Fields Store Cemetery

Farm to Market Rd 1488, Waller, Texas 77484
Location: Fields Store CemeteryAKA Good Hope Church Cem.--Recorded WALL03—Parsons. Direct of Cems in Waller Co, 1977/1992: “in John Reece Survc near FM 1488 and Fields Store road …one of oldest and largest but location is secluded in large oaks, hickory and cedar trees. 2 acres given my D. H. Fields, earliest grave, 1873. One acre given my J. W. Day for [ch, school] and permanent burying ground. In 1905 a church/school building, cem, and Masonic Hall. In 1913 add’l acre from E. C. Schneider family. And adjacent small plot added [by/from] for M. Allen’s family members, to be included in larger burying ground. 1968 Cem Assoc bought add’l area bordering cem area and fenced for future cem needs. Initially cared for by community & families on cem working days, then women organized a Fields Store Cem Assoc., which continues as non-profit. Later 4th July fundraisers [picnics, food, rodeo] and reunion to cover expense of gravedigging and maintenance. Sextons through years, 1992 Roy Fogle. Estimates about 2,000 burials. [??] Five generations, five wars. … Hurricane of 1915 uprooted trees, broke and uprooted grave markers, some graves lost in chaos. Directional sections and New Cem area. Index.”Websites for Waller Co Hist & TexHist Cem: “Located near FM 1488 and Fields Store Road, TxDoT map.” TexHistCem website: “ Rep of Tx marker, info on HbTx.” THC Atlas, marker for cem & community: “Established during Reconstruction period on land given by D. H. Fields, local merchant for whom community and cemetery were named, and by J. W. Day, Confederate veteran. Burial place of early settlers of area and their descendants, including veterans of 5 wars. Under management of Fields Store Cemetery Association. . 1968.” Settlers began arriving in this vicinity prior to the Civil War. In the early 1870s Druey Holland Field (1809-72) and his wife Caroline (Perry) (1837-76) opened a general store in the area, and the small agricultural settlement that soon developed became known as Field's Store community. A center of business for the surrounding rural area, the settlement was the site of a school, post office, brick kiln, blacksmith shop, cotton gin and other businesses. Also known as New Hope community, it retains a sense of identity that reflects its early role as the nucleus of pioneer settlement. 1982”LOCATION--West of Fields Store on Fields Store Cemetery Rd. off of FM 1488, 15 mi. east of HempsteadTHC site visit MB 5/21/04. Hempstead, Tx area. FM 1488 at FM 362, access road connects at an angle between the two FM roads, 0.1 mile on access road. Signs. Large fenced site, formal and informal, great diversity over time. Obelisks, curbs, grave gardens, benches, slabs. Many marker trees and shrubs, including Cedar, Mimosa, Crape Myrtle, Pine and Pear trees, also Gardenia, Nandina, Spirea, Phetenia, Roses, Lantana, seasopn perennials of Petunia, Vinca, Dalilies, Irises,. THC marker for site and Fields store. Abundant floral and decorative materials, considerable embellishment of grave sites and markers, including a few uses of food items and personal items, hats, tools. Cemteery adjacent to roadway, Good Hope Church and the Masonic Lodge. At back area adjacent is a rodeo arena, also some field and woodlands. Approx 7.6 acres. GPS – Quad 3095-223.Low risk of endangerment, THC marker, still in use, fenced, maintained, adjacent to landmark church and Masonic lodge. Some slight encroachment of horse pasture and rodeo area, but well and double fenced.

To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.

The Historic Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.

A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or agency may submit a request for designation.

Texas has been a major oil-producing state for over a century. The first big oil discovery in Texas was the Spindletop field near Beaumont in 1901, which set off a massive oil boom that transformed the state's economy and made Texas one of the wealthiest states in the country.
Waller County, located in southeast Texas, has a rich and diverse history dating back thousands of years. The area was originally inhabited by several Native American tribes, including the Karankawa and Atakapa, who relied on the region's abundant natural resources for sustenance and trade.

In the 1820s, Anglo-American settlers began arriving in the area, attracted by the fertile land and opportunities for agriculture. Waller County was officially established in 1873 and named after Edwin Waller, one of the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence. The county's first courthouse was built in Hempstead, which remains its county seat to this day.

Like many parts of Texas, Waller County played a significant role in the Civil War. The area's economy was heavily dependent on cotton production, and many residents owned slaves. The county sent numerous soldiers to fight for the Confederacy, and after the war, the region experienced a period of Reconstruction and healing.

Throughout the 20th century, Waller County gradually transformed from an agricultural-based economy to one that embraced industry and education. The development of transportation infrastructure, such as railroads and highways, enabled the county to expand its reach and attract businesses. The establishment of Prairie View A&M University, an historically black college, in 1876 further contributed to the county's growth.

Today, Waller County is known for its diverse economy, which includes agriculture, oil and gas, manufacturing, and education. It remains a vibrant community that values its history while striving for progress and prosperity.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Waller County, Texas.

  • 1837: Waller County is established as part of the Republic of Texas
  • 1838: The town of Hempstead is founded as the county seat
  • 1850s: The county's economy thrives on cotton production and slave labor
  • 1861-1865: Waller County residents actively participate in the Civil War
  • 1873: The Houston and Texas Central Railroad reaches Waller County, spurring growth
  • 1885: Prairie View A&M University, the first state-funded college for African Americans, is established in Waller County
  • 1899: The Santa Fe Railroad is completed in Waller County, further boosting commerce
  • 20th century: Waller County experiences ups and downs in agriculture, oil, and gas industries
  • 1998: Tragic death of Sandra Bland in a Waller County jail attracts national attention and sparks discussions on racial injustice and police misconduct