery of the Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Centennial Garden
Charles Drew
Charles Gilbert Thomas, Sr. / William and Evan Budd Homestead / Sandy Spring School / Ross J. Boddy
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal
Chesapeake and Ohio Aqueduct
Chestnut/Meem Historic District
Children Growing Up in Montgomery County
Christ Episcopal Church
Cincinnati, Largest African American Settlement / Journey from Alloway to Sandy Spring
Civil War Troops & Darnestown Residents
Clara Barton House
Clean Drinking Manor
Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church
Clues to the Past: Oral History and Archaeology
Col. Guilford Dudley Bailey
Colonel Joseph Belt
Comus Inn
Conduit Track Switch and Crossover
Conservation Landscaping
Countee Cullen / The Odd Fellows Lodge
Court House Square
Creating a National Park
Daniel Carroll II
Daniel Carroll of Rock Creek
Darnestown: A Strategic Point of Defense
Davis-Warner House
Dawson Farm - 1840-1979
DC Area Sniper Victims Memorial
Dedicated To Those From Kensington Who Served Their Country In The Armed Forces
Defending the City of Washington
DeSellum Family Cemetery
Disease, Death, and Medical Discoveries During the Civil War
DNC Building
Dowden's Ordinary: A French & Indian War Site
Dowden's Ordinary: The Elephant Comes to Clarksburg
Dowdens Ordinary
Dr. James Anderson House
Dr. Stonestreet's Office
Dr. Thomas Sprigg Wootton
Drop Gate Locks
Early Blacksmith Shop
Early Rockville Residential Area
Early Takoma
Early's Raid on Washington
East Oaks
Edmonston's Mill
Edwards Ferry
Edwards Ferry
Efficient Irrigation System
Eliza Howard and Descendants / Remembering the Bells, Hopkins, Harriday Families
Ellen Stofan
Enoch George Howard and John Henry Howard / The Dorsey, Williams and Johnson Connections
Enticing Business
Equestrian Heritage
Eugenie Clark
Evans Parkway Neighborhood Park
Farm Road Bed
Farming and Labor in Montgomery County
Father Divine Birthplace
Fawcett's Mill
Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler
Fighting Floods
Finding a Niche
First Bank, First Heist
Five Points, historic crossroads
Forced Migration
Forest Glen Railroad Station
Formal Gardens
Fort Sumner
Founding of Takoma Park
Fragrance Garden
Freedmen during Reconstruction in Montgomery County
From Trolley to Trail
Gaithersburg Washington Grove Volunteer Fire Department
Galilean Temple
Garrett Park Waiting Room
Garrett Park, MD
Garrett Park, Md.
Gassaway House
General Edward Braddock
General George W. Getty, U.S.A.
Geodetic Marker
George Washington Carver Junior College
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gibbs v. Broome, et al. / 1931 Courthouse
Glen Echo Civil Rights Protest
Glen Echo From Past to Present
Glen Echo Park
Glen Echo Park
Glen Echo Park c. 1930
Glen Echo Park: Aerial View c. 1954
Glen Echo Park: Chautaugua c. 1891
Glen Echo Park: Protest Years 1960
Glen Echo Park: Spanish Ballroom c. 1943
Glen Echo Parks Crystal Pool
Glen Echos Art Deco Arcade
Glenview Mansion
Gold Mining in Maryland
Good Hope Settlement / Hill Top Elementary School
Goshen Mills
Great Falls of the Potomac
Great Falls Tavern
Great Falls Tavern
Great Hall
Grusendorf Log House
Gude Garden
Guests at The Forest Inn
Haile Salassie
Haiti-Martin's Lane Community
Hallowed Ground
Harridays and Carrolls / Carolyn Snowden
Heat Up, Cool Down
Hebron House and Print Shop
Higgins House
Higgins Tavern
Historic Brookeville
Historic Montrose School
Historic Poolesville
Historic Site
Historic Sites Allegedly Connected to the Underground Railroad / Mamma Annie Matthews
History and Purpose of the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory
History of the Sandy Spring Friends Meeting House
Home of Samuel Wade Magruder
How Did Josiah Henson Help Free Enslaved People?
