During World War II, a Japanese internment camp was located in Utah. The Topaz War Relocation Center, located in Millard County, held more than 8,000 Japanese Americans who were forced to leave their homes on the West Coast.
Iron County, Utah has a rich and diverse history that spans centuries. The area was initially inhabited by indigenous tribes such as the Southern Paiute people, who thrived off the region's abundant natural resources. In the mid-1800s, Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young, began to settle in the area and establish communities.

In 1851, Parowan was settled and became the first permanent settlement in Iron County. The town quickly grew as more Mormon settlers arrived, and it became an important agricultural and social center in the region. Parowan is also notable for its beautifully preserved historical buildings from the 19th century.

Iron mining played a significant role in the history of Iron County. In the late 1800s, large iron deposits were discovered in the region, leading to the establishment of mining towns like Cedar City and Iron Springs. These towns experienced a boom as mining operations brought an influx of people and economic prosperity to the area. Cedar City became the county seat in 1893, and it remains an important city in Iron County today.

Throughout the 20th century, Iron County continued to develop and diversify its economy. The mining industry remained prominent, but other industries such as agriculture, tourism, and education also became significant contributors to the local economy. Today, Iron County is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including Cedar Breaks National Monument and Brian Head Ski Resort, which attract visitors from far and wide.

In summary, Iron County, Utah's history is marked by the settlement of pioneers, the discovery of iron deposits, and the growth of vibrant towns. From its early days as a settlement for Mormon pioneers, to the booming mining industry, and its present-day status as a tourist destination, Iron County has continuously evolved and adapted to the changing times.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Iron County, Utah.

  • 1850: Iron County was settled by Mormon pioneers.
  • 1851: Parowan was established by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) as the first permanent settlement in Iron County.
  • 1852: Iron County became a separate entity, with its own government and organization.
  • 1855: The Iron Mission was established in Iron County, focusing on iron mining and production.
  • 1857: The Mormon Pioneer Trail passed through Iron County, bringing many settlers to the area.
  • 1861: The town of Cedar City was founded in Iron County.
  • 1893: The first train arrived in Cedar City, connecting Iron County to the national transportation network.
  • 1951: Southern Utah State College (now Southern Utah University) was established in Cedar City.
  • 1967: Cedar Breaks National Monument was designated, showcasing the unique natural beauty of Iron County.
  • 1990: The population of Iron County surpassed 20,000 residents.
  • 2019: Iron County celebrated its 170th anniversary since its founding.