Historical Markers in Adams County, Pennsylvania
...broken by gunfire...
...Lincoln passed by...
102 & 78th New York Infantry
102nd Pennsylvania Infantry
104th New York Infantry
105th Pennsylvania Infantry
106th Pennsylvania Infantry
106th Pennsylvania Volunteers
106th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
107th New York Infantry
107th Ohio Infantry
107th Pennsylvania Infantry
107th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry
108th New York Infantry
109th Pennsylvania Infantry
10th Independent Battery New York Light Artillery
10th Maine Battalion
10th Massachusetts Infantry
10th New York Cavalry
10th New York Infantry
10th Pennsylvania Reserves
110th Pennsylvania Infantry
111th New York Infantry
111th Pennsylvania Infantry
114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
114th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry
115th Pennsylvania Infantry
116th Pennsylvania Infantry
118th Pennsylvania Infantry
118th Pennsylvania Volunteers
119th New York Infantry
119th Pennsylvania Infantry
119th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
11th Corps Headquarters
11th Independent (Havelock) Battery
11th Massachusetts Infantry
11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment
11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment
11th New Jersey Volunteers
11th Pennsylvania Infantry
11th Pennsylvania Reserves
120th New York Infantry
121st New York Infantry
121st Pennsylvania Infantry
121st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
122nd New York Infantry
123rd New York Infantry
124th New York Infantry
124th New York Infantry
125th New York Infantry
126th New York Infantry
12th and 44th New York Infantry
12th Corps Headquarters
12th Illinois Cavalry
12th Massachusetts
12th Massachusetts
12th Massachusetts Volunteers
12th New Hampshire Volunteers
12th New Jersey Volunteers
12th Pennsylvania Reserves
12th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
134th New York Infantry
134th Regiment New York Infantry
136th New York Infantry
137th New York Infantry
139th Pennsylvania Infantry
139th Pennsylvania Volunteers
13th Massachusetts Volunteers
13th New Jersey Volunteers
13th New York Independent Light Battery
13th Pennsylvania Reservers
13th Vermont
13th Vermont
13th Vermont
13th Vermont Volunteer Infantry
140th New York Infantry
140th Pennsylvania Infantry
140th Pennsylvania Infantry
141st Pennsylvania Infantry
142d Pennsylvania Infantry
143d Pennsylvania Infantry
143rd Pennsylvania Infantry
145th New York Infantry
145th Pennsylvania Infantry
146th New York Infantry
147th New York Infantry
147th New York Infantry
147th Pennsylvania Infantry
147th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
148th Pennsylvania Infantry
148th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry
149th New York Infantry
149th Pennsylvania Infantry
149th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
14th (Brooklyn) Infantry N.Y.S.M.
14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
14th Indiana Infantry
14th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers
14th Regiment New York State Militia
14th Vermont Volunteers
14th [Brooklyn] Infantry, N.Y.S.M. [84th. N.Y. Volunteers]
150th New York Infantry
150th New York Infantry
150th Pennsylvania Infantry
150th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
151st Pennsylvania Infantry
153d Pennsylvania Infantry
153rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
154th New York Infantry
155th Pennsylvania Volunteers
157th New York Infantry
157th Regiment New York Volunteers
15th and 50th New York Engineers
15th Battery New York Light Artillery
15th Massachusetts Infantry
15th New York Battery
16th Maine Infantry
16th Maine Infantry
16th Massachusetts Volunteers
16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
16th Vermont Infantry
17th Connecticut Volunteers
17th Connecticut Volunteers
17th Maine Infantry
17th Maine Infantry
17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
18th Massachusetts Volunteers
18th Miss. Inf.
18th Pennsylvania Cavalry
1971 T.C. Williams High School Football Team Honor Oak
19th Indiana Infantry Regiment
19th Maine Infantry Regiment
19th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry
1st & 2d Regiments United States Cavalry
1st & 2nd Regiments United States Cavalry
1st Company Massachusetts Sharpshooters
1st Corps Headquarters
1st Corps Headquarters
1st Delaware Infantry
1st Maryland Battalion
1st Maryland Regiment
1st New Hampshire Battery
1st New Jersey Brigade
1st Ohio Light Artillery, Battery H (Huntington's Battery)
