Donley County Courthouse and Jail

Public Sq., Clarendon, TX
The Donley County Courthouse and Jail have architectural and governmental significance. They are fine regional examples of nineteenth-century design and have been the focal point of county functions for three-quarters of a century.

Located in the southeast section of the Panhandle, Donley County was created in 1876 and organized in 1882. It was named for Stockton P. Donley, an early lawyer, and Texas Supreme Court Justice. Although containing an area of over 900 miles, in 1973 only about 4,000 people populated the county for which Clarendon serves as the county seat.

Clarendon was originally founded in 1878 and named for Clara Carhart, the wife of the town founder, Lewis Henry Carhart, a Methodist minister. However, shortly thereafter a new townsite was selected along the Fort Worth and Denver Railroad.

As was typical, provisions for county government were makeshift during the early years. In 1882 the house of J.S. Wright was leased for county offices and courtrooms. Subsequently, the building was repaired and furnishings were purchased. However, some county offices were located in other buildings in Clarendon. The arrangements were, of course, inadequate and several years later commissioners prepared to build a new courthouse.

In 1887, after examining several sites, it was ordered that block 14 be selected as the site of a new building. Meanwhile, S.T. Martindale, and Charles Goodnight, the latter of whom was a prominent West Texas rancher, were authorized to purchase material and oversee the erection of a temporary courthouse. Shortly after this building was completed, it was determined that it was "entirely insufficient for general use and that a new, more comfortable and commodious courthouse" was a public necessity. It was then ordered that a new brick temple of justice be erected at the earliest practicable date.

In 1890 another block was donated to the county and the county clerk was ordered to publish invitations for proposals for a new building in the Clarendon Traveler and the Dallas Morning News. After receiving the bids, the proposal of Troutman Brothers, contractors from Trinidad, Colorado, was accepted on plans provided by Bulger and Rapp, architects. Construction proceeded in a routine manner and was completed in 1891.

During the next several years the grounds were landscaped. a board fence was built around the courthouse and in the following year trees were planted.

An annex has been added on the south side and the courthouse continues to serve its original functions. Embodying fine stylistic and decorative features and still retaining considerable original character, it is the finest surviving example of nineteenth-century architecture in the area.

Similar to the provisions for county government, the first jail was improvised. In 1884, the purchase and repair of a powder house to be used as a jail was authorized. Subsequently, a jail cell was purchased from the Pauly Jail Building Company.

In 1885 Charles Goodnight was appointed an agent to purchase materials for a new jail building and to oversee construction. However, work was delayed. Five years later officials intended to contract a new jail at the same time as the courthouse contract, but this effort also failed.

Finally, in 1903, the Pauly Jail Building Company was asked to furnish plans and specifications for a new facility. After considering bids on these plans, J.A. White was awarded the contract for $8,980. Structural iron and steel, and the cells were purchased from Pauly Company. Early in 1904, the county accepted the completed jail and today it continues to serve its original function.
Local significance of the building:
Politics/government; Architecture

Listed in National Register of Historic Places in 1978.

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation’s historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America’s historic and archeological resources.

The world's first rodeo was held in Pecos, Texas in 1883. The event included bronco riding, calf roping, and bull riding.
Donley County, Texas, located in the Panhandle region, has a rich and vibrant history that dates back to the mid-19th century. The area was initially inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache. The first European explorers, including Spanish conquistadors, began to explore the region in the 1500s.

In the early 1870s, settlers began to establish ranches in the area. The county was officially formed in August 1876 and named after Stockton P. Donley, a lawyer who served as a member of the Texas Legislature. The same year, Clarendon became the county seat. As ranching flourished, the new settlements attracted more residents and businesses.

The county experienced significant growth and development during the late 19th century. The arrival of the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway in the early 1880s provided a major boost to the local economy. Clarendon became a key shipping point for cattle and agricultural products, contributing to the county's prosperity.

However, like many other areas in Texas, Donley County faced challenges during the early 20th century. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl had a severe impact on the local economy, causing widespread hardship and forcing many residents to leave. But with the introduction of new farming techniques and federal assistance programs, the county slowly recovered and agriculture remained a vital industry.

Today, Donley County continues to be a rural community with a strong ranching and agricultural presence. It also boasts historical landmarks, such as the Donley County Courthouse, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The county's rich history and resilient spirit serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by its early settlers and the enduring legacy they left behind.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Donley County, Texas.

  • 1876: Donley County is formally established on August 21, with Clarendon as its county seat.
  • 1882: The Fort Worth and Denver City Railway is constructed through Donley County, bringing economic growth and improved transportation.
  • 1890: The population of Donley County reaches its peak with over 8,000 residents.
  • 1908: The first courthouse is built in Clarendon, but it is later destroyed by a fire in 1909.
  • 1910: A new courthouse is constructed to replace the one destroyed by fire, which still stands today.
  • 1930s: The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl severely impact Donley County, causing economic hardships and population decline.
  • 1947: The Greenbelt Reservoir is completed, providing a reliable water source for the county's agriculture and livestock industries.
  • 1950s-1960s: The construction of Interstate 40 through Donley County improves transportation and spurs economic development.
  • 1980s-present: Donley County faces challenges of modernization, including technological advancements and changes in the agricultural industry.