Providence County, Rhode Island

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1761 Milestone Adams, John E., House Albion Historic District Aldrich, Nelson W., House All Saints Memorial Church Allen Street Historic District Allen, Candace, House Allen, Zachariah, House Allendale Mill Allenville Mill American Brewing Company Plant American Street School American Supply Company Building Andrew Dickhaut Cottages Historic District Andrews Mill Company Plant Andrews-Luther Farm Angell, Daniel, House Angell, Otis, Gristmill Angell-Ballou House Arcade, The Arnold Mills Historic District Arnold, Dexter, Farmstead Arnold, Eleazer, House Arnold, Israel, House Arnold, John, House Arnold, Peleg, Tavern Arnold-Palmer House Art's Auto Ashton Historic District Aylesworth Apartments Bailey, William L., House Ballou House Ballou-Weatherhead House Battey-Barden House Beaman and Smith Company Mill Belknap School Bell Street Chapel Beneficent Congregational Church Berkeley Mill Village Bernon Worsted Mill Bicknell-Armington Lightning Splitter House Blackstone Boulevard Realty Plat Historic District Blackstone Boulevard-Cole Avenue-Grotto Avenue Historic District Blackstone Canal Blackstone Canal (Boundary Increase) Blackstone Park Historic District Borders Farm Boston and Providence Railroad Bridge Brackett, Charles, House Bradley, George M., House Braitsch, William J. and Company, Plant Brick Schoolhouse Bridge Mill Power Plant Bridgeton School Bridgham Farm Bridgham-Arch-Wilson Streets Historic District Broadway-Armory Historic District Broadway-Armory Historic District (Boundary Increase) Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company Complex Brown Avenue Historic District Brown, John, House Brown, Morris, House Brown, Moses, School Burlingame-Noon House Burnham, G.A., House Burrows Block Butler Hospital Calvary Baptist Church Cappelli, A. F., Block Carpenter, Lakeside, and Springvale Cemeteries Carr, Dr. George W., House Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Cato Hill Historic District Cato Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase) Central Diner Central Falls Congregational Church Central Falls Mill Historic District Central Street School Chemical Building, Fields Point Sewage Treatment Plant Chepachet Village Historic District Childs-Brown House Christ Episcopal Church Church Hill Grammar School Church Hill Industrial District Church Hill Industrial District (Boundary Increase) Clayville Historic District Clemence-Irons House Cole, John, Farm College Hill Historic District Collyer Monument Columbus Conant Thread-Coats & Clark Mill Complex District Conant, Samuel B., House Congdon Street Baptist Church Cooke, Amos, House Corliss, John, House Corliss-Carrington House Cornell-Randall-Bailey Roadhouse Covell Street School Crandall, Lorenzo, House Crescent Park Carousel Cumberland Town Hall Historic District Customhouse Historic District Cutler, Susan S. & Edward J., House Daggett, Nathaniel, House Darling, Henry, House Davol Rubber Company Deming, Richard Henry, House Dennis, James, House Dexter, Edward, House Dexter, Jeremiah, House District 6 Schoolhouse Division Street Bridge Dorrance, Capt. George, House Dowler, Charles, House Downtown Pawtucket Historic District Downtown Providence Historic District Downtown Providence Historic District (Boundary Increase) Downtown Providence Historic District (Boundary Increase) Doyle Avenue Historic District Dyerville Mill Earnscliffe Woolen-Paragon Worsted Company Mill Complex Eddy Homestead Edgewood Historic District-Aberdeen Plat Edgewood Historic District-Anstis Greene Estate Plats Edgewood Historic District-Arnold Farm Plat Edgewood Historic District-Sally Greene Homestead Plats Edgewood Historic District-Shaw Plat Edgewood Historic District-Taft Estate Plat Edgewood Historic District-Taft Estate Plat (Boundary Increase) Edgewood Yacht Club Elizabeth Building Elliot-Harris-Miner House Elm Tree Plat Historic District Elmgrove Gardens Historic District Elmwood Historic District Ernest Street Sewage Pumping Station Esten-Bowen House Exchange Street Historic District