1st Regiment Delaware Volunteers
1st Regiment Eastern Shore Maryland Volunteer Infantry
1st Regiment Maryland Cavalry
1st Regiment Minnesota Volunteers
1st U.S. Sharpshooters
1st West Virginia Cavalry
20th Connecticut Volunteers
20th Maine Regiment
20th Massachusetts Infantry
20th New York State Militia
20th Regiment Indiana Volunteers
21st Pennsylvania Cavalry
21st Pennsylvania Cavalry
223 Baltimore Street
22nd Massachusetts Infantry
23d Pennsylvania Volunteers
24th Michigan Infantry Regiment
24th Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry
25th and 75th Ohio Infantry
25th and 75th Ohio Infantry Regiments
267 Baltimore St.
26th Pennsylvania Emergency Infantry
26th Pennsylvania Infantry
26th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
27th Connecticut Infantry
27th Connecticut Infantry
27th Indiana Infantry
27th Indiana Infantry
27th Pennsylvania Infantry
27th Pennsylvania Volunteers
27th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers Position
28th Massachusetts Infantry
28th Pennsylvania Infantry
28th Pennsylvania Infantry
29th Ohio Infantry
29th Pennsylvania Infantry
29th Pennsylvania Volunteers
2d Corps Headquarters
2d New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry
2d Pennsylvania Cavalry
2d Pennsylvania Reserves
2nd Battery New Jersey Light Artillery
2nd Company Andrew Sharpshooters
2nd Connecticut Light Battery
2nd Maryland Infantry
2nd New York Cavalry
2nd Position of 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers
2nd Regiment Delaware Infantry
2nd Rhode Island Volunteers
2nd Rhode Island Volunteers
2nd Wisconsin Regiment
2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
30th Pennsylvania Infantry
32nd Massachusetts Infantry
37th Massachusetts Infantry
39th New York Infantry
39th New York Infantry (Garibaldi Guards)
3d Corps Headquarters
3d Maryland Infantry
3rd Brigade
3rd Indiana Cavalry
3rd Maine Infantry
3rd Maine Infantry
3rd Maine Regiment
3rd Massachusetts Battery
3rd Michigan Infantry
3rd New York Independent Battery
3rd West Virginia Cavalry
3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
40th New York Infantry
41st New York Infantry
42nd New York Infantry
43rd New York Infantry
45th New York Infantry
45th New York Infantry
46th Pennsylvania Infantry
49th New York Infantry
49th Pennsylvania Infantry
4th Maine Infantry
4th Maine Regiment
4th Michigan Infantry
4th New Jersey Volunteers
4th New York Cavalry
4th New York Independent Battery
4th Ohio Infantry
4th Pennsylvania Cavalry
52nd New York Infantry
53rd Pennsylvania Infantry
54th New York Infantry
54th New York Infantry
55th Ohio Infantry
56th Pennsylvania Infantry
57th New York Infantry
57th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers
58th New York Infantry
59th New York Infantry
5th Connecticut Infantry
5th Corps Headquarters
5th Maine Infantry
5th Massachusetts Battery
5th Michigan Infantry
5th New Hampshire Infantry
5th New Hampshire Infantry Left Flank
5th New Jersey Volunteers
5th New York Cavalry
5th Ohio Infantry
5th Pennsylvania Reserves
5th Wisconsin Volunteers
60th New York Infantry
61st New York Infantry
61st Ohio Infantry
61st Pennsylvania Infantry
62nd New York Infantry
62nd Pennsylvania Infantry
63rd Pennsylvania Infantry
64th New York Infantry
65th New York Infantry
66th New York Infantry
66th Ohio Infantry
67th New York Infantry
68th New York Infantry
68th Pennsylvania Infantry
68th Pennsylvania Infantry
69th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
6th Corps Headquarters
6th Independent Battery, New York Artillery
6th Maine Infantry
6th New Jersey Volunteers
6th New York Cavalry
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry
6th Pennsylvania Reserves
6th Wisconsin Regiment
6th Wisconsin Volunteers
71st Pennsylvania Volunteers
72nd Pennsylvania Infantry
72nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
73rd New York Infantry
73rd Ohio Infantry
73rd Pennsylvania Infantry
74th Pennsylvania Infantry
75th Pennsylvania Infantry
75th Pennsylvania Volunteers
76th New York Infantry
76th New York Infantry
77th New York Infantry
7th Indiana Infantry
7th Maine Infantry
7th Massachusetts Infantry
7th Michigan Infantry
7th New Jersey Volunteers
7th Ohio Infantry
7th West Virginia Infantry
7th West Virginia Infantry
7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
80th New York Infantry
81st Pennsylvania Infantry
82nd Illinois Infantry
82nd New York Infantry
82nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
82nd Pennsylvania Infantry
83rd New York Infantry (9th Regiment N.Y.S.M.)
