Lee County

Historical marker location:
Giddings, Texas
( Courthouse lawn)
Marker installed: 1965
Marker size: Civil War Memorials (pink granite)

(Star and Wreath) County named for beloved Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Led army of Northern Virginia which included famed Hood's Texas Brigade. He said about them "I never ordered that brigade to hold a position that they did not hold it." "The enemy never sees the backs of my Texans." In the Battle of the Wilderness the Texans, seeing Lee set to lead the charge and fearing for his safety, halted, shouting, "General Lee to the rear," until he complied. Lee once declined furloughs for the Texans for he needed their services. He considered them his best shock troops. About Lee's surrender a Texan said, "I'd rather have died than surrendered; but if Marse Bob thinks that is best...Marse Bob is bound to be right as usual."


Robert E. Lee spent 25 months on the Texas frontier, proving and seasoning grounds for great army leaders in the impending Civil War. With the 2nd U. S. Cavalry at Camp Cooper, he led a 1,600-mile scouting expedition into Indian country. He commanded the 2nd, first at San Antonio - leading the attempt to capture Mexican bandit Juan Cortina - next at Fort Mason. Lee learned how to adapt himself and his men to outdoor life and adverse conditions he later faced on battlefields. Knowledge of the ways of his fellow officers who later held high ranks in both armies

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The state flower of Texas is the bluebonnet. The flower blooms in the spring and is a common sight along the highways and in fields throughout the state.
Lee County, located in the central region of Texas, has a rich and diverse history that dates back to its establishment in 1874. Originally part of Bastrop County, it was named after Robert E. Lee, the controversial Confederate general. The area was primarily settled by German immigrants, who brought with them a strong agricultural tradition that shaped the county's economy.

During its early years, Lee County experienced significant growth and development. The arrival of the railroad in the late 1800s opened up new opportunities for trade and transportation. The county became known for its cotton production, and many rural communities emerged to support the farming industry. The county seat, Giddings, became a thriving commercial center, with businesses and institutions establishing themselves to meet the needs of the growing population.

The 20th century brought both challenges and progress to Lee County. The devastating effects of the Great Depression hit the agricultural sector hard, leading to a decline in cotton farming. However, the county adapted and diversified its economy, venturing into cattle ranching and the production of other crops. In the mid-20th century, the discovery of oil and natural gas reserves in the area brought a new wave of economic growth.

Lee County has also played a significant role in Texas history. It is home to the Monument Hill and Kreische Brewery State Historic Sites, which commemorate the fallen soldiers of the Dawson Massacre and the Texas Revolution. Today, Lee County continues to be a rural and historically significant part of Texas, with a strong sense of community and a blend of diverse cultural influences.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Lee County, Texas.

  • 1874: Lee County is established on February 11, named after Robert E. Lee.
  • 1878: The town of Giddings is established as the county seat.
  • 1881: The Texas and New Orleans Railroad is completed, leading to increased economic growth in the county.
  • 1907: Lee County Courthouse is built, replacing the original courthouse constructed in 1878.
  • 1920s: Cotton becomes a major crop for the county, leading to prosperous years for local farmers.
  • 1960s: The decline of cotton production begins, and farmers shift to other crops and livestock.
  • 1996: The Lee County Youth Center is opened to provide juvenile offenders with rehabilitative services.
  • 2011: The county is severely affected by drought and wildfires, causing significant damage to agricultural lands.
  • Present: Lee County continues to be primarily an agricultural area, with a growing emphasis on diversifying the local economy.