Fales, David G., House Farnum, Edwin H., House Federal Building Fenner, Thomas, House Fifth Ward Wardroom Fire Station No. 4 First Baptist Meetinghouse First Universalist Church First Universalist Church First Ward Wardroom Fleur-de-Lis Studios Forestdale Mill Village Historic District Foster Center Historic District Foster-Payne House Freeman Plat Historic District French Worsted Company Mill Historic District Fuller Houses Gately Building Gaulin, Alphonse, Jr., House General Ice Cream Corporation Building Georgiaville Historic District Gilbane's Service Center Building Glenark Mills Glocester Town Pound Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church Grace Church Great Road Historic District Greene, Benjamin F., House Greystone Historic District Greystone Mill Historic District Grove Street Elementary School Haile, Joseph, House Hanora Mills Harmony Chapel and Cemetery Harris Warehouse Harrisville Historic District Hay and Owen Buildings Hearthside Heaton and Cowing Mill Holy Trinity Church Complex Honan's Block and 112-114 Main Street Hope Block and Cheapside Hope Street School Hope Webbing Company Mill Hope-Power-Cooke Streets Historic District Hopkins Mill Historic District Hopkins, Esek, House Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, House Hoppin, Thomas F., House Hughes, Thomas H., House Island Place Historic District Ives, Thomas P., House Jenckes House Jenckes House Jenckes Mansion Jenckes Spinning Company Jenks Park & Cogswell Tower Jillson, Luke, House Jones Warehouses Joy Homestead Jules Desurmont Worsted Company Mill Knightsville Meetinghouse Kotzow, Louis, House L'Eglise du Precieux Sang L'Union Saint Jean-Baptist d' Amerique Ladd Observatory Lafayette Worsted Company Administrative Headquarters Historic District Leroy Theatre Liberty Arming the Patriot Lime Kilns Limerock Village Historic District Linton Block Lippitt Hill Historic District Lippitt, Gov. Henry, House Little Neck Cemetery Loew's State Theatre Logee House Lonsdale Historic District Louttit Laundry Lymansville Company Mill Lynch, Matthew, House Main Street Bridge Main Street Historic District Manton-Hunt-Farnum Farm Manville Company Worker Housing Historic District Market House Mason, Israel B., House Mathewson Farm Mechanical Fabric Company Merchants Bank Building Metcalf-Franklin Farm Mitchell-Arnold House Modern Diner Montgomery, Nathaniel, House Moore Fabric Company Plant Moosup Valley Historic District Moshassuck Square Mount Vernon Tavern Mowry, Tyler, House Mowry, William, House Mt. Hygeia National and Providence Worsted Mills Naushon Company Plant New England Butt Company Newman Cemetery Newman Congregational Church Nicholson File Company Mill Complex Nightingale-Brown House North Burial Ground North End Historic District Norwood Avenue Historic District Oak Lawn Village Historic District Oakland Avenue Historic District Oakland Historic District Oddfellow's Hall Old Ashton Historic District Old Congregational Church Old Slater Mill Olney Street-Alumni Avenue Historic District Olney, Capt. Stephen, House Ontario Apartments Oriental Mills Our Lady of Lourdes Church Complex Parkis-Comstock Historic District Parkis-Comstock Historic District (Boundary Increase) Pascoag Grammar School Patterson Brothers Commercial Building and House Pawtucket Armory Pawtucket City Hall Pawtucket Congregational Church Pawtucket Elks Lodge Building Pawtucket Post Office Pawtucket Times Building Pawtucket West High School Payne, Charles, House Pearce, Nathaniel, House Pekin Street Historic District Perkins Buildings Phillips Insulated Wire Company Complex Phillipsdale Historic District Philmont Worsted Company Mill Pine Street Historic District Pitcher-Goff House Plain Farm House Plymouth Congregational Church Pocasset Worsted Company Mill Poirier's Diner Pomham Rocks Light Station Pothier House Potter-Collyer House Potter-Remington House Power Street-Cooke Street Historic District Prospect Heights Housing Project Providence City Hall Providence Dyeing, Bleaching, Calendring Company Providence Fruit and Produce Warehouse Company Building Providence