83rd Pennsylvania Infantry
84th Pennsylvania Infantry
86th New York Infantry
88th Pennsylvania Infantry
88th Pennsylvania Volunteers
88th Pennsylvania Volunteers
88th Pennsylvania Volunteers Position
8th Illinois Cavalry
8th New Jersey Volunteers
8th New York Cavalry
8th Ohio Infantry
8th Pennsylvania Cavalry
90th Pennsylvania Volunteers
90th Pennsylvania Volunteers
90th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
91st Pennsylvania Infantry
91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment
93rd New York Infantry
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry
93rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
94th New York Infantry
95th New York Infantry
95th New York Infantry
95th New York Infantry
95th New York Infantry
95th New York Infantry
95th Pennsylvania Infantry
96th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
97th New York Infantry
98th Pennsylvania Infantry
98th Pennsylvania Infantry
99th Pennsylvania Infantry
99th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
9th Massachusetts Infantry
9th New York Cavalry
9th Pennsylvania Reserves
A Family Who Would Not Leave Their Home
A Farm Transformed by War
A Herd of Modest Size
A Historic Year
A Hospital Under Fire
a site for two legends
A Tale of Two Brothers
A Temporary Resting Place
A Union General Escapes Capture
A Violent Collision of Cavalry
Abner Doubleday
Adam Butt Farm & Schoolhouse
Adams County
Adams County Almshouse
Adams County World War Memorial
Agricultural Hall
Alexander Hays
Alexander's Battalion
Amos Humiston
Anderson's Brigade
Anderson's Brigade
Anderson's Division
Andrew Atkinson Humphreys
Ankonian has been invaluable. President Eisenhower
the enemy very seriously
Archer's Brigade
Archer's Brigade
Armistead and Hancock
Armistead Death Site
Armistead's Brigade
Army of Northern Virginia
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Potomac
Arnold's Battery
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Brigade
Artillery Reserve
Attack on Cemetery Hill
Bachman's Battery - Henry's Battalion
Baltimore Street - An Historic Corridor
Baltimore Street Facade
Barksdale's Brigade
Barksdale's Brigade
Barksdale's Charge
Barlow and General Eisenhower
Barnyard Diplomacy
Basil Biggs
Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery
Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery
Batteries C & F, Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery
Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery
Batteries E & G First U.S. Artillery
Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery
Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery
Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery
Battery A, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery
Battery A, Second U.S. Artillery
Battery A, Second U.S. Artillery
Battery B, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery B, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery B, 1st Rhode Island Artillery
Battery B, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery B, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery B, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery B, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery C, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery C, Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery C, First New York Light Artillery
Battery C, First West Virginia Artillery
Battery C, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery C, Massachusetts Light Artillery
Battery C, Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery C, Third U.S. Artillery
Battery D Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery D, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery D, Second U.S. Artillery
Battery E, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
Battery E, 5th Massachusetts Light Artillery
Battery E, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery F, Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery F, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery F, Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Battery G Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery G, 1st N.Y. Light Artillery
Battery G, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery G, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery G, Second U.S. Artillery
Battery H, 1st U.S. Artillery
Battery H, 3d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Battery H, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Battery I First U.S. Artillery
Battery I, Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery I, First Ohio Artillery
Battery I, First Ohio Light Artillery
Battery I, First Regiment New York Light Artillery
Battery K, 1st N.Y. Light Artillery
Battery K, Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery K, Fifth U.S. Artillery
Battery K, First Ohio Light Artillery
Battery K, First U.S. Artillery
Battery K, Fourth U.S. Artillery
Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery L, 1st Ohio Light Artillery
Battery M, 1st New York Light Artillery
Battery M, Second U.S. Artillery
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Hunterstown
Battlefield Landmarks - North and West
Battlefield Landmarks - South and West
Battlefield Landmarks - West and North
Battlefield LandmarksSouth and West
Before The Battle Of Gettysburg
Benner's Hill
Benning's Brigade
Benning's Brigade
Better Than a Tent...
Bigelow's Desperate Stand
Blount's Battery - Dearing's Battalion
Brander's Battery - Pegram's Battalion
Breathed's Battery - Beckham's Battalion
Brevet Major General James Samuel Wadsworth
Brevet Major General Samuel Zook
Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer
Brigadier General John Gibbon
Brigadier General Lewis Armistead, C.S.A.