How the Mill Worked
Howard Chapel Cemetery
Hungerford Tavern
Hungerford Tavern / Susan Russell House
Hungerford Tavern Site
Hyattstown Mill
In Everlasting Memory of the Anguish of Our Ancestors
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory of Robert W. Lebling
In Memory of LTC Karen J. Wagner
In Memory of Sgt. Christopher Thornton
In This House
Indonesia Muslim Association in America (IMAAM) Center
Inlet Locks
J. Craig Venter
Jerusalem - Mt. Pleasant Church and Parsonage
Jesup Blair House
John A. Belt Building
John C. Brown Memorial Bridge
John Carroll
Josiah Henson
Jubal Earlys Raid on Washington
Kemp Mill
Kensington Cabin
Kwame Nkrumah
Lamar House
Land, Lumber & Lyrics
Layton House
Leatha Howard Holland Webster / William Howard Hill & Anna Virginia Carter Hill
Lee Family Cemetery
Lee Jordan
Lee Jordan Field
Leibo's Place
Liberty Mill
Life During Encampment in Montgomery County
Life in the Slave Quarters
Linden Farm
Living in Takoma Park
Lockhouse 10
Lockhouse 22
Lockhouse 6
Locust Grove
Log Cabin
Looking North up Wisconsin Avenue at Old Georgetown Road in 1940
Loughborough Mill
Loughborough Mill
Lucy Simpson's Rockville Institute
Luther Rice
Madison House
Madonna of the Trail
Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock and His Men
MARC Train #286
Margaret Brooke House
Marian Fryer
Martha Howard and John H. Murphy Alliance / Mutual Memorial Cemetery
Martin Rodbell
Maryland: Confederate or Union State?
Matthew Henson
Mattie J.T. Stepanek Peace Garden
Meadowbrook Stables
Memorial for Pvt. Robert J. Harmon Jr. (1946 - 1969) and Pvt. Robert C. Hobstetter (1938 - 1969)
Memorial to the Events of September 11, 2001
Meridian Mark Pier and Geodetic Survey Monuments
Mica Mine Ruins
Middlebrook Mills
Mill Worker's Cottage
Mills in the Upcounty
Millstone From Alfred Ray's Property
Minnehaha Creek
Modern Banking
Monocacy Aqueduct
Montgomery County Court House
Montgomery County Jail
Mr. T's
Mt. Ephraim Crossroads
Murphy House
Mutual Memorial Cemetery
Mysteries of the Hopkins House / Free Black Slaves Settled the Norbeck Community
National Naval Medical Center
National Naval Medical Center in the 1940s
Neal Potter Plaza
Near This Spot Lived and Lies Buried Jeremiah Crabbe
Nelson Mandela
Newlins Mill
Newlins Mill Millstone
Newport Mills
Nike Missile Local Park
Nina Honemond Clarke / The Richard Perry Budd House / The Budd, Williams, Butler Lineage
Norbeck Rosenwald School
Oakley Cabin
Of By For
Old Georgetown Road
Old Georgetown Road
Old Glory
Old Spring House & Pool of Bethesda
Olive Branch Community Church / The Awkards and Smith Families
Olmsted Island
Olney House
Olney Inn Gas Lanterns
One Hundred Years a Town
One Tree's Life
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, North Cornerstone
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northeast 1
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northeast 2
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 4
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 5
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 6
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 7
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 8
Original Federal Boundary Stone, District of Columbia, Northwest 9
Our Agricultural Heritage
Our Daily Bread
Our Flag Display
Out of Africa
Photos of Historic Kensington
Planetary Radio Emissions Discovery Site
Potomac Cemetery and Church Grounds
Potomac River
Prehistoric Rock Shelters
Preserving a Community Resource
Preserving the Riley-Bolten House
President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the NIH Bethesda campus on this site, October 31, 1940
Prettyman House
Prettyman House
Profiles of the Richard Perry Budd and Williams Families in Sandy Spring
Pythian Temple
Quakers Practicing their Faith in Montgomery County
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson House
Railway Bed
Raven and the Sun
Red Brick Courthouse
Reflections of Old Germantown
Regional Parks
Repairing the Breach at Anglers
Return to the Riley Farm
Rice The Educator
Rice The Journalist
Rice The Missionary
Rice The Organizer
Richard Montgomery
Rockville Academy
Rockville Baptist Church and Cemetery
Rockville Business District
Rockville Methodist Episcopal Church - Jerusalem Mount Pleasant United United Methodist Church
Rockville Station
Rockville Town Square
Rockville Town Square
Rockville Town Square
Rockville Town Square
Rockville's First Colored School / Rockville's Second Colored School
Rockville's Pump House
Rocky Glen Farm / Dawson Farm: 1840-1980
Rocky Glen Farm / Dawson Farmhouse: Built 1874
Rocky Glen Farm / Dawson Farmhouse: Built 1912
Rolling Ridge
Ross J. Boddy / Archie (Jerry) Bell / Hill Top Elementary School
