
Historical marker location:
Fort Towson, Oklahoma
( Marker can be reached from Red Road, 1.5 miles U.S. 70.)
Marker installed: 1960

This town was the commercial center of the region shortly after it was established by Josiah Doak in 1824. At one time it was the capital of the Choctaw Nation. The name of the post office at nearby Fort Towson was changed to Doaksville on November 11, 1847

Oklahoma was the birthplace of many famous people, including Will Rogers, a humorist and actor; Brad Pitt, a famous Hollywood actor; and Reba McEntire, a country music singer and actress.
Choctaw County, Oklahoma, located in the southeastern part of the state, has a rich and diverse history that dates back thousands of years. Before European contact, the area was home to various Native American tribes, including the Choctaw people. The Choctaw Nation, one of the Five Civilized Tribes, inhabited this region and established a strong presence in what is now Choctaw County.

In the early 19th century, the Choctaw people were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States and relocated to what is now Oklahoma. This forced removal, known as the Trail of Tears, took a significant toll on the Choctaw people, but they eventually rebuilt their lives in their new home.

Choctaw County was officially established in 1907, when Oklahoma became a state. The county was named after the Choctaw Nation, paying homage to the Native American heritage of the area. Over the years, the county's economy relied heavily on agriculture, with crops such as cotton, corn, and wheat being the main sources of income for many residents.

In the 20th century, Choctaw County experienced a boom in oil and gas production. Oil wells were discovered in the county, leading to an influx of industry and development. The discovery and extraction of oil brought economic prosperity to the county and contributed to its growth.

Today, Choctaw County continues to cherish its Native American heritage, with the Choctaw Nation playing an important role in the county's cultural landscape. The county is known for its natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and friendly communities, making it an attractive place to live and visit.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Choctaw County, Oklahoma.

  • 1907 - Choctaw County is established when Oklahoma becomes a state
  • 1832-1834 - Choctaw Nation government treaties with the United States are signed
  • 1818 - Chickasaw Indian lands are ceded to the United States
  • 1805 - Land east of the Mississippi River, including present-day Choctaw County, becomes part of the Choctaw Nation
  • 1795 - Treaty of San Lorenzo establishes the boundary between Spanish West Florida and the United States, including present-day Choctaw County
  • 1539 - Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto explores the Southeast, influencing future European settlements in the area that would become Choctaw County