Baylor University Medical Center

Historical marker location:
3600 Gaston Ave, Dallas, Texas
( 3600 Gaston Avenue)
Marker installed: 2002
Marker size: 27" x 42"

Baylor University Medical Center

Dallas in 1900 had insufficient medical care for its more than 40,000 residents. That year, despite some opposition from local doctors, Dr. Charles McDaniel Rosser established the University of Dallas Medical School, although at the time no such university existed. Rosser opened, in a small house, the Good Samaritan hospital as a training facility. He continued to look for local support for a larger teaching hospital.

In 1903, Dr. George W. Truett, influential pastor of Dallas' First Baptist Church, challenged Dallas citizens to support a "great humanitarian hospital." The Baptist General Convention of Texas agreed to administer the project, which became the Texas Baptist Memorial Sanitarium. It received its charter in 1903. The Baptist group purchased Dr. Rosser's hospital and continued using it as a training facility for the school, renamed that same year as Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Robert Cook Buckner was first board president, and cattle baron Christopher C. Slaughter was an early major donor, helping to finance a new 250-bed facility, which opened in 1909. In 1921, the facility was renamed Baylor Hospital and later Baylor University Hospital to reflect its affiliation with Waco's Baylor University, which sponsored the schools on the hospital's campus. The Baylor Plan, created in 1929, was a pioneering hospital insurance program that later became Blue Cross.

In 1943, Baylor University relocated its college of medicine to Houston. The hospital remained in Dallas, changing its name in 1959 to Baylor University Medical Center to represent better the various hospitals and specialty areas on its campus. The center, a century old in 2003, remains a major research hub, providing patient care and medical training. Continuing its mission of service and excellence, the center is also one of the nation's top facilities for transplants, cardiovascular surgery and other procedures.


As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

Texas is known for its love of football, and the state has produced many great football players, including legends like Tom Landry, Earl Campbell, and Vince Young.
Dallas County, located in northern Texas, has a rich history that has contributed to its growth and significance. Here is a concise summary of its historical journey:

Established in 1846, Dallas County played a crucial role in the development of North Texas. The county's namesake, George Mifflin Dallas, was the Vice President of the United States at the time. The city of Dallas, the county seat, quickly emerged as a center for trade and commerce due to its strategic location along major transportation routes.

During the late 19th century, Dallas County experienced rapid economic growth driven by industries such as cotton, railroads, and cattle. The city of Dallas became a major hub for cotton trading, attracting business and establishing itself as a prominent financial center in the Southwest.

In the 20th century, Dallas County continued to evolve and diversify its economy. The discovery of oil in the nearby East Texas Oil Field in the early 1900s led to the development of the oil industry in the region, contributing to the county's prosperity. The county also played a significant role in the aerospace industry, hosting the headquarters of major aerospace companies and contributing to the growth of aviation technology.

Dallas County's cultural landscape reflects its vibrant and diverse population. The county is home to a wide range of cultural institutions, including museums, art galleries, theaters, and music venues. Dallas County also played a notable role in the civil rights movement, with important milestones in the fight for equality and integration.

Today, Dallas County stands as a major economic and cultural center. It boasts a robust economy supported by various industries, including finance, technology, healthcare, and telecommunications. The county is known for its thriving arts scene, professional sports teams, and diverse culinary offerings.

With its rich history, economic vitality, and cultural significance, Dallas County continues to shape North Texas as a dynamic and influential region.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Dallas County, Texas.

  • Pre-19th Century: The area was originally inhabited by various indigenous tribes, including the Caddo, Wichita, and Comanche.

  • 1839: Dallas County was officially established and named after George Mifflin Dallas, the Vice President of the United States under President James K. Polk.

  • Mid-19th Century: Dallas County experienced significant growth with the establishment of Dallas as a trading post and the arrival of settlers drawn by the opportunities in trade and agriculture.

  • Late 1800s: The county prospered with the expansion of railroads, particularly the Texas and Pacific Railway and the Houston and Texas Central Railroad, which solidified Dallas as a major transportation hub.

  • Early 20th Century: Dallas County saw a surge in economic development and urbanization. Industries such as oil, cotton, banking, and manufacturing fueled the city's growth.

  • 1960s: Dallas County gained national attention due to its role in the civil rights movement. The city of Dallas was the site of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

  • Late 20th Century: Dallas County continued to experience rapid growth and diversification, becoming a major center for business, finance, and telecommunications. The county is known for its vibrant arts and cultural scene, including the Dallas Arts District.

  • Today, Dallas County is the second-most populous county in Texas and home to the city of Dallas, a thriving metropolitan area.