Round Oak Missionary Baptist Church / Sandy Spring African American Heritage Trail
Rowsers Ford
Rowsers Ford
Sadie Matthews Budd and Family / The Bowens, Mitchells and Jacksons of Ashton and Baltimore, MD
Saint Mary's Catholic Church
Saint Mary's Church
Salute to the Quakers
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting Site
Sandy Spring Museum / The Evan Snowden Dynasty: Born Free at the Manor
Sandy Spring's African American Families
Schwartz House / City Hall
Scott H. Lawson
Second Lieutenant William J. Christman, III
Seneca Mill
Seneca Mills During the Civil War
Seneca Schoolhouse
Seneca Stone Barn
Seneca Store
Seneca Store
Serving the Community's Health Care Needs
Shaka Zulu
Shirley Povich
Silver Opportunity
Silver Spring Armory
Silver Spring Armory 1914
Silver Spring B & O Railroad Station
Silver Spring Experienced by a Mother and Child, 1861-1865
Silver Spring in the Civil War
Silver Spring Shopping Center
Silver Spring Shopping Center
Slaving Clipper Ship
Sligo Creek Waterworks
Smithville Colored School
Snowden Funeral Home
Snowden's Mill
Spirited Entertainment
Springing Over the Monocacy / The Enduring Aqueduct
Springing Up
St. Peter's Church
Stonestreet Medical Museum
Stream Restoration
Sugarloaf Mountain
Suggestions for Walking the Labyrinth
Summit Hall Farm
Summit Hall Farm Smokehouse
Supplying an Agricultural Community
Swing-Gate Locks
Tavern Life at Dowden's Ordinary
Tennallytown and Rockville Railroad
The 4-H Club Pledge
The Aloha Cottage
The Bank of Bethesda Building
The Bell Tower Building
The Bingham-Brewer House
The Blair Family and the Civil War
The Blair Family and their Silver Spring Homes
The Bridge to Understanding
The Burger King
The Business of Agriculture:
The Centennial Anchor
The Chandler Wobble
The Changing Face of Glen Echo
The Church that Named a Community
The Civil War at Poolesville
The Civil War in Darnestown
The Civil War in Silver Spring
The Clara Barton House
The Clara Barton Trail
The Cliff Bland Recreation Area
The Community of Silver Spring
The Confederate Monument
The Dalecarlia Tunnel
The Early Years
The Edgar Perry House
The Expansion of the Seminary
The Fall Line and the Gorge
The First Building for the Bethesda Fire Department
The Floods
The Forest Inn
The Gaithersburg School
The Gaithersburg Wye
The Georgetown Branch Railroad
The Georgetown Branch Railroad
The Germantown Bank
The Glen Echo Park Yurts
The Global Refugee Mural
The Gymnasium
The Hall of Philosophy
The Harper Family Homestead
The Hay Drying Shed
The Historic Seneca Schoolhouse
The Historic St. Paul Community Church
The History of White's Ferry
The Holland Red Door Store
The Lock-Keepers
The Louis Stokes Laboratories
The Mary Woodard Lasker Center for Health Research and Education
The Maryland Mine
The Meathouse: A Food Vault
The Metropolitan Branch & Takoma Park
The Miller's Cottage
The Moore Cottage
The Musser Cemetery
The National Park Seminary Historic District
The Observatory
The Old Bank Building
The Origins of Darnestown
The Powell-Matthews-Cook and Brooks Families in Sandy Spring / Spencerville
The Rachel Carson Greenway
The Rachel Carson Greenway
The Rachel Carson Greenway
The Riley Plantation
The Roller Coasters of Glen Echo Amusement Park
The Sandy Spring
The Sandy Spring Ash Tree
The Schwartz House / Gaithersburg City Hall / Schwartz Peony Garden
The Scott Family / George and Georgianna Campbell
The Seneca Aqueduct
The Signal Corps and Wartime Communications
The Silver Spring
The Silver Spring Shopping Center
The Silver Theatre
The Summit Hotel
The Thomas / Siegler House and Garden
The Thomas Cannery
The Thomas Sisters: Legends from Holly Grove / The Johnsons, Powells and Awkards of Holly Grove
The Walter Reed Memorial
The Washington and Glen Echo Railroad
The Williams and Claggett Families in Ashton / Lineage of Greenberry Howard Family
The Woodlands
The 'Mayor' of Silver Spring
This Complex of Buildings and Gardens
Thomas House Site
To Honor the Memory of George A, (Jay) Chadwick Jr.
Town of Brookeville
Traveler's Impressions of Montgomery County
Tree of Hippocrates
Tree of Hippocrates
Tree of Hippocrates
Trial Garden
Tribute to Robert H. "Bob" Hill / Sharp Street United Methodist Church
Trolley Parks In America
Two Roads
Typhoid in Rockville
Unexpected Benefits in the CCC
Union Chapel
Valley Mill
Valley Mill House
Veirs Mill
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Plaza
Visions Realized
W.K. Kellogg Hall
Walt Penney Field
Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson House
Walter Reed Monument
Warren Historic Site
Warrick Hill / Cornelius Awkard, Tolbert Awkard and Offords / James Offord
Washington Aqueduct
Washington's Farm
Watering the Canal
Waters' Mill
Watkins Mill
We Drivers!
