Historical Markers in Erie County, New York
106th Field Artillery Regiment
1844 Springbrook Mill Gear Assembly
1992 The New York State Convention of Universalists
28th U. S. Infantry
57 MM Anti-Tank Gun of World War II
65th Infantry Regiment, The Borinqueneers
A Changing Waterfront
A Dam on Tonawanda Creek
A Home for Fish
A Melting Pot
A Tribute of Love
A Tribute of Love
A Tribute to Those Who Served
A Tribute to "Pop" Glenn Scobey Warner
Aaron Salisbury
Aaron Salisbury
Adam House
AH-1 "Whiskey Cobra" Helicopter
Albert James Myer, M.D.
All Veterans / Middle East Wars Monument
Allenton Farm/Creating Beaver Island State Park
American Doughboy "Over the Top" to Victory
America's Crossroads: The Spaulding Exchange
An Architectural Treasure
Anna Mae Bacon Bird Sanctuary
As We Honor the Memory
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church
Battle of Scajaquada Creek Bridge
Bedell House 1877 - 1935
Beef on Weck
Bell Huey UH-1H Helicopter
Bennet Cemetery
Bernard G. Hitro Jr.
Bertrand Chaffee Hospital
Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna
Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna
Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna
Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna
Big Flats
Bigelow House
Birthplace of Ellen Beach Yaw
Birthplace of the Grain Elevator
Birthplace of Willis Haviland Carrier
Black Rock
Black Rock Harbor
Black Rock Harbor / From Plantation to Promised Land
Black Rock Lock
Blasdell High School
Boston, N.Y. War Honor Roll
Boston's First Settler
Brigadier General Albert James Myer
Broadway Historic District
Broderick Park / Distinctive River Ecosystems
Buffalo - A Network of Canals
Buffalo - An Industrial Powerhouse
Buffalo - Queen City of the Lakes
Buffalo and Black Rock Railroad
Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad
Buffalo Burns!!!
Buffalo Cavalry Association
Buffalo Creek Indian Reservation North Boundary
Buffalo Harbor
Buffalo Lightship
Buffalo Main & Harbor Lights
Buffalo Municipal Baseball Association
Buffalo Riverfront Historical Eras to 1930
Buffalo Seminary
Buffalo Water Intake, Horseshoe Reef Light
Buffalo Zoo
Buffalo's Birthplace
Buffalo's First School House
Buffalo's Olmsted Parks
BuffaloÂ’s Irish Regiment
Buffum Homestead
Buffum Inn
Burial Land Since 1816
Burial Site of Asa Ames / Pioneer Cemetery 1810-1928
Burning of Blackrock and Buffalo
Canal and Harbor
Canisius College
Central Avenue Historic District
Central Presbyterian Church
Charles R. Turner
Chester C. Gorski
Christian Metz Home
Christian Ulrich
Citizens National Bank
City of Tonawanda
Clarence Center
Clarence Center
Clarence Town Park
Coit House
Col. Asa Warren
Colden United Methodist Church
Colored Musicians Club
Commemoration for African American Soldiers of the American Civil War
Community of True Inspiration Residence
Concordia Cemetery
Corpus Christi Church Complex
David Eddy
Dedicated in Grateful Appreciation
Dedicated to our Boys and Girls
Dedicated to Our Veterans
Dedicated to the Honor
Dedicated to the Honor
Dedicated to the Honor and Sacrifice
Dedicated to the Memory
Dedicated to the Memory
Dedicated to the Memory of
Dedicated to the Memory of the Brave Men
Dedicated to the Men and Women
Dedicated to the Men and Women of Wales
Dedicated to the Men of the 102nd Separate Battalion Coast Artillery Anti-Aircraft
Dedicated to Those Who Served
Dedicated to Those Who Served
Dedicated with Respect
Dennis E. Nolan
Development of the Inner Harbor
Development of the Outer Harbor
Did You Ever Wonder What It Takes to Restore an Island?