Gas Company Purifier House Providence Jewelry Manufacturing District (Boundary Increase) Providence Jewelry Manufacturing Historic District Providence Lying-In Hospital Providence Steel and Iron Company Complex Providence Telephone Company Providence-Biltmore Hotel Pullen Corner School Quality Hill Historic District Reservoir Avenue Sewage Pumping Station Return Sludge Pumping Station, Fields Point Sewage Treatment Plant Rhode Island Hospital Trust Building Rhode Island Medical Society Building Rhode Island Statehouse Rhode Island Tool Company Rhodes Street Historic District Rhodes-on-the Pawtuxet Ballroom and Gazebo Richmond Paper Company Mill Complex Riverside Cemetery Rochambeau Branch-Providence Public Library Rochambeau Worsted Company Mill Roger Williams National Memorial Roger Williams Park Historic District Rose Land Park Plat Historic District Rosedale Apartments Rumford Chemical Works and Mill House Historic District Rumford Historic District Russell, Joseph and William, House Saint Martin's Church Saint Thomas Episcopal Church and Rectory Sayles, Deborah Cook, Public Library Saylesville Historic District Saylesville Meetinghouse Scholze-Sayles House Shakespeare Hall Sheldon House Shepard Company Building Sixth District Courthouse Slater Park Slatersville Historic District Sludge Press House, Fields Point Sewage Treatment Plant Smith Hill Branch-Providence Public Library Smith Hill Historic District Smith Street Primary School Smith, Joseph, House Smith-Appleby House Smith-Ballou House Smithfield Exchange Bank Smithfield Friends Meeting House, Parsonage & Cemetery Smithfield Road Historic District Smithville Seminary Smithville-North Scituate Sons of Jacob Synagogue South Central Falls Historic District South Main Street Historic District South Providence Branch-Providence Public Library South Street Historic District South Street Station Spaulding, Joseph, House Sprague, David, House Sprague, Gov. William, Mansion Squantum Association St. Andrews Episcopal Chapel St. Ann's Church Complex St. Charles Borromeo Church Complex St. John the Baptist Church St. Joseph's Church Complex St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception Complex St. Mary's Episcopal Church St. Matthew's Church St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Convent, Rectory, and School St. Paul's Church St. Stephen's Church Stadium Building Standard Paper Box Corporation State Arsenal State Home and School for Dependent and Neglected Children Historic District Stimson Avenue Historic District Summit Historic District Swan Point Cemetery Swan Point Cemetery and Trolley Shelter (Boundary Increase) Sweet, Ira B., House Taft, Moses, House Temple Beth-El Todd Farm Tower, Lewis, House Tower-Flagg Barn Complex Trinity Church Trinity Square Historic District Trinity Square Repertory Theatre U.S. Customshouse U.S. Post Office Union Station Union Trust Company Building Union Village Historic District United States Post Office Annex United States Rubber Company Mill Complex University Hall, Brown University Valley Falls Mill Valley Falls Mill, Office and Bath House Veterans Memorial Auditorium-Masonic Temple Walker, Phillip, House Wanskuck Branch-Providence Public Library Wanskuck Historic District Washington Park Sewage Pumping Station Waterman-Winsor Farm Wayland Historic District Wesleyan Avenue Historic District Westcote Westcott, Nathan, House Westminster Street Historic District Weybosset Mills Complex Whipple-Angell-Bennett House Whipple-Cullen House and Barn Whipple-Jenckes House Whitcomb Farm White, Josephine, Block Wilbur, Frank, House Winsor, Stephen, House Winsor-Swan-Whitman Farm Witherby, Constance, Park Wood, Arad, House Woods-Gerry House Woonsocket City Hall Woonsocket Civil War Monument Woonsocket Company Mill Complex Woonsocket District Courthouse Woonsocket Rubber Company Mill Woonsocket Senior High and Junior High Schools World War I Memorial

