The state song of Nebraska is "Beautiful Nebraska," which was written by Jim Fras and Guy G. Miller in 1967.
Wayne County, Nebraska is located in the northeastern part of the state and has a rich history dating back to the mid-19th century. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes such as the Omaha and Ponca, who used the land for hunting and farming.

In 1869, the first permanent settlement was established in Wayne County by European American settlers. The county was officially organized in 1871 and named after Revolutionary War general "Mad" Anthony Wayne. The new settlers built farms, schools, and churches, and the county quickly grew and prospered.

During the late 19th century, Wayne County experienced a boom in agriculture, particularly in wheat production. The arrival of the railroad in the 1880s further boosted the county's economic growth, as it provided a means of transport for agricultural goods. This period also saw the establishment of businesses, banks, and other services in the county's towns, including Wayne, the county seat, and Winside.

The 20th century brought further advancements to Wayne County. As technology improved, farming methods became more efficient, leading to increased productivity in the agricultural sector. The county also saw the growth of its education system, with the establishment of Wayne State College in the early 20th century, which remains a reputable institution to this day. Wayne County continues to thrive as a predominantly rural area with a strong agricultural base, while also embracing modern developments and striving for a prosperous future.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Wayne County, Nebraska.

  • 1856 - Wayne County is established by the Nebraska Territorial Legislature.
  • 1872 - The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway reaches Wayne County, bringing increased transportation and economic opportunities.
  • 1883 - Wayne, the county seat, is incorporated as a city.
  • 1897 - Wayne State College is founded as a teacher training school.
  • 1920 - Wayne County experiences a boom in agriculture, with many farms being established and agricultural production increasing.
  • 1930 - The Great Depression hits Wayne County, causing economic hardship for many residents.
  • 1971 - Wayne State College is granted university status and becomes Wayne State University.
  • 1997 - Wayne County celebrates its 150th anniversary with various events and activities.
  • 2010 - Wayne County's population reaches its peak at 9,595 residents.
  • 2021 - Wayne County continues to thrive as a center for education, agriculture, and community development.