Disaster at Eagle Park
Donald "Duke" Spittler
D'Youville College
Earliest Church
Early Lake Erie Water Craft
East Aurora Cemetery
East Elma
Ebenezer House
Ebenezer Walden
Ecological Restoration
Eden Valley Mills
Elbert Hubbard / Michelangelo
Ellicott Square
Ellicott Square Building
Elma Centre
Elma Town Museum
Elma Village Mill
Engineering the Erie Canal
Environmental Remediation
Erastus Granger
Erected by the Grateful People
Erie Canal Site
Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor
Erie County
Erie County
Erie County
Father Baker's Gas Well
Final resting place of The Senecas
Fireproof Grain Elevators / Concrete Grain Elevators
First Baptist Church
First Church
First Congregational Church
First Fire Company
First Greek Settlers of Buffalo
First Polish Colony
First Railroad
First Religious Body in Buffalo
First Settler
First Settler - Town of Concord
First Town Meeting
First Unitarian Congregational Society Building
Flint Hill Encampment 1812
For the Birds
Forest Lawn Cemetery
Former Baptist Church
Former Cemetery
Former Saint Mary of the Angels
Fourteen Holy Helpers R. C. Church
Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House Complex
Frank Lloyd WrightÂ’s Larkin Administration Building
Frank Lloyd WrightÂ’s Larkin Administration Building
Frederick Law Olmsted
From Buffalo... To the White House
From Frontier to Major City / Buffalo City Hall
From Social Center to Civic Center
Gateway to the West
General Daniel Davidson Bidwell
General Kazimierz Pulaski
General Mills and Great Northern Elevators
George Schuster Wins 1908 NY to Paris Automobile Race
George Urban, Jr. Residence
German Evangelical Church
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
God Honor and Country
Goddard Memorial Hall, 1902
Goodrich-Landow Log Cabin
Gowanda Historic Site
Gowanda Shrine Club No.1
Grand Island Ferry
Grant Club Pole
Great Ships of the Niagara
Griffins Mills
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland & Grand Island / Lewis F. Allen & Western New York
Guide Board Road
Hanna Furnace
Harboring Hopes
Harris Hill
Harrowing Journey
Hellenic Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
Henry Wolanski
Heroic Dead
Hicksite Quaker Meeting House
Highlights of Buffalo History
Hill's Corners
Historic Lake Avenue
Historic Lake Erie
Historic Scajaquada Creek
History of Times Beach
Holy Angels Church
Home of Tallcut Patchin
Honor Roll
Horton Hill
Hull House
Hunting and Fishing off the Porch
Improvements in Ship Design
In God We Trust
In Honor of Those Men and Women
In Honor of Those Who Fought
In Honor of "Mark O"
In Memory of 100th New York Volunteer Infantry
In Memory of Alfred M. Kalinowski
In Memory of Millard Fillmore
In Memory of Our Comrades / In Grateful Memory
In Memory of the Sons
In Memory of the Sons and Daughters
In Memory of the Valiant Service
In Memory of Those Who Gave Their Lives
In Memory of Wales, NY Veterans
In Recognition of Long and Faithful Service
In the Spirit of America
Industrial Icons
Industrial Powerhouse
International Crossing
International Railroad Bridge
International Shipmasters' Association
Isaac Long Alley
Island Life
Iwo Jima Memorial
J. Eschelman and Company Store
Jack Berry's Town
Jacob Smith House and Tavern
James D. Griffin Plaza
Job Hoisington, Buffalo's 1812 War Hero
Job's Last Stand
Jolls Homestead
Joncaire Trading Post
Jubilee Springs
Kaisertown's Fallen Heroes
Keepers of the Western Door
Kenmore - Tonawanda Municipal Building
Kenmore-Tonawanda Honors the Memory
Kronenberg Alley
Lafayette High School
Lake Erie
Lake Erie
Lancaster Glass Works
Lancaster Municipal Building
Lancaster Post Office