We Will Never Forget
Welcome to Froggy Hollow
Welcome to Great Falls
Welcome to Ovid Hazen Wells Carousel at Wheaton Regional Park
Welcome to Poolesville
Welcome to the Woodlawn Stone Barn Visitor Center
Welcome to Washington Grove
Wells-Robertson House
What Happened Here?
What is a Battery?
Wheaton Tunnel and Station
Wheaton Veterans Park
White's Ford
Whites Ferry
Whites Ferry
Whites Ferry
Whites Ford
Whites Ford
Who Was Josiah Henson?
Whose House Was This?
William L. Chaplin Arrested!
William Osler
Williams-Wilson House
Women on the Homefront in Montgomery County
Woodend Manor House
Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park / The Hill's of Holly Grove / Lineage of the Hill Family
Wootton's Mill
Working Hard To Survive
Xeriscape Demonstration Project
You Are Here - 1931
"All are Welcome to the Healing Plaza"
"Alluvium" is an artwork by Jim Sanborn
"Oh, It's You, Welcome!"
"The best scenery lies beyond the city, especially in the neighborhood of Cabin John Creek
"The Linden Oak"
"The Presidents Tree"
an extravagant expression of Victorian romanticism."
Most Lonesome Spot
A riotous country jumble
Out of Robbs Window, Montgomery County Court House.
Maryland was once a center of the slave trade: Maryland was one of the thirteen colonies that allowed slavery, and by the mid-18th century, it had become a major center of the domestic slave trade. Maryland slave traders sold enslaved people to plantation owners in other southern colonies and to the Caribbean.
About Montgomery County
Montgomery County Timeline
Montgomery County, Maryland has a rich and diverse history that spans centuries. Before European settlement, the area was inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Piscataway and the Seneca. The first European explorers arrived in the 17th century, with English settlers establishing tobacco plantations along the Potomac River. The county was officially formed in 1776, named after General Richard Montgomery, an American Revolutionary War hero.
During the 19th century, Montgomery County remained predominantly agricultural, with farms and small villages dotting the landscape. The construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the 1820s brought economic growth and trade to the county's towns located along the canal route. In 1852, the arrival of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad further stimulated development, connecting the county to other parts of Maryland and neighboring states.
In the 20th century, Montgomery County experienced significant suburbanization as Washington, D.C. expanded. The county became an attractive residential area for people working in the nation's capital. The completion of the Capital Beltway in the 1960s facilitated commuting and led to further growth and development. Montgomery County became known for its excellent schools, diverse neighborhoods, and a thriving economy, attracting people from various backgrounds and cultures.
Today, Montgomery County is one of the most populous and affluent counties in Maryland. It is home to a vibrant and diverse community, with a strong economy driven by industries such as biotechnology, healthcare, government agencies, and education. The county offers a wide range of recreational amenities, from parks and hiking trails to cultural institutions and shopping centers.
During the 19th century, Montgomery County remained predominantly agricultural, with farms and small villages dotting the landscape. The construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the 1820s brought economic growth and trade to the county's towns located along the canal route. In 1852, the arrival of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad further stimulated development, connecting the county to other parts of Maryland and neighboring states.
In the 20th century, Montgomery County experienced significant suburbanization as Washington, D.C. expanded. The county became an attractive residential area for people working in the nation's capital. The completion of the Capital Beltway in the 1960s facilitated commuting and led to further growth and development. Montgomery County became known for its excellent schools, diverse neighborhoods, and a thriving economy, attracting people from various backgrounds and cultures.
Today, Montgomery County is one of the most populous and affluent counties in Maryland. It is home to a vibrant and diverse community, with a strong economy driven by industries such as biotechnology, healthcare, government agencies, and education. The county offers a wide range of recreational amenities, from parks and hiking trails to cultural institutions and shopping centers.
Montgomery County Timeline
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Montgomery County, Maryland.
- 1694 - Montgomery County established as part of Maryland colony
- 1700s - Early settlements and growth in agriculture
- 1776 - Montgomery County residents support American Revolution
- 1801 - Capital of the United States moves to Washington, D.C., just south of Montgomery County
- 1850s - Construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal brings economic development
- 1861-1865 - Montgomery County residents participate in the American Civil War
- 1873 - Great Montgomery County Fair established
- 1878 - Founding of the Maryland Agricultural College (now University of Maryland)
- 1890s - Introduction of electric streetcars
- 1950s - Suburbanization and rapid population growth
- 1970s - Construction of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's Red Line
- 1980s - Establishment of technology and biotechnology industries in the county
- 2000s - Growth of diverse communities and emphasis on environmental sustainability