Runnels County Courthouse

Balinger, Texas

Built in 1889/ 1941 in Italianate with modern alterations architectual style by architect Eugene T. Heiner.

Set in the center of a two-block square set aside by the Santa Fe railway Company. The 1889 building incorporated local stone accented with sheet metal work and Mansard roofs. Cross plan provided good ventilation. One of the largest courthouse squares in Texas.

1941 - extensive remodeling: two wings added with matching stone, original stone sandblasted to match; cupola removed, wood frame roof removed and replaced with steel, all new plaster, doors, millwork, electrical, plumbing, ceilings lowered, wood window

Current status: Active Courthouse

The Texas Historical Commission's (THC) nationally recognized and award-winning Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) has turned around the trend of disrepair and begun restoring these treasured historic landmarks. Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Today more than 240 courthouses still stand that are least 50 years old. About 80 were built before the turn of the 20th century. By the end of that century, most of these structures were significantly deteriorated due to inadequate maintenance, insensitive modifications or weather related damage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) documented the condition of 50 of the state’s oldest courthouses in the late 1990s and determined that counties lacked the resources to preserve the buildings for future generations.

The world's first rodeo was held in Pecos, Texas in 1883. The event included bronco riding, calf roping, and bull riding.
Runnels County is located in central Texas and has a rich and diverse history that dates back to ancient times. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Lipan Apache and Tonkawa tribes, who lived off the land and utilized the natural resources of the region.

In the mid-19th century, European settlers began to establish communities in the area that would become Runnels County. The county was officially established in 1858, named after Hiram G. Runnels, the third governor of the state of Mississippi. The first county seat was Runnels City, but it was later moved to the current county seat of Ballinger in 1888.

Like many areas in Texas, Runnels County experienced a boom in population and economic activity in the late 19th century due to the cattle industry and the arrival of the railroad. The county became known for its ranching and farming, with cotton becoming a prominent crop. The development of infrastructure, such as schools, churches, and businesses, contributed to the growth of the county during this period.

The early 20th century brought challenges to Runnels County, most notably the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. The economy suffered as agricultural production declined, and many residents were forced to leave in search of better opportunities. However, the county persevered, and in the latter half of the 20th century, industries such as oil and gas extraction, manufacturing, and renewable energy began to emerge, providing new sources of economic stability.

Today, Runnels County continues to be a predominantly rural community with a strong agricultural heritage. The county's small towns offer a glimpse into its past with historic buildings and museums, showcasing the history and culture of this resilient region in central Texas.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Runnels County, Texas.

  • 1858 - Runnels County is officially established and named after Hiram G. Runnels, a former Texas governor
  • Mid to late 1800s - Settlements and ranching communities begin to form in the area
  • 1886 - Ballinger, the county seat, is founded and becomes a major center for trade and agriculture
  • Early 1900s - Runnels County experiences a boom in cotton farming, contributing to its economic growth
  • 1920s - Oil is discovered in the county, leading to increased industrial development
  • 1940s - World War II and the construction of Camp Bowie near Brownwood greatly impact the local economy
  • 1960s - Construction of O.H. Ivie Reservoir begins, providing a reliable water source for the county
  • 1980s - Decline in oil production and agriculture affects the county's economy
  • 2000s - Efforts to diversify the economy and promote tourism are implemented