Estéfana Goseascochea Cemetery

Marker installed: 2008
Marker size: 27" x 42"

María Estéfana Goseascochea de Cavazos y de Cortina established this burial ground on her property by the mid-1800s. Doña Estéfana, as she was known, was a large landowner and matriarch of noted pioneer families in south Texas. Born in Ciudad Camargo, Nuevo Santander, Mexico in 1792 to an affluent family, she married José María Fransisco Cavazos in 1815. The couple had three children before José died. In 1823, Estéfana remarried; with attorney and alcalde Trinidad Cortinas she would have three more children. Cortinas died during the Mexican-American war (1846-48).

In 1848, Doña Estéfana moved her family from Camargo, Mexico to her allotted portion of the Espíritu Santo grant, located here. She established a ranching community that she named Rancho el Carmen (El Carmen Ranch), building a house and chapel. While here, Doña Estéfana lost a portion of her land to robber barons, despite a court ruling in her favor. One of Estéfana’s sons, Juan N. Cortina, was a noted general and notorious figure who championed her cause in south Texas.

Doña Estéfana died on Nov. 10, 1867, and was buried at the cemetery on Rancho el Carmen. Due to damage from weather and vandalism, and obstruction from the building of a levee, the burial ground has diminished. However, it remains a monument to the residents of this area and to Doña Estéfana, who was praised after her death by the Brownsville Daily Ranchero, which stated, “many are living who owe their lives to the noble exertions of Doña Estéfana. Her sympathies were ever aroused in behalf of those whose lives were endangered, her philanthropy knew no bounds.”

Historic Texas cemetery – 2007

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

In the late 19th century, Texas became known for its cattle drives, in which cowboys would move herds of cattle from Texas to railheads in Kansas and other northern states. The cattle drives were dangerous and difficult work, but they played a key role in the development of the American cattle industry.
Cameron County, located in southern Texas, has a rich and diverse history that spans several centuries. The area was originally inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Apache and the Karankawa. However, the arrival of Spanish explorers in the late 16th century marked the beginning of a significant shift in the region's history.

In the early 18th century, the Spanish established a presence in the area through the construction of missions and the establishment of ranches. This period saw the growth of agriculture and the introduction of Catholicism to the local population. However, these Spanish settlements faced numerous challenges, including conflicts with Native Americans and French incursions from Louisiana.

In the early 19th century, the area became part of Mexico after gaining independence from Spain. This period was marked by political instability, as Mexico went through numerous changes in leadership. In 1845, the region became part of the newly annexed state of Texas and experienced a surge in population as American settlers arrived. The county was officially named Cameron in 1848 after Ewen Cameron, an early settler and landowner.

The 20th century brought significant economic growth to Cameron County through the development of agriculture, oil, and tourism. The county became an important agricultural center, with cotton, vegetables, and citrus fruits being major crops. The discovery of oil in the nearby Gulf of Mexico also brought economic prosperity, leading to the establishment of a major oil industry in the region. Additionally, the county's beautiful beaches and warm climate attracted tourists, leading to the growth of the tourism industry.

Today, Cameron County continues to be an important agricultural and industrial region in Texas. It is home to a diverse population and remains a popular tourist destination, with its stunning beaches, historical sites, and natural beauty attracting visitors from around the world. The county's rich history is celebrated through various museums, festivals, and cultural events, showcasing the colorful past that has shaped Cameron County into what it is today.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Cameron County, Texas.

  • 1848: Cameron County is established as one of the original counties of Texas.
  • 1850: The first federal census is conducted in Cameron County, recording a population of 285 residents.
  • 1866: The first wooden courthouse is built in Brownsville, the county seat of Cameron County.
  • 1875: The Rio Grande Railroad reaches Brownsville, boosting economic growth in the county.
  • 1893: The current Cameron County Courthouse is completed in Brownsville.
  • 1909: The first automobile bridge across the Rio Grande River is built, connecting Brownsville with Matamoros, Mexico.
  • 1925: The Port of Brownsville is established, becoming a major hub for trade and commerce.
  • 1933: The construction of the Brownsville Ship Channel begins, further enhancing the county's maritime capabilities.
  • 1967: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (formerly known as Pan American University) is established.
  • 2017: Cameron County experiences significant damage from Hurricane Harvey, leading to large-scale recovery efforts.