Crockett County Courthouse

Ozona, Texas

Built in 1902 in Second Empire architectual style by architect Oscar Ruffini by contractor Charles Schumm.

Two story rusticated limestone courthouse with cut limestone detail. Pyramidal roofs rest on projecting corner pavilions and a large convex curved Mansard dome emphasizes the central entry bay and district courtroom above. Paired Tuscan columns support the entry gallery, with metal balustrade at the second floor. The tower originally held faux clock spaces that have since been removed.


Current status: Active Courthouse

The Texas Historical Commission's (THC) nationally recognized and award-winning Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) has turned around the trend of disrepair and begun restoring these treasured historic landmarks. Texas has more historic courthouses than any other state. Today more than 240 courthouses still stand that are least 50 years old. About 80 were built before the turn of the 20th century. By the end of that century, most of these structures were significantly deteriorated due to inadequate maintenance, insensitive modifications or weather related damage. The Texas Historical Commission (THC) documented the condition of 50 of the state’s oldest courthouses in the late 1990s and determined that counties lacked the resources to preserve the buildings for future generations.

Texas was once a part of Mexico but gained independence in 1836 after a famous battle at the Alamo.
Crockett County, located in the heart of West Texas, has a rich and fascinating history that dates back thousands of years. The area was first inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Apache, Comanche, and Lipan Apache, who relied on the abundant wildlife and natural resources for their sustenance.

The arrival of European settlers in the mid-19th century brought significant changes to Crockett County. In 1852, the U.S. Army established Fort Lancaster, a strategic military outpost, which played an important role in protecting settlers and travelers along the San Antonio-El Paso Road. However, the fort was abandoned after just nine years due to constant threats from Native American tribes and a lack of vital resources.

The county itself was formed in 1875 and named in honor of Davy Crockett, the legendary frontiersman and hero of the Alamo. As more settlers arrived seeking fertile land for ranching and agriculture, the community of Ozona was established near the confluence of the Live Oak and West Bear Creeks. Ozona quickly became a hub for cattle drives, as it was located along the Goodnight-Loving Trail and later the Texas and Pacific Railway.

Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Crockett County experienced both prosperity and challenges. Droughts, economic downturns, and the Great Depression took their toll, but the discovery of oil in the 1920s brought a new wave of growth and opportunity. The county's booming oil industry attracted workers and entrepreneurs, leading to increased population and economic diversification.

Today, Crockett County remains a vibrant community with a diverse economy that includes ranching, agriculture, and oil production. Its history is proudly celebrated through various landmarks, museums, and events that showcase the unique heritage of this West Texas county.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Crockett County, Texas.

  • 1875 - Crockett County officially established
  • 1885 - Ozona becomes county seat
  • 1891 - Crockett County Courthouse built
  • 1902 - Texas and Pacific Railway arrives in Ozona
  • 1925 - Crockett County Oil Field discovered
  • 1940s - Sheep and goat ranching becomes a major industry
  • 1980 - Crockett County Courthouse listed on the National Register of Historic Places
  • 1993 - Devil's River State Natural Area established
  • 2008 - Crockett County celebrates its 133rd anniversary