A Family Business A Livelie Experiment A Mechanic's Life A Place for Your Ideas A Shelter for Persons Distressed Across the River from Market Square Alice Mill World War I Memorial Ambrose Burnside Memorial Annye Around the Corner from Market Square Beneficent Congregational Church Bernon Worsted Mill Bethel A.M.E. Church Birthplace of American Manufacturing Blackstone River Valley Bridging the Seekonk Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski Brown University Slave Trade Memorial Burning of British Taxed Tea Burrillville Veterans Monument Burrillville Veterans Plaque Captain Wilbur Kelly Channeling Progress Civil War Memorial College Hill Historic District Colonial Wharf at South Water Street: 1910-1942 /Fox Point and the Night Boat Era 1822-1932 Community Development Congdon Street Baptist Church Court and State House Crawford Street Bridge Without Crawford Street Crescent Park Looff Carousel Daggett House Easter Rising Ethnicity First Baptist Church First Baptist Church in America 375th Anniversary First Professional Theater First Successful Cotton Mill in America First Town House of Providence First Universalist Church Fleur-De-Lys Studio Fountain Street Fox Point Cape Verdean Community Fox Point: The 19th Century Port of Providence / Shipping Expands Around the Point Gabriel Bernon Gaetano Del Guidice Gano Park - Centuries of History Giovanni Da Verrazzano Grover C. Walker Memorial Harnessing the Power of the Blackstone River HMS Gaspee Hope College Horace Mann In Honor of WWII Veterans In Memory of Henrietta I. Drummond In Memory of Korea and Vietnam Veterans In Memory of Our Townsmen Indomitable John Brown House John F. "Jack" McGee Kelly’s Mill Lady Carrington and The Blackstone Canal Lincoln St World War II Memorial Lippitt House Looff Carousel Luigi Scala Major Gales and Hurricanes around Market Square Major Henry Harrison Young Marconi Milling Machines Monastery Bell Morris Brown House Nine Men’s Misery North Smithfield Vietnam War Memorial Old Slater Mill Olney Street Riot 1831 On This Location 5 August 1943 Three Servicemen Perished Pawtucket City Hall Pawtucket Public Library Pawtucket Public Library / Old Pawtucket Post Office Pawtucket Veterans Memorial Pembroke College Tribute Pierce Park and Riverwalk Prince Hall Prince Hall Masonic Lodge F.A.M. Providence Providence Harbor History Providence Marine Corps of Artillery Providence Preservation Organizations Providence River Bridge Providence River Park Realizing Providence Repentance for Slavery Revolutions: American and Industrial Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial Rhode Island Irish Famine Memorial Rhode Island Korean Veterans Memorial Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Rhode Island State House Rhode Island World War II Memorial Rise of the Gangways (1704-1844) / Fall of the Gangways (1844-1983) River and Fields at Pawtucket River Relocation Project and Providence River Park River Relocation Project and Providence River Park Rochambeau's Army in Rhode Island Roger Williams Founded Providence Here in 1636 Roger Williams Landing 1636 Roger Williams National Memorial Seasonal Gathering Shakespeare's Head Sissieretta Jones Site of Roger Williams House Slater Mill Snowtown Riot 1831 Spanish American War Memorial Splendid Mansion of Eleazer Arnold State Arsenal 20th Century Wars Memorial Steeple Street Steeple Street Steeple Street Complex Stephanie and Ashley Stephen Hopkins Styles The Arcade The Bicentennial of Haitian Independence The Boys of Adams' Battery "G" The Brown Bear The Changing Face of the West Bank / The West Bank The Crawford Street Bridge The First Baptist Church The First Baptist Meetinghouse The First Official Residence of the President of Brown University The Fox Point Hurricane Barrier/A Second Life for the Hurricane Barrier The Glory Days of Providence's Old Harbor The Grand Lodge of Rhode Island The History of The Weybosset Bridge The Hurricane and Flood of September 21, 1938 The Hurricane of September 21st 1938 The Interstate 195 Relocation Project and the Old Harbor Plan The Landing Place of Roger Williams The Meeting Street School The Moshassuck River The Old Harbor The Old Slater Mill The Original Water Supply The Perfect Place The Prophet of Religious Freedom The Puritan and