Henry Miller Morgan

Marker installed: 2004
Marker size: 27" x 42"

On August 25, 1895, Henry Miller Morgan was born in Tyler's St. Louis community to Henry and Alice Ingram Morgan. He attended school in the St. Louis community, completing his education at East Texas Academy, which later became Butler College. He is listed as a barber in Tyler's 1918 city directory. He and his wife, Mabel (McLellan), had two daughters and one son.

In the 1920s, Texas enacted laws requiring licenses for barbers, but African Americans were excluded from the requisite education. In 1929, Morgan began developing ideas for a barber college for African Americans. By 1933, he opened a college on Irwin Street with five chairs. He established male and female student dormitories, and in 1937 he opened a branch in Houston. In 1945, he opened a location in Jackson, Mississippi, adding a branch in Little Rock, Arkansas the next year. In 1948, his Manhattan location opened, and a Dallas branch opened in 1949. The Tyler headquarters quickly grew to accommodate the expanding business, and at one time the school reportedly was training a majority of the nation's African American barbers. The school's curriculum included subjects ranging from scalp and skin diseases to electricity, chemistry and anatomy.

Morgan went on to help found the Texas Association of Tonsorial Artists, a professional barbers' organization, as well as the Tyler chapter of the Democratic Progressive Voters League. He also served as vice-president of the Texas Association of Barber Schools and as a trustee of Butler College. He was an active member at St. Louis Baptist Church.

Morgan died in 1961 and is buried in Tyler's Evergreen Cemetery. Today, he is remembered as a civic and political activist, as well as a leader in his profession. (2005)

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The discovery of oil in 1901 near Beaumont, Texas, sparked an oil boom that transformed the state's economy and led to the rise of the modern petroleum industry.
Smith County, Texas, holds a rich history that stretches back to its beginnings. The land that is now Smith County was once inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Caddo and Cherokee nations. The region first caught the attention of European settlers in the early 19th century, when Stephen F. Austin's colonists began to venture into the area. The first permanent settlement, Tyler, was established in 1846.

During the turbulent times of the American Civil War, Smith County experienced significant unrest. Many residents in the county owned slaves, and tensions ran high between Union and Confederate sympathizers. The Battle of Blackjack Grove took place in August 1864, and although it was a minor skirmish, it reflected the deep divisions and struggles faced by the county during the war.

Following the war, Smith County experienced rapid growth and development. The arrival of the railroad in the late 19th century further boosted the county's economy and population. During this period, the town of Tyler established itself as a principal commercial center, attracting businesses and settlers from surrounding areas.

In the 20th century, Smith County continued to thrive with the growth of agriculture, oil, and manufacturing industries. Tyler became known as the "Rose Capital of the World" due to its substantial rose-growing industry. The county has also been a center for education, with the establishment of schools and universities.

Today, Smith County remains a vibrant and dynamic part of Texas. Its rich history, from its Native American roots to its role in the Civil War and beyond, provides a fascinating backdrop to its current achievements and endeavors.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Smith County, Texas.

  • 1846 - Smith County is established by the Texas legislature.
  • 1847 - The county seat is designated at Tyler.
  • 1850 - The population of Smith County reaches 1,726.
  • 1861-1865 - The Civil War impacts the county, with many residents serving in the Confederate Army.
  • 1877 - The Texas and Pacific Railway reaches Tyler, boosting the local economy.
  • 1930s - The Great Depression brings economic hardships to Smith County.
  • 1932 - The East Texas Oil Field is discovered, leading to an oil boom in the area.
  • 1950s - The construction of highways and infrastructure brings further growth and development to the county.
  • 1995 - The Smith County Historical Society is formed to preserve the county's history.
  • Present - Smith County continues to thrive as a regional economic and cultural hub in East Texas.