Brigadier General Samuel Wiley Crawford
Brockenbrough's Brigade
Brooke's Battery - Poague's Battalion
Brown's Battery - Latimer's Battalion
Building the Highway
Bvt. Maj. Gen. Charles H.T. Collis Memorial
C.W. Hoffman House
Cabell's Battalion
Camp Colt
Camp Letterman
Camp Letterman
Captain Henry V. Fuller
Captain James A. Thompson '40
Captain Jed. Chapman
Captain Thomas E. Jackson's Battery
Carlton's Battery - Cabell's Battalion
Carlton's Battery - Cabell's Battalion
Carpenter's Battery - Latimer's Battalion
Carrington's Battery - Jones's Artillery Battalion
Carter's Battalion
Cashtown Inn
Caskie's Battery - Dearing's Battalion -
Catherine Guinn Farm
Caught in the Crossfire
Cavalry Corps
Cavalry Division
Chambersburg Pike to the Lincoln Highway
Chambliss's Brigade
Chaplain Samuel Henry Stein
Charles Frederick Taylor
Charles M. Morehead, Sr.
Christ Church Episcopal
Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Reformed Church
Christ Reformed Church
Christian Byers Farm
Citizens of Gettysburg
Civil War Hospital
Civil War Hospital
Civil War Soldiers in the Great Conewago Cemetery
Civilians on Seminary Ridge
Clark's Battery
Co. A Purnell Legion
Co. D. 149th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Co. H. 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
Col. Strong Vincent
Colonel George H. Ward
Colonel Willard
Communications Through Music
Companies A and C, 1st Ohio Cavalry
Companies E and H, Second U.S. Sharpshooters
Companies E and I
Companies G and I, 4th Ohio Infantry
Company B, 20th Maine
Company D, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters
Company F, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters
Company K, First Pennsylvania Reserves
Company "I", 60th New York Infantry
Conewago Chapel
Confederate Line of Battle
Confederate Prisoners of War
Confederate Sharpshooter?
Confederate Stronghold
Continuing a Tradition: Freemasonry at Gettysburg
Crenshaw's Battery - Pegram's Battalion
Crisis Comes to the Seminary's Back Door
CSA Field Hospital
Culp Brothers Memorial
Culp's Hill
Cunningham's Battery - Dance's Battalion
Cushing's Union Battery
Dance's Battalion - First Virginia Artillery
Daniel Alexander Payne
Daniel Alexander Payne
Daniel Lady Farm
Daniel Sheaffer Farm
Daniel's Brigade
Daniel's Brigade
David L. Grove
Davis's Brigade
Davis's Brigade
Dearing's Battalion
Defense of Culp's Hill
Defense of Little Round Top
Dement's Battery - Latimer's Battalion
Devil's Den and the Slaughter Pen
Dobbin House
Doles's Brigade
Dow's 6th Maine Battery
Dr. Rufus Benjamin Weaver
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower Farmstead
East Berlin
East Berlin
East Cemetery Hill
Eddie Plank (1875-1926)
Edward McPherson Farm
Eighth U.S. Infantry
Eisenhower National Historic Site
Eleventh Corps
Eleventh U.S. Infantry
Elsie Singmaster
End of the First Day
End of the Second Day
Engineer Brigade
Ernest W. Mayers
Eshleman's Battalion
Eternal Peace Light
Ewell's Corps
Farnsworth's Cavalry Charge
Field Hospital
Field Hospital of the 32nd Massachusetts Infantry
Field Hospitals - Cavalry Corps
Field Hospitals - Eleventh Corps
Field Hospitals - Fifth Corps
Field Hospitals - First Corps
Field Hospitals - Second Corps
Field Hospitals - Sixth Corps
Field Hospitals - Third Corps
Field Hospitals - Twelfth Corps
Fifteenth Massachusetts Vounteer Infantry
Fifth Army Corps
Fifth Corps
Fifth New York Independent Battery
Fifth New York Light Artillery
Fifth New York Light Artillery
Fifth U.S. Cavalry
Fill 'Er Up
First Army Corps
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Brigade
First Corps
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Division
First Home of Seminary and College
First Lieutenant Stephen Holden Doane '70
First Maine Cavalry
First Massachusetts Cavalry
First Massachusetts Infantry
First Massachusetts Infantry Skirmish Line
First Massachusetts Light Battery
First Massachusetts Sharpshooters
First Michigan Infantry
First Minnesota Volunteers
First New Jersey Cavalry
First New York Battery
First Pennsylvania Cavalry
First Regiment Minnesota Volunteers
First Regiment Vermont Cavalry
First Regular Brigade
First Shot - Gettysburg
First U.S. Cavalry
First Vermont Brigade
First Volunteer Brigade
First Volunteer Brigade
Fitzhugh Lee's Brigade
Follow in the Footsteps
Food Preservation of the Past
For the Union Cause
