Bowman Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Lakeside City, Texas
( .8 miles north of SH 79/FM 1954 Intersection, Lakeside City.)
Marker installed: 1986
Marker size: 18" x 28"

Land for this cemetery was donated in 1885 by W. A. Bacon to the Evangelical Missionary Society of North America. The first burial, that of Christina Schmith (b. 1857), took place the same year. The unique sandstone mausoleum on the south side of the cemetery was built about the turn of the century by A. F. Decker (d. 1927) for his parents. Many of the burials are those of German immigrants, reflecting the influence of the German culture in this area. A cemetery association was organized in 1940 to care for the graveyard.

Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The discovery of oil in 1901 near Beaumont, Texas, sparked an oil boom that transformed the state's economy and led to the rise of the modern petroleum industry.
Archer County, located in northern Texas, has a rich history dating back to the 19th century. The area was originally home to various Native American tribes, including the Comanche and Wichita. Spanish explorers began to venture into the region in the 18th century, followed by American settlers in the 19th century.

The county was officially established in 1858 and named after Branch Tanner Archer, a Texas commissioner to the United States. During the mid-1800s, the region became a hotspot for ranching and cattle drives, with several cattle trails passing through Archer County, such as the Chisholm Trail and the Western Trail. This era contributed to the growth of small towns and the development of the agriculture industry.

In the late 1800s, the discovery of oil fields in the region brought significant economic growth and prosperity to Archer County. Oil wells were drilled, and industries related to the oil business, such as refineries, were established. The oil boom transformed Archer County from a primarily agricultural area into a thriving petroleum hub.

Throughout the 20th century, Archer County experienced ups and downs in its economic growth, with fluctuations in the oil industry affecting the local economy. However, the county has maintained its rural character and has continued to be a hub for agriculture, ranching, and oil production. Today, Archer County is known for its picturesque landscapes, small towns, and historical sites that showcase its vibrant past.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Archer County, Texas.

  • 1800s: Archer County originally inhabited by various Native American tribes.
  • 1874: Archer County officially established and named after Branch Tanner Archer, a Texas statesman.
  • Late 1800s: Ranching and farming become the primary economic activities in Archer County.
  • 1886: The Wichita Falls and Northwestern Railway reaches Archer City, the county seat.
  • 1890s: Oil is discovered in Archer County, leading to the growth of the petroleum industry.
  • 1919: Archer County experiences a population boom due to the oil boom in the region.
  • 1926: The discovery of the Electra oilfield in Archer County leads to increased oil extraction and economic prosperity.
  • 1930s: The Great Depression negatively impacts Archer County as oil prices plummet and businesses suffer.
  • 1950s: Archer County experiences another oil boom, bringing economic growth and development.
  • 1970s: Agriculture continues to be a significant contributor to Archer County's economy, with cattle and wheat production flourishing.
  • 2000s: Archer County's economy diversifies with the growth of healthcare, education, and other service sectors.
  • Present: Archer County remains a rural community with a mixture of oil and agriculture as key industries, while also supporting tourism and outdoor recreational activities.