National Register Listings in New York County, New York
110th Street-Cathedral Parkway Subway Station (IRT)
116th Street-Columbia University Subway Station (IRT)
145th Street Subway Station (IRT)
14th Street-Union Square Subway Station (IRT; Dual System BMT)
168th Street Subway Station (IRT)
181st Street Subway Station (IND)
181st Street Subway Station (IRT)
190th Street Subway Station (IND)
207th Street Yard-Signal Service Building and Tower B
240 Central Park South
28th Street Subway Station (IRT)
32nd Police Precinct Station House Complex
33rd Street Subway Station (IRT)
369th Regiment Armory
59th Street-Columbus Circle Subway Station (IRT)
69th Regiment Armory
69th Street Transfer Bridge
72nd Street Subway Station (IRT)
75 Murray Street Building
79th Street Subway Station (IRT)
86th Street Subway Station (Dual System IRT)
Actors Temple
Admiral's House
African Burial Ground
Alwyn Court Apartments
AMBROSE (lightship)
American Bank Note Company Building
American Fine Arts Society
American Museum of Natural History
American Radiator Building
American Stock Exchange
American Thread Building
Andrews United Methodist Church
Ansche Chesed Synagogue
Ansonia Hotel
Apartment at 1261 Madison Avenue
Apartment Buildings at 131-135 East 66th Street and 130-134 East 67th Street
Apollo Theater
Appellate Division Courthouse of New York State
Apthorp Apartments
Arthur, Chester A., House
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Association Residence Nursing Home
Astor Place Subway Station (IRT)
Astor Row Houses
Audubon Terrace Historic District
Bailey House
Baker, George F., Jr. and Sr., Houses
Baldwin, James, House
Bank of New York Building
Bank of the Metropolis
Barbizon Hotel for Women
Battery Park Control House
Bayard-Condict Building
Beacon Theater and Hotel
Beaver Building
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Belnord Apartments
Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Synagogue
Bialystoker Synagogue
Biltmore Theater
Blackwell House
Bleecker Street Subway Station (IRT)
Block House, The
Bouwerie Lane Theater
Bowery Savings Bank
Bowling Green Fence and Park
Broad Exchange Building
Broadway Synagogue, Old
Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall Subway Station (IRT)
Brooks and Hewitt Halls
Brown, James, House
Building at 116 John Street
Building at 133 East 80th Street
Building at 19 Rector St.
Building at 21 West Street
Building at 210 East 68th Street
Building at 254-260 Canal Street
Building at 304 Park Avenue South
Building at 315-325 West 36th Street
Building at 361 Broadway
Building at 376-380 Lafayette Street
Building at 45 East 66th Street
Building at 85 Leonard Street
Burden, James A. Jr., House and Kahn, Otto H., House
Caffe Cino
Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
Candler Building
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie, Andrew, Mansion
Cary Building
Casa Italina
Castle Clinton National Monument
Castle Williams
Central IND Substation
Central Park
Central Park West Historic District
Central Savings Bank
Central Synagogue
Century Association Building
Century Building
Chamber of Commerce Building
Chambers Street Subway Station (Dual System BMT)
Chambers Street Subway Station (Dual System IRT)
Chanin Building
Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Chapel of the Intercession Complex and Trinity Cemetery
Charles Street House at No. 131
Charlton-King-Vandam Historic District
Chelsea Historic District
Chelsea Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Chinatown and Little Italy Historic District
Christodora House
Chrysler Building
Church Missions House
Church of Notre Dame and Rectory
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola Complex
Church of St. Mary the Virgin Complex
Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Church of the Ascension (Protestant Episcopal)
Church of the Holy Apostles (Additional Documentation)
Church of the Holy Communion and Buildings
Church of the Immaculate Conception and Clergy Houses
Church of the Incarnation and Parish House
Church of the Transfiguration
Church of the Transfiguration and Rectory