Forty-Third North Carolina Regiment
Fourteenth U.S. Infantry
Fourth Alabama Infantry - Law's Brigade
Fourth Brigade
Fourth New York Independent Battery
Fourth U.S. Infantry
Fourth Volunteer Brigade
Francis Bream Black Horse Tavern
Francis Channing Barlow
Franklin Street Colored School 1884-1932
Fraser's Battery - Cabell's Battalion
Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial
Garber's Battery - Jones's Artillery Battalion
Garden's Battery - Henry's Battalion
Garnett's Battalion
Garnett's Brigade
Gen. Strong Vincent
George Bushman Farm
George Sears Greene
George Spangler Farm
Gettys Crossroads and Tavern
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address Memorial and Abraham Lincoln Statue
Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg College Rooted in History
Gettysburg College Veterans Memorial
Gettysburg National Military Park
Gettysburg R.R. Depot
Gettysburg Seminary
Gettysburg Seminary Ridge Museum
Gettysburg's First Municipal Water Supply
Gettys' Tavern Site
Gold Star Mothers Memorial
Goodwill Cemetery
Gordon's Brigade
Gordon's Brigade
Graham's Battery - Dance's Battalion
Graham's Battery - Poague's Battalion
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Army of the Republic Hall
Grandy's Battery - Garnett's Battalion
Great Conewago Presbyterian Church
Green's Battery - Jones's Artillery Battalion
Green's Battery - Jones's Battalion
Gregg Cavalry Shaft
Griffin's Battery - Dance's Battalion
Guest House Railings
Habitat of Seminary Ridge
Hall's 2nd Maine Battery
Hall's Battery
Hampton's Brigade
Hardaway Alabama Artillery
Harry E. Brown
Hays's Brigade
Headquarters of Brigadier General Henry Hunt
Headquarters of Major General George G. Meade
Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia
Henry Spangler Farm
Henry's Battalion
Heth's Division
High Water Mark
High Water Mark Walking Tour
Highway Enterprise
Highway Headquarters
Historic Breastworks
Historic Fairfield Inn
History of American Field Music
Hoke's Brigade
Hood's Division
Hood's Texas Brigade
Horse Artillery
Hugh Culbertson Farm
Hurt's Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
I shall leave the place better than I found it.
Ice House Complex
Images of Death
Imboden's Brigade
Imboden's Brigade
In Memoriam....Ralph R. Ruggles, Jr
Independent Battery E
Isaac Lightner Farm
Iverson's Brigade
J. Hummelbaugh Farm
Jacks Mountain Road Covered Bridge
Jacob Grass Hotel
Jacob Kime Farm
Jacob Swisher Farm
Jacob Weikert Farm
Jenkins's Brigade
Jennie Wade
Jennie Wade Birthplace
John Abbott
John Burns
John Cleveland Robinson
John Hanson "Hance" Steelman
John L. Burns
John Page Nicholson
John Studebaker
John Timon Reily
John White Geary
Johnson's Division
Johnson's Virginia Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
Johnson's Virginia Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
Jones's Artillery Battalion
Jones's Brigade
Jones's Brigade
Jones's Brigade
Josiah Benner Farm
July 1, 1863
Kemper's Brigade
Kentucky Memorial
Kershaw's Brigade
Kershaw's Brigade
Kershaw's Brigade
Kirkpatrick's Battery - Nelson's Battalion
Kuhn Tavern
Lane's Battalion
Lane's Brigade
Latham's Battery - Henry's Battalion
Latimer's Battalion
Law's Brigade
Law's Brigade
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters At Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters At Gettysburg
Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg
Lee's Shattered Army
Leonard Bricker Farm
Lewis's Battery - Garnett's Battalion
Lieut. General Ambrose P. Hill
Lieut. General James Longstreet
Lieut. General Richard S. Ewell
Lieutenant General James Longstreet
Life as a Seminary Student
Lincoln Address Memorial
Lincoln Address Memorial Plaza
Lincoln Cemetery
Lincoln Square Building
Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech
Littlestown 250 Years
Littlestown War Memorial
Location of Field Hospitals
Longstreet Attacks at 4 p.m.
Longstreet Tower - East View
Longstreet Tower - South View
Louisiana State Memorial
Lower Marsh Creek Church
Lt. Alonzo Cushing
Lt. Col. Henry C. Merwin
Lydia Leister Farm
M.O.L.L.U.S. Memorial
M.O.L.L.U.S. Memorial
Macon's Battery - Dearing's Battalion
Madison Light Artillery
Mahone's Brigade
Major Gen. John F. Reynolds
Major General Alexander Webb
Major General George Gordon Meade
Major General Henry Warner Slocum, U.S.V.
