Historical Markers in
Prince Edward County, Virginia

1951 Student Walk-Out A New Birth of Freedom About Hampden-Sydney College Action at High Bridge African-Americans at High Bridge American Revolution Memorial Barbara Rose Johns Battle of Sailors Creek Battle of Sailor's Creek Beulah AME Church Blanche Kelso Bruce Camp Paradise Campaign of 1781 Cavalry Battle at High Bridge CCC Company 1390 Civil War Memorial Confederate Veterans Monument Double Bridges Double Bridges Dr. William W. H. Thackston Everett Stadium Ewell’s Line of Defense Farmville Farmville Female Seminary Association First Baptist Church Four Sororities Founded Free Blacks of Israel Hill French's Church Hampden-Sydney Hampden-Sydney College Hampden-Sydney College High Bridge High Bridge Trail High Bridge Trail State Park History of Worsham Kingsville Korean War Memorial Lee's Retreat Lockett House Lockett House Longwood Longwood College Longwood Estate Longwood University Main Street - Mayor J. David Crute - EACO Theatre Marshall’s Crossroads Martha E. Forrester Meherrin Station Mount Pleasant Methodist Church Oliver White Hill Sr. Presbyterian Seminary Prince Edward County / Nottoway County Prince Edward County / Nottoway County Prince Edward County Public Schools Prince Edward State Park for Negroes Prince Edward State Park for Negroes Prince Edward State Park: A Refuge of Freedom Providence Pushing the Boundaries R.R. Moton High School Randolph-Macon Medical School Rice’s Depot Rich in History Robert Russa Moton High School Robert Russa Moton High School Timeline Roll of Honor Sailor’s Creek September 11 Memorial Sharon Baptist Church Site of the Randolph House Slate Hill Plantation Spanish-American War Memorial Sulphur Spring Baptist Church The Beneficial Benevolent Society of the Loving Sisters and Brothers of Hampden County The Birthplace The Crallé Family The High Bridge The Light of Reconciliation / Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, Twin Lakes State Park Tyrus Raymond Cobb Vernon Johns Veterans Memorial Vietnam War Memorial World War I Memorial World War I Memorial World War II Memorial
Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was known as the "Virgin Queen" because she never married.
Prince Edward County, Virginia, has a rich history dating back to the early colonial period. The area was first settled in the early 18th century, with English settlers building farms and plantations along the Appomattox River. Originally part of Amelia County, Prince Edward County was officially established in 1754 and named after Prince Edward, Duke of York and Albany.

During the American Revolutionary War, Prince Edward County played a significant role as a strategic location between the cities of Richmond and Petersburg. The county saw various skirmishes and military movements, with many local residents joining the fight for independence. After the war, the county's economy mainly depended on tobacco plantations, which were worked by both enslaved African Americans and white indentured servants.

In the mid-19th century, Prince Edward County became known for its prominent educational institutions. Hampden-Sydney College, one of the oldest liberal arts colleges in the United States, was founded in 1775 and continues to operate to this day. Additionally, in 1896, the Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute (now known as Virginia State University) was established in nearby Ettrick, providing higher education for African American students.

However, the county's history took a darker turn during the era of segregation. In 1951, the local public schools were closed as a result of the infamous Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County case. The white-dominated local government responded to the Supreme Court's ruling on school desegregation by closing all public schools for five years rather than integrating them. The "Massive Resistance" movement in the county gained national attention and left thousands of African American students without access to education until the schools reopened in 1959.

Today, Prince Edward County is a thriving community that encompasses both rural landscapes and vibrant towns. Its history, though marked by both progress and challenges, serves as a reminder of the county's resilience and the ongoing struggle for equality.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Prince Edward County, Virginia.

  • 1608: Captain John Smith explores the area.
  • 1754: Prince Edward County is formed from parts of Amelia County.
  • 1807: The town of Farmville is established as the county seat.
  • 1819: Hampden-Sydney College, the oldest privately chartered college in the southern United States, is founded.
  • 1865: During the American Civil War, Prince Edward County is occupied by Union forces.
  • 1951: The Racial Integrity Act, requiring racial purity in marriage, is unsuccessfully challenged in the county.
  • 1959: Prince Edward County shuts down public schools in response to the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, leading to the "Lost Schools" period.
  • 1964: The Supreme Court orders the reopening of public schools, ending the "Lost Schools" period.