CIRCLE LINE X (sightseeing vessel)
City and Suburban Homes Company's First Avenue Estate Historic District
City and Suburban Homes Company's York Avenue Estate and Shively Sanitary Tenements Historic District
City Hall
City Hall Subway Station (IRT)
City Hospital
City Pier A
Civic Club
Claremont Stables
College of the City of New York
Colony Arcade Building
Columbus Monument
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun Synagogue and Community House
Congregation Ohab Zedek
Congregation Shaare Zedek of Harlem
Control House on 72nd Street
Cook, Will Marion, House
Cooper Union
Corbin Building
Croton Aqueduct Gate House
Dahlgren, Lucy Drexel, House
Daily News Building
Dakota Apartments
Decker Building
DeLamar Mansion
Delta Psi, Alpha Chapter
Devinne Press Building
Dorrance Brooks Square Historic District
Douglas, Adelaide L. T., House
Duke Residence
Duke, James B., Mansion
Dunbar Apartments
Dyckman Street Subway Station (IRT)
Dyckman, William, House
Earl Hall
East 73rd Street Historic District
East 78th Street Houses
East 80th Street Houses
East Harlem Historic District
Eldridge Street Synagogue
Eleventh Street Methodist Episcopal Church
Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke", House
Elmendorf Reformed Church
Emerson, The
Empire Building
Empire State Building
Engineering Societies' Building and Engineers' Club
ENTERPRISE (space shuttle)
Equitable Building
Father Francis D. Duffy Statue and Duffy Square
Federal Hall National Memorial
Federal Office Building
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Film Center Building
Fire Hook and Ladder Company No. 14
Firehouse, Engine Company 31
Firehouse, Engine Company 33
First African Methodist Episcopal Church: Bethel
First Battery Armory
First Houses
First Hungarian Reformed Church
First National City Bank
First Police Precinct Station House
First Romanian-American Congregation Synagogue
First Shearith Israel Graveyard
Fish, Hamilton, House
Flatiron Building
Former Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank
Former New York Life Insurance Company Building
Former Police Headquarters Building
Fort Jay
Fort Tryon Park and the Cloisters
Fort Washington Avenue Armory
Fort Washington Presbyterian Church
Founder's Hall, The Rockefeller University
Fourteenth Ward Industrial School
Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, The
Fraunces Tavern
Fraunces Tavern Block
French, Fred F., Building
Fulton-Nassau Historic District
Gansevoort Market Historic District
Garment Center Historic District
General Electric Building
General Grant National Memorial
General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen
George Washington Hotel
German Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Mark
Germania Life Insurance Company Building
Gilsey Hotel
Gouverneur Hospital
Governor's House
Governors Island
Grace Church and Dependencies
Gracie, Archibald, Mansion
Gramercy Park Historic District
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal (Boundary Increase: Park Avenue Viaduct)
Grand Hotel
Greenacre Park
Greenwich Savings Bank
Greenwich Village Historic District
Guggenheim, Solomon R., Museum
Hamilton Grange National Memorial
Hamilton Heights Historic District
Hansberry, Lorraine, House
Harlem African Burial Ground
Harlem Courthouse
Harlem Fire Watchtower
Harlem River Houses
Harlem Savings Bank
Harvard Club of New York City
Hatch, Barbara Rutherford, House
Haughwout, E. V., Building
Henderson Place Historic District
Henry Street Settlement and Neighborhood Playhouse
Henson, Matthew, Residence
High Bridge Aqueduct and Water Tower
Hispanic Society of America Complex
Holland Tunnel
Holy Cross African Orthodox Pro-Cathedral
Holy Trinity Church, St. Christopher House and Parsonage
Holyrood Protestant Episcopal Church
Hopper, Isaac T., House
Hotel Albert
Hotel Chelsea
Hotel Gerard
Hotel Theresa
House at 146 East 38th St.
House at 17 West 16th Street
House at 20 West 16th St.
House at 203 East 29 Street
House at 203 Prince Street
House at 37 East 4th Street
House at 49 East 80th Street
House at 51 Market St.
Houses at 1026-1028 Fifth Ave.