Major General John Fulton Reynolds
Major General John Reynolds
Major General John Sedgwick
Major General Oliver Otis Howard
Major General Sickles
Major General Winfield Scott Hancock
Major Samuel S. Starr
Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock
Manly's Battery - Cabell's Battalion
Manor of Maske
Manor of Maske
Manor of Maske
Manor of Maske
Mary Jemison
Mary Jemison
Mary Virginia Wade
Mary Virginia Wade
Mary Virginia Wade Lived in This House
Marye's Battery - Pegram's Battalion
Massie's Battery - Nelson's Battalion
Maurin's Battery - Garnett's Battalion
McAllister's Mill
McCarthy's Battery - Cabell's Battalion
McGraw's Battery - Pegram's Battalion
McIntosh's Battalion
McLaws's and Pickett's Divisions
McLaws's Division
McPherson Barn
Michael Crist Farm
Michael Frey Farm
Michael Trostle Farm
Michigan Cavalry Brigade
Michigan Sharpshooters
Milledge's Battery - Nelson's Battalion
Miller Hall
Miller's Battery - Eshleman's Battalion
Monumental Stories
Monuments and Markers
Moore's Battery - Garnett's Battalion
Nathaniel Lightner Farm
Nelson's Battalion
New Hampshire - Berdan's Sharpshooters
New Oxford Veterans Memorial
New York State Auxiliary Monument
Nicholls's Brigade
Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Ninth Massachusetts Battery
Ninth Massachusetts Battery
Ninth Massachusetts Battery
Ninth Michigan Battery
Norcom's Battery - Eshleman's Battalion
North Carolina
October 24, 1794
Old Courthouse
Oneida New York Cavalry
Original Studebaker Wagon Shop
O'Neal's Brigade
O'Neal's Brigade
Pardee Field
Parish House
Parker's Battery - Alexander's Battalion
Patrick McSherry
Patterson's Battery - Lane's Battalion
Pegram's Battalion
Pender's Division
Pennsylvania Memorial
Pennsylvania State Memorial
Perrin's Brigade
Perry's Brigade
Perry's Brigade
Peter (Klein) Little
Pettigrew and Trimble's Attack
Pettigrew's Brigade
Pettigrew's Charge
Pickett's Charge
Pickett's Division
Pioneer Organizers of Methodism in Adams County
Poague's Battalion
Poague's Howitzers
Politics and "Penelope"
Posey's Brigade
Prelude To Gettysburg / Gettysburg Showdown
Pres. George Washington
Presbyterian Church Cemetery
President Abraham Lincoln Signing the Emancipation Proclamation
President Eisenhowers Gettysburg Farm
Presidents Attended Service Here
Public School
Raine's Battery - Latimer's Battalion
Ramseur's Brigade
Reilly's Battery - Henry's Battalion
Reilly's Battery - Henry's Battalion
Reserve Brigade
Return Visit
Reverend Father William Corby, C.S.C.
Reverend Horatio S. Howell
Revolutionary Soldiers in Great Conewago Cemetery
Revolutionary Soldiers Memorial
Rice's Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
Rice's Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
Richardson's Battery - Eshleman's Battalion
Ricketts' Battery
Road Versus Rail
Robertson's Brigade
Robertson's Brigade
Robertson's Brigade
Robertson's Brigade
Rock Chapel
Rodes's Division
Roll of Honor
Ross's Battery - Lane's Battalion
Round Top Branch of the Gettysburg & Harrisburg Railroad
Rural Electrification
Russell Tavern
Russells Tavern
Sachs Covered Bridge
Sachs Covered Bridge
Sacrifice of the 1st Minnesota
Salem Virginia Artillery
Samuel A. Cobean Farm
Samuel Simon Schmucker
Samuel Simon Schmucker Hall
Sarah Patterson Farm
Scales's Brigade
Schriver's Saloon and Ten-Pin Alley
Second Army Corps
Second best, he didnt want. Robert Hartley, herdsman
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Brigade
Second Corps
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Division
Second Massachusetts Infantry
Second U.S. Cavalry
Second U.S. Infantry
Second Volunteer Brigade
Secret Service Office
Semmes's Brigade
Semmes's Brigade
Seventeenth U.S. Infantry
Seventh U.S. Infantry
Sickles' Excelsior Brigade
Signal Corps U.S.A.