the Indian The Second Freewill Baptist (Pond Street) Church The Site of Hardscrabble Riot 1824 The Wellspring of Providence The Wilkinson Mill The Woonasquatucket River Thomas A. Doyle To Our World War II Veterans Tockwotton and the Indiamen / Sails to Rails 1835: Providence's First Train Station Union Station University Hall Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Wall of Hope Washington Street Water Works Welcome to India Point Park Wilkinson Mill William Gilbane Witness to History Women of Woonsocket Woonasquatucket River Woonsocket Civil War Memorial Woonsocket Civil War Monument Woonsocket Spanish-American War Monument Woonsocket Veterans Monument Woonsocket YMCA World War I Memorial World War I Memorial World War I Monument World War II Memorial
Providence County, located in the state of Rhode Island, has a rich and storied history that spans several centuries. The area was originally inhabited by the Narragansett Native American tribe before European colonization began in the 17th century. In 1636, Roger Williams founded the settlement of Providence, which would become the capital city of Rhode Island and the county seat of Providence County.

During the 18th century, Providence County experienced rapid industrial growth. The region became a major center for manufacturing, particularly in textiles, which helped fuel the Industrial Revolution in America. Mills and factories sprang up along the banks of the Blackstone River, utilizing its water power. This economic expansion led to an influx of immigrants, including Irish and Italian populations, who played a significant role in the area's cultural diversity.

Providence County played a pivotal role in the American Revolution. It was the site of important military actions such as the burning of the British revenue cutter Gaspee in 1772, a famous act of resistance against British authority. The county also supplied troops for the Continental Army, and notable figures like General Nathanael Greene, a trusted aide of George Washington, hailed from the area.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Providence County continued to thrive industrially and economically. It became a center for innovation in fields like jewelry manufacturing and machine tool production. Additionally, the county witnessed significant social advancements, such as the establishment of institutions for higher education, including Brown University in Providence.

Today, Providence County remains a vibrant and diverse region. Its rich history is showcased through numerous museums, historic sites, and cultural events. The county's legacy as an industrial and cultural hub continues to shape its identity and contribute to Rhode Island's overall heritage.
Brief timeline of the history of Providence County, Rhode Island:

  • 1636: Providence County was founded by Roger Williams when he purchased land from the Narragansett tribe.
  • 1643: Providence Plantations, including Providence County, joined the New England Confederation.
  • 1703: Providence County was officially established as one of three counties in the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
  • 1780: The Rhode Island General Assembly divided Providence County into five separate towns: Providence, Pawtucket, Cumberland, and Smithfield.
  • 1804: The city of Providence was officially incorporated as a separate municipality within Providence County.
  • 1831: The city of Pawtucket was officially incorporated as a separate municipality within Providence County.
  • 1868: The town of East Providence was separated from the city of Providence and incorporated as a separate municipality.
  • 1871: Burrillville was separated from Glocester and became a separate town in Providence County.
  • 1910: Woonsocket was incorporated as a city within Providence County.
  • 1972: Foster and Scituate were transferred from Providence County to neighboring Kent County.
  • 1986: The town of Smithfield was expanded to include the former town of Georgiaville.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Providence County, Rhode Island.