Houses at 120 and 122 East 92nd Street
Houses at 146-156 East 89th Street
Houses at 208-218 East 78th Street
Houses at 26, 28 and 30 Jones Street
Houses at 311 and 313 East 58th Street
Houses at 326, 328 and 330 East 18th Street
Houses at 437-459 West 24th Street
Houses at 647, 651-53 Fifth Avenue and 4 East 52nd Street
Houses at 83 and 85 Sullivan Street
Hudson Theatre
Hudson View Gardens
Hughes, Langston, House
Insurance Company of North America Building
International House
International Mercantile Marine Company Building
IRT Broadway Line Viaduct
Ivey Delph Apartments
J. P. Morgan & Co. Building
Jeffrey's Hook Lighthouse
JOHN A. LYNCH (ferryboat)
JOHN J. HARVEY (fireboat)
John Street Building No. 170-176
John Street Methodist Church
Johnson, James Weldon, House
Joralemon Street Tunnel
Judson Memorial Church, Campanile, and Judson Hall
Julius' Bar
Jumel Terrace Historic District
Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue
Knickerbocker Hotel
Knox Building
Kreischer House
LaGrange Terrace
Lamb's Club
LANAI (yacht)
Lanier, James F. D., Residence
Lee, Higginson & Company Bank Building
LeRoy, Daniel, House
Lescaze House
LETTIE G. HOWARD (schooner)
Level Club
Lever House
Liberty Tower
LILAC, United States Lighthouse Tender
Lincoln Building
Loew, William Goadby, House
Look Building
Low Memorial Library, Columbia University
Lower East Side Historic District
Lower East Side Historic District (Boundary Increase)
MacDougal-Sullivan Gardens Historic District
Macmillan Building
Macy, R. H., and Company Store
Madison Avenue Facade of the Squadron A Armory
Manhattan Avenue-West 120th-123rd Streets Historic District
Manhattan Company Building
Marble Collegiate Reformed Church
Mariner's Temple
Master Building
McGraw-Hill Building
McKay, Claude, Residence
Mecca Temple
Merchants Refrigerating Company Warehouse
Metropolitan Life Home Office Complex
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Savings Bank
Milbank, Brinckerhoff, and Fiske Halls
Minton's Playhouse
Mooney, Edward, House
Moore, William H., House
Morgan, Pierpont, Library
Morris, Lewis G., House
Morris-Jumel Mansion
Mount Morris Bank
Mount Morris Park Historic District
Mount Morris Park Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Municipal Asphalt Plant
Municipal Building
Municipal Ferry Pier
Murray Hill Historic District
Murray Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase)
National City Bank
National Headquarters, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
New Amsterdam Theater
New York Amsterdam News Building
New York Bible Society
New York Cancer Hospital
New York City Marble Cemetery
New York Cotton Exchange
New York County Lawyers Association Building
New York Evening Post Building
New York Life Building
New York Marble Cemetery
New York Presbyterian Church
New York Public Library
New York Public Library
New York Public Library and Bryant Park
New York Public Library, 115th Street Branch
New York Public Library, Fort Washington Branch
New York Public Library, Hamilton Grange Branch
New York Savings Bank
New York School of Applied Design
New York Shakespeare Festival Public Theater
New York Stock Exchange
New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
New York Telephone Company Building
New York Yacht Club
No. 8 Thomas Street Building
North Presbyterian Church
Norwood, Andrew S., House
Octagon, The
Odd Fellows Hall
Old Colony Club
Old Grolier Club
Old Merchant's House
Old New York Evening Post Building
Old St. Patrick's Cathedral Complex
Osborne Apartments
Ottendorfer Public Library and Stuyvesant Polyclinic Hospital
