Karnes County Courthouse

Karnes City, Texas

Built in 1894 in Romanesque Revival architectual style by architect John Cormack by contractor John Cormack (died Aug. 1894 before completion, complet.

Three story courthouse with attic and basement. Details include banding in rusticated limestone, tall full arch windows and entrance. Originally had Mansard-style roof which gave the building a Second Empire appearance.


Current status: Active Courthouse

The Texas Historical Commission's (THC) nationally recognized and award-winning Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) has turned around the trend of disrepair and begun restoring these treasured historic landmarks. Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Today more than 240 courthouses still stand that are least 50 years old. About 80 were built before the turn of the 20th century. By the end of that century, most of these structures were significantly deteriorated due to inadequate maintenance, insensitive modifications or weather related damage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) documented the condition of 50 of the state’s oldest courthouses in the late 1990s and determined that counties lacked the resources to preserve the buildings for future generations.

Texas was once a part of Mexico but gained independence in 1836 after a famous battle at the Alamo.
Karnes County, located in south-central Texas, has a rich and varied history. The area was first inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Karankawa. Evidence of their presence can still be found through archaeological sites and artifacts. In the 18th century, Spanish explorers and missionaries began to settle in the region, establishing several missions. However, it wasn't until the 19th century that Karnes County began to see significant development.

In the mid-1800s, Karnes County became an important center for the cattle industry. Large ranches began to emerge, and the county became a hub for cattle drives. The arrival of the railroad in the late 1800s further boosted the local economy, offering new opportunities for trade and transportation. With the influx of settlers, new towns were established, including the county seat of Karnes City.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Karnes County experienced several oil booms, which brought prosperity and economic growth to the area. The discovery of oil in nearby fields, such as the Pettus and Helena fields, attracted numerous oil companies and workers. This led to a surge in population and a construction boom in the county, with new buildings and businesses appearing throughout the area.

In recent decades, Karnes County has continued to be influenced by its strong ties to agriculture and oil. The agricultural sector remains a vital part of the local economy, with ranching and farming playing a significant role. Oil and gas production, while fluctuating, still contribute to the county's economy. Today, Karnes County is known for its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, attracting visitors to explore its historical sites, parks, and thriving small communities.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Karnes County, Texas.

  • 1824 - Karnes County is established as a municipality in Mexico's Coahuila y Tejas state.
  • 1830s - Settlers from the United States begin arriving in the area, including the town of Helena.
  • 1834 - Karnes County is officially organized under the Republic of Mexico.
  • 1836 - Texas gains independence from Mexico, and Karnes County becomes a part of the Republic of Texas.
  • 1854 - The county's seat of government is moved from Helena to Karnes City.
  • 1861-1865 - Karnes County residents participate in the American Civil War, with some serving in Confederate forces.
  • 1885 - The Gulf, Western Texas and Pacific Railway is completed, providing easier transportation access to the county.
  • 1902 - The discovery of oil in Karnes County leads to economic growth and development in the area.
  • 1920s-1930s - The county experiences periods of prosperity and decline due to changes in the oil industry.
  • 1940 - U.S. Army establishes the Karnes City Army Air Field, which later becomes the site of the Karnes County Airport.
  • 1954 - Hurricane Alice causes significant damage to Karnes County.
  • 1970s-1990s - The oil industry continues to play a significant role in the county's economy.
  • 2010 - The Eagle Ford Shale boom brings renewed economic growth to Karnes County.