Sisters of Charity of Emmitsburg
Site of School House and Burial Ground
Site of the Bliss House
Site of the Rogers House
Sixteenth Michigan Infantry
Sixth Corps
Sixth Ohio Cavalry
Sixth Regiment U.S. Cavalry
Sixth U.S. Cavalry
Sixth U.S. Infantry
Skirmish Line of 2nd Regiment Delaware Volunteers
Slaughter at Spangler's Spring
Smith's Brigade
Smith's New York Battery
Soldiers and Sailors of the Confederacy
Soldiers' National Cemetery
Soldiers National Monument
South Carolina
Spangler's Spring
Squires's Battery - Eshleman's Battalion
St. James Lutheran Church
St. Joseph's Church
St. Paul's A.M.E. Zion Church
Steuart's Brigade
Stevens Hall
Stevens' Battery
Stevens' Battery
Stribling's Battery - Dearing's Battalion
Stuart Strikes the Rear
Studebaker Home
Swigart's Mill
T.T. Tate House
Tanner's Battery - Jones's Artillery Battalion
Taylor's Battery - Alexander's Battalion
Temples of Mercy
Tenth U.S. Infantry
Thaddeus Stevens
The Adams County Prison
The American Legion Tablet
The Angle
The Ashland Virginia Artillery
The Attack on Devil's Den
The Battle Arrives
The Battle for McPherson's Ridge
The Battle of Fountain Dale
The Battle of Gettysburg: The Cashtown Road
The Battle Of Monterey Pass
The Battle Opens
The Black Horse Tavern
The Bloody Wheatfield
The Brian Farm
The Brook Rawle Memorial Flagpole
The Brooks Artillery
The Camp Colt Officers Club
The Cavalry Buys Time
The Civil War Comes to Gettysburg
The College Hospital
The Confederate Assault
The Confederate Attack Towards This Position
The Coster Avenue Mural
The Cupola
The Deadly Sharpshooters
The Dobbin House
the Eagle Hotel
The Evolution of Gettysburg's "Common School"
The Eye of General Warren
The Fight for Devil's Den
The Founding of Gettysburg College
The Fountaindale Lutheran Church and Cemetery
The Gauntlet of Union Retreat and Aftermath
The George Spangler Farm Civil War Hospital Site
The George Spangler Farm Civil War Hospital Site
The Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad Depot
The Gettysburg Post Office and the Civil War
The Guest House
The Helicopter Landing Pad
The High Water Mark
The History of Gettysburg College
The Irish Brigade
The Jacob Kime Farm
The James Gettys Hotel
The Jeff Davis Artillery
The John Rupp House and Tannery Site
The King William Artillery
The Last Line-of-Duty Deaths on Gettysburg Battlefield
The Majestic Theater
The Medal of Honor at Gettysburg
The Memorial Church of the Prince of Peace
The Morris Artillery
The Office of a President
The Old Well
The Orange Artillery
The Peach Orchard Salient
The Pond
The Samuel Simon Schmucker House
The Seminary Comes to Gettysburg
The Seminary Hospital
The Sheads-Buehler Building
The Stables
The Stevens Log House
The Stoever - Schick Building
The Tenacious 20th Maine
The Thirty Third Massachusetts Infantry
The Trademark of Craftsmen
The Union Defense of Seminary Ridge
The Union Fishhook
The Valley of Death
The Wagon Hotel on Cemetery Hill
The Wills House
The Wounded and the Dead
The "Jack" Hopkins House
Theo. Pfeiffer
Third Army Corps
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Brigade
Third Corps
Third Division
Third Division
Third Division
Third Division
Third Division
Third Division
Third Pennsylvania Cavalry
Third Richmond Howitzers
Third U.S. Infantry
Third Volunteer Brigade
This Breastwork
Thomas's Brigade
Touring the Battlefield
Trapped in the Cut
Twelfth Corps
Twelfth U.S. Infantry
Twentieth Maine
Twentieth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Twenty Sixth Pennsylvania Emergency Infantry
Twenty-Sixth North Carolina Regiment
Twenty-Sixth North Carolina Regiment
U.S. Field Hospitals at Gettysburg
U.S. Field Hospitals at Gettysburg
U.S. Field Hospitals at Gettysburg
U.S.A. Signal Station
Union Counterthrust
Union Second Cavalry Division
United States Army Tank Corps
United States Battalion of Engineers
United States Regulars
Unity Park
Unity Through Music
Valentine Hall
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Virginia Memorial
W.H. Monfort Farm
Walker's Brigade
Wallace's Battery - McIntosh's Battalion
Ward's Battery - Poague's Battalion
Watson's Battery - Dance's Battalion
Watson's Battery - Dance's Battalion
Well, Look What We Found!
