Lawn Atlas ICBM Launch Facility

Marker installed: 2008
Marker size: 27" x 42" with post

At the height of Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with nuclear warheads embodied military might. Convair's Atlas missile program, selected by the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command in 1954, was deployed operationally from 1959 to 1965. Atlas was a one-and-a-half stage, liquid-fueled rocket capable of launching low-orbit payloads. Its inertial guidance system could carry its nuclear payload from the U.S. to nearly any target in the Soviet Union. It was the first operational ICBM in the U. S. arsenal. The Atlas F Launch site (Dyess S-6) near Lawn is one of the first subterranean ICM silos in the United States. Seventy-two Atlas F complexes were built in 1961 in groups of one dozen each near six military facilities. The Lawn site is one of twelve built near Dyess Air Force Base. Each complex included a 185-foot deep silo lined with walls of concrete, epoxy-based resin and steel rebar, built to withstand a nuclear blast. An underground tunnel connected the main missile silo to a launch control center and its five-man crew. Above ground, an entryway provided access, while support personnel and equipment were housed in two quonset huts. The 578th Strategic Missile Squadron based at Dyess operated the site from 1962 until the Atlas program ended in 1965. After decommissioning, the missiles were removed and all sites were demilitarized. At the time, most Texans were unaware of their state's role in a global military confrontation. Years later, they could be thankful and relieved that deterrence won the conflict. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2008

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The first oil well in the United States was drilled in Texas in 1859. The discovery of oil transformed the economy of the state and helped to make Texas one of the wealthiest states in the nation.
Taylor County is located in the west-central region of Texas and has a rich and diverse history. The area that is now Taylor County was initially inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Comanche and Kiowa, before European settlers arrived. In the mid-19th century, the region became part of Texas and was officially established as Taylor County in 1858, named after Edward Taylor, a prominent figure in the Mexican-American War.

The early years of Taylor County were characterized by the hardships and challenges faced by the settlers. The area was sparsely populated, and conflicts with Native American tribes were common. However, with the development of the Texas and Pacific Railway in the late 19th century, Taylor County experienced a significant period of growth and development. The railroad sparked economic growth, attracting new settlers and industries to the area.

Agriculture played a vital role in Taylor County's history, with cotton being the dominant crop. The fertile soil and favorable climate allowed farmers to thrive, and cotton production became a major industry in the county. However, the agricultural boom was affected by various factors, including natural disasters and economic fluctuations, leading to both prosperity and challenges for the region's farmers.

Over the years, Taylor County has continued to evolve and diversify its economy. The discovery of oil in the early 20th century led to the establishment of the petroleum industry in the county, bringing new opportunities for growth and development. Today, Taylor County is a thriving community with a diverse economy that includes agriculture, oil and gas, manufacturing, education, and healthcare. The county's rich history is celebrated through its numerous historical sites and museums, providing a glimpse into the past while embracing the progress and future of the region.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Taylor County, Texas.

  • 1858 - Taylor County is officially formed and organized.
  • 1878 - Abilene becomes the county seat of Taylor County.
  • 1881 - The Texas and Pacific Railway is completed, increasing transportation and trade in Taylor County.
  • 1890 - Taylor County population reaches over 8,000 residents.
  • 1909 - Abilene Christian College (now Abilene Christian University) is established.
  • 1924 - Construction of the Lake Abilene dam begins.
  • 1930s - The Great Depression severely impacts Taylor County, causing economic hardship.
  • 1950 - Dyess Air Force Base is established, bringing economic growth to the county.
  • 1969 - Abilene becomes the first city in Texas to implement the "911" emergency telephone system.
  • 1999 - The Taylor County Expo Center opens, becoming a hub for events and exhibitions.
  • 2006 - The Abilene Zoo completes a major renovation, enhancing its facilities and exhibits.