Morgan Hospital

Historical marker location:
400 7th Street, S.W., Childress, Texas
( 400 7th Street, S.W.-Childress)
Marker installed: 1982
Marker size: Medallion and Plate

One of the earliest medical care facilities in Childress, this double-galleried building was constructed in 1916 to house the clinic of Dr. J.D. Michie and Dr. H.D. Barnes. Nine years later it was purchased by Dr. T.M. Morgan, who operated the facility as the Morgan Hospital until his death in 1941. The building, which reflects influences of the Colonial Revival style, now serves as a reminder of the medical care provided by the town's early physicians.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1982

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

Texas is also home to the world's largest honky-tonk, Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth. The venue covers three acres and can hold up to 6,000 people.
Childress County, Texas is located in the northern part of the state and has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1876. The county was named after George Campbell Childress, one of the authors of the Texas Declaration of Independence. It covers an area of approximately 715 square miles and is home to over 7,000 residents.

The early days of Childress County were marked by the arrival of pioneers and settlers who established ranches and farms. The region's main industry was agriculture, with cattle and cotton farming being the primary sources of income. The county became an important stop along the Great Western Cattle Trail, which connected Texas ranches with markets up north.

In the late 19th century, the arrival of the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway brought significant growth and development to Childress County. The railroad allowed for easier transportation of goods and brought an influx of new settlers to the area. The town of Childress, the county seat, was established and quickly became a hub for commerce and trade.

The 20th century brought further progress to Childress County. Oil was discovered in the area in the 1920s, leading to the establishment of oil fields and increased economic activity. The county also saw advancements in education and infrastructure, with the construction of schools, roads, and other public facilities.

Today, Childress County continues to be a primarily agricultural community, with cattle ranching, cotton farming, and oil production being the main industries. The county offers a peaceful rural lifestyle and is proud of its history and heritage.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Childress County, Texas.

  • 1876: Childress County is officially established by the Texas legislature.
  • 1887: The first post office is established in the county.
  • 1890: The town of Childress is founded as the county seat.
  • 1891: The Fort Worth and Denver Railway reaches Childress County, boosting economic growth.
  • 1898: Childress County experiences a boom in cotton production.
  • 1910: The town of Carey is incorporated.
  • 1930s: The Great Depression hits Childress County, leading to a decline in population and economic hardships.
  • 1936: A severe drought leads to further challenges for the county.
  • 1940s: Oil and gas production helps revitalize the local economy.
  • 1980s: Childress County experiences economic growth due to agriculture and energy industries.
  • 2000s: The county continues to thrive with improved infrastructure and diverse economic sectors.