Springlake-Earth School

Historical marker location:
US 385 N 3 miles;1 mi. W on county road, Springlake, Texas
( from Springlake take US 385 north about 3 miles; turn west onto county road; continue about 1 mile to school)
Marker installed: 1972
Marker size: 18" x 28"

(in 202-Square-Mile District)

Opened 1908 as one-room school, Springlake became an independent district in 1924 when Halsell ranch land sold to settlers and local population increased. Enlarged school opened 1925 in new $30,000 brick structure on site bought from J. F. Kelley. E. C. Martin was superintendent; Otis Brown, M. E. Cleavinger, Earl Hewitt, Arthur Edwards, George Linville, H. M. Packard, W. C. White, trustees.

Band and football squad were organized and school paper begun in 1928. Enrollment, curriculum and school plant continue to expand.

"Earth" was added to the school name in March 1964. (1972)

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The first oil well in the United States was drilled in Texas in 1859. The discovery of oil transformed the economy of the state and helped to make Texas one of the wealthiest states in the nation.