Lancaster Presbyterian Church
Lewis Northrup
Liebler-Rohl Gasoline Station
Lighthouse LV82
Lighthouse Point Park
Little Harlem Hotel
Long Homestead
Louis P.A. Eberhardt Home
Lumber Capital
Main Street Village of Hamburg
Major William C. Dudley
Marble Ruins
Marilla Veterans Memorial
Marilla World War Honor Holl
Market Square
Market Square
Mary B. Talbert
Mary Morris Burnett Talbert
Medical Society of the County of Erie
Members of the United States Armed Forces
Memorial Dedicated to the Memory of John A. Boechat
Michael Cemetery
Michigan Avenue Baptist Church
Michigan Street Baptist Church
Middle East Conflict
Milburn House
Miles Gilbert "Tim" Horton
Military Road
Millard Fillmore House
Miller-Mackey House
Moving North
Niagara Frontier
Niagara River and her Ships
Niagara River Corridor / Avian Walk
Niagara Square
Nikola Tesla
North Star Tavern
Nowak Pier
Obadiah Baker Homestead
Offermann Stadium
Old Navy Yard
Oliver Hazard Perry Monument
Olmsted's Vision
On This Day of May 30, 1991, The Semper Fidelis Post #356
Onondaga Village
Operation Enduring Freedom
Orchard Park
Orchard Park
Orchard Park Depot
Our Honored Dead
Our Lady of Victory Basilica
Our Legacy of Abundant Water
Our Men Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice
Pan-American Exposition
Park Lane Condominium
Park with a View
Parkside Candy / University Heights
Penobscot-Morania Collision
Peter B. Porter
Pioneer Church
PolandÂ’s Contribution in the Second World War, 1939 - 1945
Porter Square
President McKinley
Prudential (Guaranty) Building
Quaker Cemetery
Railroad Station
Railroads and the Steel Industry
Rebecca Gilbert and Elizabeth Peart
Rebirth & Renewal
Red Jacket
Red Jacket
Republic F-84
Restoring Nature
Robert "Frankie" Franklin
Roll of Honor
Russell Park
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
Samuel Helm
Samuel Manning Welch
Samuel Tubbs
Secession & Reunion
Second Home of the Medical School
Seneca Indian Park
Shark Girl
Sheridan Drive
Ship Canal Commons
Shuttleworth Park
Sisters of Charity Hospital
Site of Abbot's Corners Presbyterian Church
Site of Alden's Black Water Mineral Baths
Site of Erastus D. Webster Homestead
Site of Erie County Agricultural Fair
Site of First Grist Mill
Site of First Grist Mill
Site of First Post Office in Present Orchard Park Township
Site of First Town Hall
Site of Moffat's Tannery
Site of the First Meeting of the Optimist Club
Site of the John Love Murder
Site of Toll Gate
Site of Underground Railway Station
Site of Wolf's Mill
Site of "Bundy's Mill"
Smith Alley
Soldiers & Sailors Monument
Special Marine Corps Units of W.W.II
Spring Brook
Springville Academy
Springville and Sardinia Narrow Gauge
Springville and Sardinia Railroad
SS. Peter & Paul Church
St. Ann's Church
St. John's Cemetery
St. John's Church
St. John's German Cemetery
St. Mary's-on-the-Hill
St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Peter's UCC
St. Stanislaus Church
Stage Coach Stop
Stephen W. Howell
Strawberry Island
Sweet Home Common School No.15
Temple Beth Zion
The 150th Anniversary of the Start of the Civil War
The 1833 Buffalo Lighthouse
The Alhambra
The American Elevator
The Big Picture
The Bigelow Bridge
The Blacksmith Shop
The Brewery
The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens
The Buffalo Club
The Buffalo Stockyards
The Cargill Superior Elevator
The City of Buffalo Sent 18893 Men to Serve in the Great War
The Coast Guard
The Cobblestone Historic District
The Concrete Central Elevator
The Connecting Terminal and General Mills Elevators
The Connecting Terminal Elevator
The Dam
The Early Grain Trade / Influence of the Erie Canal
