Historical Markers in Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Algrunix Building, 1894
Allegheny College
Alliance College
Atlantic Motor Oil
Baldwin House
Benson Memorial Library
Birth of George Washington Bicentennial
Birthplace of the Direct Primary
Bishop James M. Thoburn
Blooming Valley Honor Roll
Blue Streak
Brown Street Bridge
Burgess Park
Byron D Benson
Cambridge Springs
Central Station
Chamber of Commerce
Chestnut St. Bridge
Col. William Crawford
Colonel Drake Park
Company "A" 211th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers
Conneaut Reservoir
Corinthian Hall, 1865
Crawford County
Crawford County's Tribute to Her Loyal Sons
Cytemp Specialty Steel Company
Dedicated to All VeteransÂ…
Desegregation of Pennsylvania Schools
Drake Well
Early Refinery
Edwin L. Drake
Erected May 12, 1888
Erie Extension Canal
Erie Extension Canal
Erie Extension Canal
First Christian Church
First Presbyterian Church
Founding Site of Allegheny College
French Creek
French Creek Feeder
French Creek Feeder
George Custer Home
Grant Street Bridge
Historic District
Hyde Home, 1864
Ida M. Tarbell
Ida Tarbell
John A. Mather
John Brown Tannery
John Brown's Tannery
John Heisman
John Mather Home
John William Heisman
Jonathan Titus
Joseph Seep Home
Judge Derickson House
Library Hall
McGill House
McKinney Hall
Meadville Market House
Meadville Woolen Mills
Meridian Building
Mill Run
Oil Creek
Oil Creek
Oil-Producing Salt Well
Penn-Drake Motor Oils
Pennzoil & South Penn
Pioneer Park [Cemetery]
Quaker State Motor Oil
Raymond Philip Shafer
Richard Henderson
Roberts Torpedo
Roddy Law Office
Rural Electrification
Scheide Home, 1864
Second National Bank, 1865
Site of First Court House and Gaol North of Pittsburg
Site of the Gibson Tavern
Site of Titusville Oil Exchange
Specialty Steelmaker of Titusville
Spirella Company
St. James Episcopal Church, 1863
St. Titus Church
Standard Oil Company
Sterling Oil
Sun Oil Co./Sunoco
The Abbott Home
The Federal Building
The Ice Industry and the Ice Houses
The Kepler Hotel
The Market House Plaza
The Masonic Building
The Promenade de Fismes
The Railroads
The Shryock Store
The Snodgrass Building
The Spirella Company
The Tarbell House
The Venango Veterans Memorial Bridge
This Carousel
This Tablet
Titusville Forge Division Honor Roll
Titusville Iron Company, 1860
Titusville Iron Works Company
Titusville Oil Exchange
Titusville Oil Exchange: World's First
Titusville Trust Company, 1919
Titusvillia Drakei Caster
To the Memory of the Brave
Townville Episcopal Chapel Bell
Union 76 Gasoline
Unitarian Church
Universal Cyclops Steel Corporation Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
War Veterans Memorial
Western NY and PA Railway Freight Station, 1892
William D. Rider
William White Building
Within This Block
Wolf's Head Oils and Lubes
Pennsylvania was home to the first all-volunteer firefighting company in America, which was established in Philadelphia in 1736.
About Crawford County
Crawford County Timeline
Crawford County, Pennsylvania has a rich history that dates back to its settlement by Native American tribes, including the Seneca and Iroquois. However, the region's European history began in the 18th century when French and British forces competed for control of the area during the French and Indian War. Eventually, the British emerged victorious and claimed the land.
The county's official founding took place in 1800 when it was established as part of the new Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The town of Meadville was designated as the county seat and quickly became a vital center for trade and commerce. In the early 19th century, the county experienced a population boom as settlers arrived in search of fertile land and economic opportunities.
Crawford County played a significant role in the development of the American transportation system. In the mid-1800s, the county became a hub for several important transportation routes, including the Erie Canal and various railroads. This led to further growth and prosperity for the region, with industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and lumber booming.
The county also has a notable military history. During the American Civil War, many men from Crawford County joined the Union Army to fight for the preservation of the United States. The county's soldiers participated in major battles, including Gettysburg, and made significant contributions to the Union cause.
Today, Crawford County is known for its picturesque landscapes, thriving agricultural sector, and rich cultural heritage. Its history serves as a reminder of the region's resilience and determination. From the early days of Native American settlements to its contributions to the growth of transportation and participation in the Civil War, Crawford County's past is intertwined with the overall narrative of Pennsylvania and the United States.
The county's official founding took place in 1800 when it was established as part of the new Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The town of Meadville was designated as the county seat and quickly became a vital center for trade and commerce. In the early 19th century, the county experienced a population boom as settlers arrived in search of fertile land and economic opportunities.
Crawford County played a significant role in the development of the American transportation system. In the mid-1800s, the county became a hub for several important transportation routes, including the Erie Canal and various railroads. This led to further growth and prosperity for the region, with industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and lumber booming.
The county also has a notable military history. During the American Civil War, many men from Crawford County joined the Union Army to fight for the preservation of the United States. The county's soldiers participated in major battles, including Gettysburg, and made significant contributions to the Union cause.
Today, Crawford County is known for its picturesque landscapes, thriving agricultural sector, and rich cultural heritage. Its history serves as a reminder of the region's resilience and determination. From the early days of Native American settlements to its contributions to the growth of transportation and participation in the Civil War, Crawford County's past is intertwined with the overall narrative of Pennsylvania and the United States.
Crawford County Timeline
This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Crawford County, Pennsylvania.
- 1785: Crawford County was established on March 12, 1785.
- 1800: The county's population reaches over 5,000.
- 1810: Meadville becomes the county seat.
- 1825: The Allegheny River is connected to French Creek through the completion of the French Creek Feeder Canal.
- 1850: The population of Crawford County surpasses 30,000.
- 1861-1865: Many men from Crawford County serve in the American Civil War.
- 1879: Titusville becomes the site of the world's first successful commercial oil well, leading to the oil boom in the region.
- 1890: The population of Crawford County peaks at over 50,000.
- 1925: Crawford County celebrates its centennial.
- 1941-1945: Crawford County contributes to the war effort during World War II.
- 2010: The population of Crawford County is approximately 88,765.