Stonewall School

Historical marker location:
Mt. Pleasant, Texas
( Nine mi. NW of Mt Pleasant on US 271, then 0.25 mi. NE on CR NW 38)
Marker installed: 1992
Marker size: 18" x 28"

This school traces its origin to educational instruction held in Bridges Chapel's First Methodist Church structure from 1867 until the early 1880s. According to local tradition a young teacher encouraged the community to "stand together like a stone wall" and a much needed school building was erected about 1884. A new school structure, built here in 1898 and enlarged about 1916 was razed and replaced by a two-room structure in 1953. The Stonewall School joined the Mount Pleasant Independent School District as a result of falling enrollment and closed its doors in 1957

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

In the late 19th century, Texas became known for its cattle drives, in which cowboys would move herds of cattle from Texas to railheads in Kansas and other northern states. The cattle drives were dangerous and difficult work, but they played a key role in the development of the American cattle industry.
Titus County, located in Northeast Texas, has a rich history that dates back to the early 19th century. The area was originally inhabited by indigenous tribes, such as the Caddo and Cherokee, before European explorers arrived. In the early 1800s, settlers began to establish settlements in the area, and by the mid-1800s, the region became known as Titus County.

In the early years, the county was predominantly agricultural, with cotton being the primary crop. The development of transportation infrastructure, such as railroads and roads, played a significant role in the county's growth and success. The arrival of the railroad in the late 1800s opened up new opportunities for trade and commerce, leading to the growth of towns such as Mount Pleasant, the county seat.

During the Civil War, Titus County, like many areas in Texas, was deeply affected by the conflict. Many residents joined the Confederate army, and the county faced economic hardships as a result. After the war, the region slowly recovered, and the economy diversified to include industries such as timber, oil, and manufacturing.

In the 20th century, Titus County continued to grow and develop. The discovery of oil in the 1930s brought significant prosperity to the county, attracting new industries and boosting the local economy. Today, Titus County remains a vibrant community with a diverse economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and education. The county has also worked to preserve its historical heritage, with several historical sites and museums showcasing its rich past.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Titus County, Texas.

  • 1846 - Titus County is established as a county in the Republic of Texas.
  • 1852 - The county seat is established in the town of Mount Pleasant.
  • Late 1800s - The county experiences significant growth due to the arrival of railroads.
  • 1900s - Agriculture becomes a major industry in Titus County, with cotton, corn, and livestock farming dominating the economy.
  • 1930s - The Great Depression leads to economic hardships in the county.
  • Mid-1900s - Titus County experiences a period of industrial growth, attracting manufacturing companies to the area.
  • 1970s - The county's economy shifts towards services, government, and trade.
  • 1984 - Lake Bob Sandlin State Park is established, becoming a popular recreational area for residents and visitors.
  • 2000s - Titus County continues to grow, attracting new businesses and investments.