Chittim Ranch

Historical marker location:
17703-18509 US Hwy 277, Eagle Pass, Texas
( 17 miles east of Eagle Pass, 17 miles west of Carrizo Springs, just outisde the gate of the Catclaw Ranch)
Marker installed: 2015
Marker size: 27" x 42" with post

Chittim Ranch is a historic ranch located in Maverick County, Texas. It was established in 1898 by William J. "Billy" Chittim and his brother, Thomas H. Chittim. The ranch played an important role in the development of the cattle industry in Texas. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Chittim Ranch was one of the largest ranches in the state of Texas, with over 150,000 acres of land. The ranch was known for its high-quality cattle, and it played a key role in the development of the Texas Longhorn breed. In addition to its importance in the cattle industry, the Chittim Ranch also played a role in the history of Maverick County. The ranch was a hub of activity during the early days of the county, and it served as a center of commerce and social life for the area. Today, the Chittim Ranch is still in operation, and it is recognized as a historic landmark in Texas. It is a reminder of the rich history and culture of the state, and it continues to be an important part of the Texas ranching industry.

Born in Missouri in 1858, James Madison Chittim worked as a cowboy as far west as Kansas as a teenager. He began to buy, sell and train horses, then traded in cattle. He moved to Memphis around 1880 to pursue the livestock business. He and his partner were among the first to successfully use cottonseed meal and seed hulls to fatten cattle prior to their sale at auction. In Memphis he met and married Annie Elizabeth Oberle in 1888 before his business met with reverses, resulting in a move to Texas. Within a few years, Chittim became an extremely successful rancher with extensive ranch properties in Texas, and cattle in the tens of thousands. He made investments all over the state and bought a cotton farm in Beeville, and in 1895 began purchasing land in Maverick county, including over 3,000 acres from the estate of the widow of Texas lawyer, politician and land baron Samuel Maverick, for whom Naverick county is named. After discovering oil on the ranch in 1889, he built an elegant house in San Antonio for his wife. He also joined the National Cattle Breeders’ Association and the Cattle Raisers’ Association of Texas.

At the time of his death in 1911, Chittim owned the largest ranch west of San Antonio, including 196,000 acres in Maverick county, nearly one-quarter of the county. Chittim died at the age of 52, leaving four children. Following his wife’s death in 1938, the land gradually changed hands, but his descendants still own most of the original ranch. A few historic buildings still stand on the ranch, including the Dos Chimeneas Ranch House. Geological formations underlying the ranch have been named for him, such as the Chittim Arch and the Chittim Anticline. The town of Tuleta, Texas, was named after his daughter. James Chittim is buried in the Anchor Lodge Cemetery in San Antonio

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

Where is Chittim Ranch?
Chittim Ranch is located in the South Texas region, about 30 miles northwest of the city of Laredo.
How big is it?
It covers an area of approximately 11,000 acres and is known for its diverse wildlife and hunting opportunities.
Who owns it?
Chittim Ranch is a privately owned property, and the current owner is not publicly disclosed. However, the ranch has been owned and operated by the Chittim family for many years, and it is possible that the family still owns the property or has sold it to another private individual or entity.
Is it a working ranch?
Yes, Chittim Ranch is a working ranch that primarily raises cattle and also offers hunting and outdoor recreational activities to visitors. The ranch has been in operation for several generations and has a rich history in the ranching industry of South Texas.
Texas is known for its barbecue, and one of the most famous barbecue restaurants in the state is Kreuz Market in Lockhart. The restaurant has been in operation since 1900 and is still family-owned.
Maverick County, located in southwestern Texas, has a rich history that dates back to the early 18th century. The region originally belonged to the Spanish Empire and was explored by settlers seeking trade routes and access to water. In 1757, Captain José de Urrutia led an expedition to the area, establishing the temporary Presidio de San José de Bagdad, which would later become the basis for the present-day Maverick County.

During the 19th century, Maverick County experienced significant growth with the arrival of Anglo-American settlers. The Texas Revolution of 1836 and the subsequent establishment of the Republic of Texas brought increased interest in the region. The need for protection against native tribes led to the construction of Fort Duncan in 1849, which quickly became an important military outpost and played a strategic role during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

The arrival of the railroad in the late 19th century further fueled the county's growth and development. In 1881, the International-Great Northern Railroad reached Eagle Pass, the county seat, linking Maverick County to regional and national markets. This connectivity facilitated the expansion of agriculture, particularly cattle ranching, and boosted trade and commerce within the county.

In the 20th century, Maverick County experienced a series of economic and political shifts. The discovery of oil and gas reserves in the early 20th century brought increased industrial activity and wealth to the area. However, economic instability and political corruption also plagued the county throughout this period. Efforts to combat corruption and improve infrastructure and services have been ongoing, with varying degrees of success.

Today, Maverick County continues to evolve as a vibrant and diverse community. It is home to a mix of agriculture, ranching, and industrial activities, and its proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border plays a significant role in its economic and cultural identity. The county's history is celebrated through various heritage sites, including Fort Duncan Park and historical museums, allowing residents and visitors to explore its fascinating past.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Maverick County, Texas.

  • 1870 - Maverick County is officially established as a county in Texas.
  • 1871 - The county seat is established in Eagle Pass.
  • 1872 - The railroad reaches Eagle Pass, bringing economic growth to the area.
  • 1874 - Fort Duncan is established in Eagle Pass to protect the region during conflicts with Native American tribes.
  • 1904 - The Maverick County Courthouse is built in Eagle Pass.
  • 1933 - A major flood devastates Eagle Pass and causes significant damage in Maverick County.
  • 1942 - The Eagle Pass Army Airfield is established and serves as a training base during World War II.
  • 1989 - The Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas opens a casino in Maverick County, providing an economic boost to the area.
  • 2010 - The population of Maverick County reaches over 54,000.