The Electric Elevator Annex
The Engineers of the Grain Elevators
The Erie Canal / Two Waterfronts
The Erie Canal at Amherst
The Father Justin Rosary Hour
The Fenian Invasion of 1866
The First Grain Elevator / Early Grain Elevators
The First Pioneers
The Flint Hill Encampment
The French Connection
The Grain Elevators
The Grain Industry Decline / Buffalo's Grain Legacy
The Grand Canal
The Great Lakes
The H-O Oats Elevator
The Hiker
The Historic First Church of Evans
The Immigrant Steps
The Industrial Heritage Trail
The Japanese Garden on Mirror Lake
The Lake and Rail Elevator
The Legend of John Maynard
The Lehigh Portland Cement Company
The Lifeboat Station
The Lighthouse Service
The Long Homestead
The Mansion on Delaware Avenue
The Marine "A" Elevator
The Middle Road
The Nash House
The Niagara River
The Original Site of Forks Hose Company #2
The Pan-American Exposition
The People
The Perot Malting Elevator
The Railroad
The Roycroft Shops
The Ruins at Canalside
The Sample Shop
The Saskatchewan Pool Elevator
The Site of Fort Tompkins
The Site of the First Court Houses of Niagara and Erie County
The Site of the St. John House
The South Pier
The Spencer Kellogg Elevator
The Standard Elevator
The Town of Colden Honors Our Men & Women
The Union Ship Canal
The Viet Nam War
The Village of Hamburg
The Village of Hamburg
The War of 1812
The West Village
The Wheeler / GLF Elevator
The White City
The Willis Hotel
Theodore Roosevelt
This Memorial
This Memorial is Dedicated to All of the Service Members from WNY
This Memorial is to Honor the Commitment
This Monument Honors the Soldiers and Sailors
This Purple Heart Memorial
Thunder Over the Niagara
Tifft Nature Preserve
Times Beach Nature Preserve
To Commemorate the Bravery
To Commemorate the Gallantry of
To Honor the Memory of Our Dead
To Honor the Men and Women
To Preserve the Memories
To The Glory of God and in Grateful Remembrance
Tonawanda All Heroes Memorial
Tonawanda Civil War Memorial
Tonawanda Rails to Trails
Tonawanda Veterans Memorial
Toni Sisti Park
Tow Path Park
Town Line, N.Y.
Town of Brant Honors
Town of Brant Memorial Park
Town of Clarence - First Grist Mill in Erie County
Town of Clarence - Ransom's Grove
Town of Clarence - Swormville
Town of Concord
Town of Holland Veterans Memorial
Town of Tonawanda Veterans Memorial
Transit Road Church
Tree planted November 30, 1925
Tree With Bank Account
Trinity Church
Typhoid Traced to Well
U. S. Barracks 1812
U.S. Submarine Veterans World War II
UH-1 Helicopter
Underground Railroad River Crossing
Unity Island
University Presbyterian Church
Unnamed Soldiers of the War of 1812
USS Boston SSN703
USS Grenadier (SS210)
USS The Sullivans (DD-537)
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial Grove
Veterans Park
Village of East Aurora
Village of Hamburg Historic Walking Tour
Village of Orchard Park
Village of Springville
W. Aurora Church
Wales Memorial Building and Park
War of 1812 Cemetery
Watchman's Flag Shanty, West Shore Railroad
Waterfront Sites
We Remember Forever
Wedding of the Waters
West Boston
West Ferry Street Bascule Bridge
West Seneca Gatling Gun
West Seneca Vietnam Veterans Monument
Western New York
Western New York Vietnam Veterans Monument
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westward to Buffalo
Wilcox Mansion
William Dorsheimer House
William G. Fargo Mansion
William McKinley
William Wells Brown
William Wells Brown
Williamsville Christian Church
Williamsville School No.9
Williamsville Water Mill
Wind Power on the Waterfront
Woodside Farms
Working Together to Save Wetlands
World War II
Zuidema-Idsardi House
"...With Liberty and Justice for All."