P.S. 186
Park and Tilford Building
Park Avenue Historic District
Park Avenue Houses
Park East Synagogue, Congregation Zichron Ephraim
Park Row Building
Parker, Charlie, Residence
Philosophy Hall
Pier 57
Players, The
Plaza Hotel
Pomander Walk District
Prince George Hotel
Public Baths
Public School 109
Public School 157
Public School 35
Public School 9
Puck Building
Pupin Physics Laboratories, Columbia University
Queensboro Bridge
R & S Building
Racquet and Tennis Club Building
Radio City Music Hall
Red House
Residences at 5-15 West 54th Street
Rice, Isaac L., Mansion
Riverside Church
Riverside Drive-West 80th-81st Streets Historic District
Riverside Park and Drive
Riverside-West 105th Street Historic District
Robbins & Appleton Building
Robeson, Paul, Home
Rockefeller Center
Rogers, John S., House
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, Memorial House
Row Houses at 854-858 West End Avenue and 254 West 102nd Street
Rowhouses at 322-344 East 69th Street
Rustin, Bayard, Residence
Saint Mark's Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Salmagundi Club
Sanger, Margaret, Clinic
Schermerhorn Row Block
Schickel, William, House
Schinasi House
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Scott, Gen. Winfield, House
Scribner Building
Sea and Land Church
Seagram Building
Seventh Regiment Armory
Seville Hotel
SHEARWATER (schooner)
Sheffield Farms Stable
Sidewalk Clock at 1501 3rd Avenue, Manhattan
Sidewalk Clock at 200 5th Avenue, Manhattan
Sidewalk Clock at 519 3rd Avenue, Manhattan
Sidewalk Clock at 522 5th Avenue, Manhattan
Sidewalk Clock at 783 5th Avenue, Manhattan
Sinclair, Harry F., House
Smallpox Hospital
Smith, Abigail Adams, Museum
Smith, Alfred E., House
Smith, Fleming, Warehouse
Sniffen Court Historic District
Society for the Lying-In Hospital
Sofia Warehouse
Soho Historic District
South Street Seaport
South Street Seaport Historic District
South Village Historic District
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
St. Augustine's Chapel
St. Bartholomew's Church and Community House
St. Cecilia's Church and Convent
St. George's Episcopal Church
St. Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church
St. James Church
St. Jean Baptiste Church and Rectory
St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Luke's Hospital
St. Mark's Historic District
St. Michael's Church
St. Nicholas Historic District
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
St. Philip's Church
St. Thomas Church and Parish House
St. Vincent Ferrer Church and Priory
St. Walburga's Academy
Stables at 167, 169 and 171 West 89th Street
Stanton Street Shul
Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World
Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island
Stewart, A. T., Company Store
Stone Street Historic District
Strecker Memorial Laboratory
Students' Hall
Studio Apartments
Stuyvesant Square Historic District
Substation 13
Substation 17
Substation 219
Substation 235
Substation 409
Substation 42
Substation 7
Sugar Hill Historic District
Sullivan, Ed, Theater
Surrogate's Court
Sutton Place Historic District
Tenement Building at 97 Orchard Street
The Bowery Historic District
The Church of the Heavenly Rest and the Chapel of the Beloved Disciple
The Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library Building
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site
Third Judicial District Courthouse
Tiffany and Company Building
Tilden, Samuel J., House
Times Square Hotel
Times Square-42nd Street Subway Station
Town Hall
Townhouses at 352 and 353 Riverside Dr.
