Madison County Courthouse

Madisonville, Texas

Built in 1854.

The Texas Historical Commission's (THC) nationally recognized and award-winning Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) has turned around the trend of disrepair and begun restoring these treasured historic landmarks. Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Today more than 240 courthouses still stand that are least 50 years old. About 80 were built before the turn of the 20th century. By the end of that century, most of these structures were significantly deteriorated due to inadequate maintenance, insensitive modifications or weather related damage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) documented the condition of 50 of the state’s oldest courthouses in the late 1990s and determined that counties lacked the resources to preserve the buildings for future generations.

The discovery of oil in 1901 near Beaumont, Texas, sparked an oil boom that transformed the state's economy and led to the rise of the modern petroleum industry.
Madison County, located in the state of Texas, has a rich history that traces back to its establishment in the mid-19th century. The area was initially occupied by indigenous tribes, including the Caddo and the Coushatta. However, the arrival of European settlers drastically altered the region's demographics and culture.

In 1821, Texas received independence from Spain, and the area that encompasses Madison County became a part of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas. In 1836, after the Texan Revolution, Texas gained its independence from Mexico and Madison County was created as a separate entity in 1853. It was named after the fourth U.S. President, James Madison, and was primarily established as a farming community due to its fertile soil and abundance of water sources.

During the Civil War era, Madison County, like much of Texas, supported the Confederate States of America. Many of the residents enlisted in the Confederate Army, and the area experienced its fair share of conflict and devastation. Following the war, the county slowly rebuilt its economy, relying on agriculture and ranching as key industries.

Throughout the 20th century, Madison County continued to thrive agriculturally. Cotton became a major crop, and the county became known for its production and processing. The discovery of oil and gas fields further bolstered the economy, providing a new source of wealth and employment opportunities. Today, Madison County is a vibrant community that celebrates its rich history while embracing economic diversification and growth.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Madison County, Texas.

  • 1837 - Madison County is established as a county in the Republic of Texas
  • Mid-1800s - Pioneers settle in the area, primarily of Anglo-American descent
  • 1853 - The first courthouse is built in the county seat of Madisonville
  • Late 1800s - The county experiences population growth with the arrival of railroad lines
  • 1861-1865 - Madison County residents participate in the American Civil War
  • Late 1800s to early 1900s - Agriculture, including cotton, becomes a major industry in the county
  • 1911 - The discovery of oil leads to the development of the oil industry in the county
  • 20th century - Madisonville becomes an important center for trade and commerce in the region
  • Present - Madison County remains a rural area with a diverse economy including agriculture, oil, and tourism