National Register Listings in
Major County, Oklahoma

The world's first installed parking meter was in Oklahoma City on July 16, 1935. The parking meter was invented by Carl C. Magee, a journalist and entrepreneur, who wanted to solve the problem of cars taking up too much space on the city's streets.
Major County, Oklahoma has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The area was originally home to Native American tribes, including the Cheyenne and Arapaho, who relied on the region's fertile land and abundant wildlife for sustenance. European settlement began in the mid-19th century when the U.S. government forcibly removed the Native American tribes from their ancestral lands and opened up the area for settlement.

In 1893, Major County was officially established, named after Major John Wesley Majors, a prominent figure in the Indian Wars. The county quickly began to attract settlers, primarily farmers and ranchers, drawn to the area's fertile soil and ample grazing land. Agriculture became the driving force of the county's economy, with crops such as wheat, corn, and cotton playing pivotal roles in its development.

The early 20th century saw the construction of railroad lines, which boosted the county's accessibility and further spurred growth. Towns like Fairview, Chester, and Cleo Springs sprang up along the railway, serving as commercial hubs and centers of community life. In the 1930s, Major County, like much of the United States, was severely affected by the Great Depression. Many farmers struggled to make a living, leading to widespread poverty and economic hardship.

In the years following World War II, Major County experienced a period of recovery and development. Modern farming techniques, improved infrastructure, and technological advancements in agriculture led to increased productivity and prosperity. Today, Major County remains predominantly rural, with agriculture continuing to be a vital part of its economy. The county's rich history is celebrated, and its residents take pride in the significant contributions made by past generations in shaping the community we see today.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Major County, Oklahoma.

  • 1893: Major County is established and named after John Charles Major, a representative of the Oklahoma Territorial legislature.
  • 1893-1907: The county experiences rapid growth due to the Land Run of 1893, attracting settlers and farmers to the area.
  • Early 1900s: Agriculture becomes the main economic activity with the cultivation of wheat, corn, and cotton.
  • 1910s: Oil deposits are discovered, leading to a boom in the oil industry and boosting the county's economy.
  • 1930s: The Great Depression takes its toll on Major County, as decreased demand for agricultural products and falling oil prices lead to economic hardship.
  • 1950s-1960s: The county experiences another oil boom, revitalizing the economy and attracting new residents.
  • Late 20th century: Major County diversifies its economy with the growth of industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and tourism.
  • Present: Major County continues to be an important agricultural and oil-producing region, while also promoting other economic sectors for sustained development.