"Angola Horror"
"Fort Humphrey"
"Old Shep"
"Rust Bucket"
"The Best Planned City"
"The Black Rock"
“Taylor Tract”
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was held in New York City in 1924. It was originally called the Macy's Christmas Parade and featured live animals from the Central Park Zoo.
About Erie County
Erie County Timeline
Erie County, located in western New York state, has a rich and diverse history that dates back to ancient times. The area was originally inhabited by Indigenous peoples, primarily the Seneca Nation of Indians. In the 17th century, European explorers, traders, and missionaries arrived, with the French establishing a brief presence in the region. However, after the French and Indian War, control over the area shifted to the British.
In the late 18th century, following the American Revolution, the region that is now Erie County became part of the newly formed United States. The area experienced significant growth and development in the early 19th century, with the construction of the Erie Canal, a transformative project connecting the Great Lakes to the Hudson River, passing through the county. This led to the expansion of trade and commerce and attracted settlers from various parts of the country.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, Erie County continued to thrive, becoming a center for industry and innovation. Buffalo, the county's largest city and the second-largest city in New York, played a crucial role in the development of transportation and manufacturing. It was a major hub for the Great Lakes shipping industry and became known as the "Queen City of the Great Lakes." The county also saw advancements in education and culture, with the establishment of schools, libraries, and cultural institutions.
In recent decades, Erie County has faced economic challenges due to deindustrialization and changes in the global economy. However, efforts have been made to diversify the economy and promote revitalization. Today, the county is known for its natural beauty, with attractions such as Niagara Falls and the Buffalo waterfront. It is also home to a vibrant arts and cultural scene, as well as several universities and research institutions. Erie County continues to evolve, embracing its rich history while looking towards a promising future.
In the late 18th century, following the American Revolution, the region that is now Erie County became part of the newly formed United States. The area experienced significant growth and development in the early 19th century, with the construction of the Erie Canal, a transformative project connecting the Great Lakes to the Hudson River, passing through the county. This led to the expansion of trade and commerce and attracted settlers from various parts of the country.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, Erie County continued to thrive, becoming a center for industry and innovation. Buffalo, the county's largest city and the second-largest city in New York, played a crucial role in the development of transportation and manufacturing. It was a major hub for the Great Lakes shipping industry and became known as the "Queen City of the Great Lakes." The county also saw advancements in education and culture, with the establishment of schools, libraries, and cultural institutions.
In recent decades, Erie County has faced economic challenges due to deindustrialization and changes in the global economy. However, efforts have been made to diversify the economy and promote revitalization. Today, the county is known for its natural beauty, with attractions such as Niagara Falls and the Buffalo waterfront. It is also home to a vibrant arts and cultural scene, as well as several universities and research institutions. Erie County continues to evolve, embracing its rich history while looking towards a promising future.
Erie County Timeline
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Erie County, New York.
- 1679 - French explorer Robert de La Salle claims the area for France
- 1758 - British forces capture the area during the French and Indian War
- 1784 - The Sullivan Expedition destroys Native American villages in the area
- 1800 - The Holland Land Company purchases the land from the Seneca Nation
- 1810 - Buffalo becomes the first town in Erie County
- 1812-1814 - Erie County sees battles during the War of 1812
- 1821 - Erie County is officially established
- 1825 - Completion of the Erie Canal boosts the county's economy
- 1848 - Construction of the Buffalo and New York City Railroad begins
- 1851 - Buffalo's population exceeds 42,000 people
- 1872 - The Buffalo Zoo opens, becoming the third oldest zoo in the country
- 1884 - Construction of the Erie County Hall is completed
- 1901 - President William McKinley is assassinated in Buffalo
- 1938 - The opening of the Buffalo Niagara International Airport
- 1956 - Construction of the Niagara Thruway is completed
- 1964-1965 - Buffalo hosts the World's Fair, known as Expo '64
- 1970 - The construction of the Buffalo Metro Rail system begins
- 1984 - The Buffalo Bills reach their first Super Bowl
- 2006 - The implementation of the Buffalo-Niagara Riverkeeper organization