Centre County, Pennsylvania

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103rd Engineers 103rd Medical Battalion and Regiment 107th Field Artillery 108th Field Artillery 108th Machine Gun Battalion 109th Infantry Regiment 109th Machine Gun Battalion 110th Infantry Regiment 111th Infantry Regiment 112th Infantry Regiment 112th Machine Gun Company 28th Division Shrine 28th Signal Battalion Ag Experiment Station Ag Hill American Elms American Literature Andrew G. Curtin Andrew Gregg Curtin Anna Wagner Keichline Armory Artificial Insemination Atmospheric Research Atoms for Peace Bald Eagle's Nest Bellefonte Bellefonte Bellefonte Air Mail Field Bellefonte Governors Memorial Bellefonte, Centre County ~ Gateway to the Lumber Heritage Region Big Ten Breon-Stover Building Brill Hall Brockerhoff House Calorimeter Campus View Apartments / Schlow Building Carnegie Building Centre County Banking Co. Building Centre County Courthouse Centre County Veterans Memorial Centre Furnace Centre Furnace Mansion Chace Hall Champions for Equality Continuing Education Cooper Hall Correspondence Courses Coshocton Train Wreck Curry Hall Dale Building Diesel Engineering Driver Education Dunlop Street Eagle Ironworks Edward Graham House Evan Pugh Faculty Cottages First Ag Degrees Gateway & Destination Locations Great Shamokin Path Halehurst Haller Hall Harris Hall Headquarters Troop 28th Division Heart-Assist Pump Hibbs Hall Honoring the 28th Hospitality Management Hotel State College Hoyt Hall Indian Leadership Industry Research Ionospheric Research Irvin Hall James A. "Billboard" Jackson John I. Thompson Grain Elevator and Coal Sheds Jordan Soil Plots Joseph Ceader Residence Juniata Iron Labor Education Lyman Kipp Lyons Hall M114A2 Towed 155mm Howitzer M4A1(76)W General Sherman Tank M59 Armored Personnel Carrier M60A3 Tank Management Education Martin Luther King Jr. McKee Hall Memorial Field Miles-Potter-Humes House Miller Hall Moses Thompson Mushroom Science Nelson Hall Nittany Lion Shrine Oak Cottage Old Botany Old Engineering Old Main Old Main Bell Old Willow On This Spot was Mustered Ordnance QF, 4.5-inch Howitzer Mark II Panofsky Hall Pattee Mall American Elms Penn State Obelisk PENNSTAC Pennsylvania Match Factory Penn's Cave Hotel Philip Benner Philipsburg Plumbe Forge Port Matilda Cemetery Postwar Authors Potter's Fort President Atherton Public Speaking Pure Food Laws R Values Reynolds Mansion Reynolds-Lane-Hastings Mansion Schwab Auditorium Science, Technology and Society Scotia State College High School Stephens Hall Student Broadcasting Student Section The 28th Division Infantry The Aaronsburg Story The Alpha Chi Chapter of Sigma Chi The Bent of Tau Beta Pi The Boal Troop The Cadillac Building The College Avenue Fountain The Creamery The Daily Collegian The Foster / Gentzel Building The Legend of Penn's Cave The Mills Brothers The Pennsylvania Military Museum / 28th Infantry Division Shrine The Pennsylvania State University The State Theatre To All Who Served Twin 40mm Self-propelled Gun, M42A1 Duster U.S. Airmail Pioneers Union Cemetery Union Church USS Pennsylvania Veterans Memorial Veterans' Bridge Wake Turbulence Walnut Building Waring European Larch Warriors Path Water Tunnel We Are Penn State William F. Packer Woodring's Floral Gardens "Lincoln Hall"
Centre County, Pennsylvania, located in the central part of the state, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. The region was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Susquehannocks and the Iroquois Confederacy. European settlers arrived in the late 18th century and established towns like Bellefonte and State College.

The county was officially established in 1800 and was named Centre because of its location at the geographic center of Pennsylvania. In the 19th century, Centre County played a significant role in the development of the state. It became a hub for the lumber industry, with vast forests providing timber for construction and fuel. The county also had an important iron industry, with numerous iron furnaces in operation.

The arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the mid-19th century brought significant changes to the county. It facilitated transportation of goods and people, giving a boost to the local economy. With the establishment of the Farmers' High School in 1855, which later became Penn State University, education became a vital part of the county's identity.

In the 20th century, Centre County continued to grow and evolve. State College, the county seat, developed as a vibrant college town centered around Penn State University. The university became a major driver of economic growth and cultural development in the region. Today, Centre County is known for its diverse economy, natural beauty, and thriving community.
Brief timeline of the history of Centre County, Pennsylvania:

  • 1800: Centre County is established and named after its geographical location, which is the center of Pennsylvania.
  • 1804: Bellefonte becomes the county seat, replacing Milesburg.
  • 1810: The Bald Eagle Iron Works, the first iron forge in Centre County, is established.
  • 1834: The Pennsylvania Match Company, the first match manufacturer in the United States, is established in Bellefonte.
  • 1855: The Bellefonte and Snow Shoe Railroad begins operations, connecting Bellefonte with the coal mines in Snow Shoe.
  • 1861-1865: Centre County sees significant involvement in the American Civil War, with many residents serving in various capacities.
  • 1885: The Pennsylvania State University is established in State College, becoming the county's largest employer and a leading educational institution.
  • 1964: The Centre Daily Times, the county's largest newspaper, is founded.
  • 1974: The Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair, commonly known as "Grange Fair," begins and becomes a popular annual event.
  • 1996: Bellefonte becomes the first Pennsylvania town to be designated a "Victorian Christmas Town."
  • 2011: Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant football coach at Penn State, is arrested and later convicted of child sexual abuse, bringing national attention to Centre County.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Centre County, Pennsylvania.