Western Maryland Station
Where do we bury our dead? Lincoln Cemetery
Wilcox's Brigade
Wilcox's Brigade
William Patterson Farm
William Ross Farm
William Wells
Wills House
Wingfield's Battery - Lane's Battalion
Wisconsin Sharpshooters
Witness Tree
Wofford's Brigade
Wofford's Brigade
World War II Veterans of New Oxford
Wright's Brigade
Wright's Brigade
Wyatt's Battery - Poague's Battalion
Zimmerman's Battery - Pegram's Battalion
"by the skin of our teeth"
"Four score and seven
"harboring Confederates"
"His recovery
is yet considered doubtful"
"if anyone showed himself..."
"It seemed so awful..."
"Mud College"
"Tapeworm Railroad"
"The Great Peace Jubilee"
"The Isolated and Advanced Position" of the 8th Ohio Infantry
"The sight of blood never again affected me"
"uncertainty and dread"
"United to Serve"
It was enough to frighten us to death!"
you know nothing about the lesson anyhow."
expecting to find all dead."
run home as quickly as you can."
sights and sounds
too horrible to describe
the busiest scene I ever witnessed
the pathos of those poor wounded men
built for defense
. . . I Am Going To Die
. . . in less than half an hour . . .
. . . your sister is dead.
bullets . . . rattling against our hospital . . .
I can see them yet
The National Homestead at Gettysburg
the battle itself proved a relief.
The first drive-in movie theater in the world opened in Camden, New Jersey, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, in 1933.
About Adams County
Adams County Timeline
Adams County, Pennsylvania was established on January 22, 1800, as the 42nd county in the state. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Susquehannocks and the Lenape, until European settlers began arriving in the early 18th century. The county was named after John Adams, the second President of the United States.
During the American Revolutionary War, Adams County played a significant role in the fight for independence. The Battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1-3, 1863, was a major turning point in the Civil War and one of the most significant battles in American history. It took place in Gettysburg, a borough in Adams County, and resulted in a Union victory with over 50,000 casualties on both sides. The battlefield is now a national park and a popular tourist attraction.
Agriculture has always been a vital part of Adams County's economy. The county is known for its rich farmland and fertile soil, making it a prime area for growing apples and other fruits. In fact, Adams County is known as the "Fruit Belt" of Pennsylvania and is famous for its apple orchards and apple products, such as apple cider and apple butter. The annual Adams County Apple Harvest Festival, held in October, celebrates this agricultural heritage.
In addition to agriculture, Adams County has a diverse economy, with industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and tourism contributing to its growth. The county seat is located in Gettysburg, which is not only home to historic landmarks but also a vibrant downtown area with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Over the years, the county has experienced population growth and development while still maintaining its rural charm and historical significance.
During the American Revolutionary War, Adams County played a significant role in the fight for independence. The Battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1-3, 1863, was a major turning point in the Civil War and one of the most significant battles in American history. It took place in Gettysburg, a borough in Adams County, and resulted in a Union victory with over 50,000 casualties on both sides. The battlefield is now a national park and a popular tourist attraction.
Agriculture has always been a vital part of Adams County's economy. The county is known for its rich farmland and fertile soil, making it a prime area for growing apples and other fruits. In fact, Adams County is known as the "Fruit Belt" of Pennsylvania and is famous for its apple orchards and apple products, such as apple cider and apple butter. The annual Adams County Apple Harvest Festival, held in October, celebrates this agricultural heritage.
In addition to agriculture, Adams County has a diverse economy, with industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and tourism contributing to its growth. The county seat is located in Gettysburg, which is not only home to historic landmarks but also a vibrant downtown area with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Over the years, the county has experienced population growth and development while still maintaining its rural charm and historical significance.
Adams County Timeline
This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Adams County, Pennsylvania.
- 1736: Adams County is formed from York County and named after John Adams, the second President of the United States.
- 1776: The Battle of Gettysburg takes place during the American Revolutionary War, marking a significant turning point in the war.
- 1800s: The county's economy thrives with the growth of agriculture, particularly fruit cultivation, wheat farming, and dairy production.
- 1863: The Battle of Gettysburg occurs during the American Civil War, leading to a devastating loss of life and damage to the area.
- 1888: The Gettysburg National Military Park is established to preserve and commemorate the historic battlefield.
- 1900s: The county experiences further growth in agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing industries.
- 1962: The Appalachian Trail, a famous long-distance hiking trail, is completed and passes through Adams County.
- 2008: Adams County celebrates its 250th anniversary with various events and commemorations.