Treadwell Farm Historic District
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Trinity Chapel Complex
Trinity Church and Graveyard
Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan
Tudor City Historic District
Turtle Bay Gardens Historic District
Tweed Courthouse
Two Bridges Historic District
U.S. Customhouse
U.S. General Post Office
Union Square
Union Theological Seminary
United Charities Building Complex
United States Appraisers Store
University Club
University Settlement House
Upper East Side Historic District
Upper East Side Historic District (Boundary Increase)
US Courthouse
US Post Office-Canal Street Station
US Post Office-Church Street Station
US Post Office-Cooper Station
US Post Office-Inwood Station
US Post Office-Knickerbocker Station
US Post Office-Lenox Hill Station
US Post Office-Madison Square Station
US Post Office-Old Chelsea Station
USS INTREPID (aircraft carrier)
Van Rensselar, Stephen, House
Van Tassell and Kearney Horse Auction Mart
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Graham Fair, House
Verdi, Giuseppe, Monument
Villard Houses
W. O. DECKER (tugboat)
Waldo, Gertrude Rhinelander, Mansion
Wall and Hanover Building
Wall Street Historic District
Wall Street Subway Station (IRT)
Wallace Building
Warburg, Felix M., Mansion
Watson, James, House
Webster Hotel
West 114th Street Historic District
West 147th-149th Streets Historic District
West 28th Street Subway Station (Dual System IRT)
West 4th Street Subway Station (IND)
West 67th Street Artists' Colony Historic District
West 73rd-74th Street Historic District
West 76th Street Historic District
West End Collegiate Church and Collegiate School
West End Presbyterian Church and Parish House
West Side Unitarian Church-Congregation Ramath Orah
West Street Building
Westchester House
Wilbraham, The
Williams, R.C., Warehouse
Women's National Republican Club
Women’s Liberation Center
Woolworth Building
Yiddish Art Theatre
Zion-St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was held in New York City in 1924. It was originally called the Macy's Christmas Parade and featured live animals from the Central Park Zoo.
About New York County
New York County Timeline
New York County, also known as Manhattan, has a rich and diverse history that dates back centuries. The area was first inhabited by the Lenape Native American tribe before becoming a Dutch settlement called New Amsterdam in the early 17th century. In 1664, the British seized control of the area and renamed it New York after the Duke of York. Throughout the colonial era, New York grew in importance as a major trading hub.
Following the American Revolution, New York County flourished as the country expanded westward. It became a magnet for immigrants from around the world, with the iconic Statue of Liberty serving as a symbol of hope for those seeking a better life in America. The county saw rapid urbanization and the construction of skyscrapers, giving birth to the modern city we know today.
In the 20th century, New York County became the cultural, financial, and political center of the United States. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s brought a wave of African American art, music, and literature, showcasing the county's diversity. The Great Depression had a significant impact on the area, but it rebounded during World War II with a booming economy.
In recent years, New York County has continued to thrive as a global economic hub and a cultural melting pot. It has faced various challenges, such as the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and the ongoing issues of income inequality and gentrification. However, New York County remains an iconic and vibrant destination, attracting millions of visitors each year and serving as a symbol of the American dream.
Following the American Revolution, New York County flourished as the country expanded westward. It became a magnet for immigrants from around the world, with the iconic Statue of Liberty serving as a symbol of hope for those seeking a better life in America. The county saw rapid urbanization and the construction of skyscrapers, giving birth to the modern city we know today.
In the 20th century, New York County became the cultural, financial, and political center of the United States. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s brought a wave of African American art, music, and literature, showcasing the county's diversity. The Great Depression had a significant impact on the area, but it rebounded during World War II with a booming economy.
In recent years, New York County has continued to thrive as a global economic hub and a cultural melting pot. It has faced various challenges, such as the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and the ongoing issues of income inequality and gentrification. However, New York County remains an iconic and vibrant destination, attracting millions of visitors each year and serving as a symbol of the American dream.
New York County Timeline
This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of New York County, New York.
- 1624 - The Dutch establish the colony of New Amsterdam on the southern tip of Manhattan Island
- 1664 - The English capture New Amsterdam and rename it New York
- 1683 - New York County is established as one of the original 12 counties of New York
- 1785 - The Commissioners' Plan of 1811 is implemented, laying out the street grid for most of Manhattan
- 1790 - New York becomes the temporary capital of the United States
- 1825 - Construction of the Erie Canal is completed, connecting New York City to the Great Lakes
- 1898 - New York County is consolidated with the four other boroughs to form the City of Greater New York
- 1904 - The first subway line in New York City opens, connecting Manhattan with Brooklyn
- 1929 - The Wall Street Crash triggers the Great Depression
- 1957 - The New York Yankees baseball team moves from the Bronx to Manhattan
- 2001 - The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center devastate Lower Manhattan