Lewis And Clark County, Montana
Algeria Shrine Temple
Alice Creek Historic District
Appleton House No. 13
Appleton House No. 9
Armitage, Joshua and Martha, House
Benton Avenue Cemetery
Broadwater, Charles A., House
Cathedral of Saint Helena
Childs Carriage House
Crum, William C., House
Crump-Howard House
Cuthbert, D. H., House
Dearborn River High Bridge
Donovan-Mayer House
Dorsey Grocery and Residence
Evans, Christmas Gift, House
F.M. Mack General Store
Fisk, Robert and Elizabeth, House
Forestvale Cemetery
Former Montana Executive Mansion
Fort Harrison Veterans' Hospital Historic District
Gehring Ranch
Gilman State Bank
Gilpatrick-Root House
Hauser Mansion
Helena Historic District
Helena Historic District (Boundary Increase II)
Helena Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Helena Railroad Depot Historic District
Helena South-Central Historic District
Helena West Main Street Historic District
Hilger,Joe and Carrie, Ranch
Home of Peace
House of the Good Shepherd Historic District
Huseby, John H,. House
Kemna, Herman, House
Kleinschmidt, T. H., House
Kluge House
Lewis and Clark County Hospital Historic District
Lincoln Community Hall
Lincoln Lodge
Lyman-Neel Residence
Mann Gulch Wildfire Historic District
Methodist-Episcopal Church of Marysville
Missouri River Bridge
Montana Aeronautics Commission Operations Historic District
Montana State Arsenal, Armory and Drill Hall
Montana State Capitol Building
Montana State Capitol Campus Historic District
Montana State Fairgrounds Racetrack
Montana Veterans and Pioneers Memorial Building
Mount Helena Historic District
Murphy, John T., House
Olsen House
Pope, Francis and Hannah, House
Porter Flats Apartments
Power, C. B., Bungalow
Quinn's Garage
Regan, Thomas P., Cabin
Sheep Creek Bridge
Silver City Cemetery
Silver Creek School
Silver King Ranch
Silverman, Morris, House
Spalding-Gunn House
Stearns Hall
Stedman Foundry and Machine Company
Summit Lodge
Temple Emanu-El
Unemployment Compensation Commission Building
Wassweiler Hotel and Bath Houses
Western Clay Manufacturing Company
Western Life Insurance Company Helena Branch Office
Wick-Seiler House
Williams Street Bridge
Wolf Creek Hotel
Young Women's Christian Association (Independent)
116 Broad Street
17-19 South Rodney Street
20 South Rodney Street
203 North Rodney Street
221 Spencer Street
229 Spencer
488-490 West Main Street
A Booming Little Place
Alex C. Johnson Home
Anna Pascoe House
Atlas Block
Augusta and Gilman
B.K. Tatem House
Baldwin / Grady House
Benton Avenue Cemetery
Bighorned Animals
Bluestone House
Board of Health Building
Boston Block
Boyer/Hawkins Residence
Broadwater Resort
C.B. Power Residence
C.W. Cannon Building
California Wine House
Caretaker's Cabin
Chessman Flats
Child Carriage House
Christmas Gift Evans House
Cogswell Building
Colorado Building
Continuing the Journey
Dearborn's River
Dedicated to You, A Free Citizen in a Free Land
Discovery of Gold in Last Chance Gulch
Diversity in Helena
Dunphy Block
Eagle Watch
Earthquakes of 1935
East Helena Main Street Park
Edward C. Babcock Mansion
Elisha and Joseph Poad House
English House
Eybel's Cafe
Fashion Livery and Boarding Stable
Federal Building
Federal Reserve Bank
Fifth Avenue Apartment House
Fire Tower
First National Bank Securities Building
First Unitarian Church
Francis & Hannah Pope House
Gates of the Mountain
George Grossberg Residence
Gilpatrick/Root House
Gold Block
Goodkind Building
Governor Leslie House
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana
Grizzly Gulch Lime Kilns
Helena Historic District
Helena South-Central Historic District
Helena South-Central Historic District
Helena West Main Street Historic District
Helena, Financial Center of Montana
Helena, Main Street - 1905
Henry Blase House
Henry Hay Homestead
Henry M. Parchen Residence
Holter Cottage #1
Ingram House
Iron Front Hotel
Join the Voyage of Discovery
Jose H.K. Toole Mansion
Joseph E. Allen Livery
Joseph K. Toole House
Joshua and Martha Armitage House
Justice Building and Montana State Library
Kleinschmidt Block
Kluge House
Koch House
LaReau House
Last Chance Gulch
Lawrence and Amanda Beaver Residence
Legislative Restaurant - Capital Annex
Livestock Building
Lyman-Neel Residence
Martin M. Holter House
Marysville General Store
Marysville School House
Marysville Shaffer House
Marysville, Montana
Methodist Episcopal Church of Marysville
Michael John MacKinnon
Mitchell Building
Montana Club
Montana Highway Department Building
Montana State Capitol Campus Historic District
Montana Veterans and Pioneers Memorial Building
Montana's Capital
Montana's Capital Contenders
Morelli Bridge
Myers Residence
New York Block
Old U.S. Highway 91
Olsen House
Original Governor's Mansion
Original Headquarters - Montana Highway Patrol
Original Helena Streetcar
Palmquist Residence
Pioneer Cabin
Pioneer Cabin on Last Chance Gulch
Placer Hotel
Porter Flats
Power Block and Power Block West
Raleigh and Clarke Dry Goods
Record Cold Spot
Reeder's Alley
Reeder's Alley
Reeder's Alley Survived the Test of Time
Remembering Governor Forrest H. Anderson
Return to the United States
Robert and Elizabeth Fisk Residence
Rodney Hotel
Rodney Street News
Ryan Building
Samuel Dempster House
Samuel T. Hauser Mansion
Sanders Home
Sands Brothers Dry Goods
Sixth Avenue Apartment
St. Louis Block
Stone House at Reeder's Alley
Tatem-Young Residence
Temple Emanu-el
Temple Emanuel
The Dearborn Ancient Interstate Highway
The Discovery at Last Chance Gulch
The Founding of Helena
The Manlove Homestead
The Mann Gulch Fire
Thomas Francis Meagher.
Tracy-Power Residence
U.S.S. Helena
Uncle Sam's Block
Unemployment Compensation Commission
Ward House
Weinstein Grocery Store
Western Life Insurance Company
William M. Bishop House
William Steele Residence
Woodman S. Paynter House
"Cliffs High and Steep"
"nearer than the route we Came"
"The Pioneer Cabin"
The area that is now Lewis and Clark County was originally inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Blackfeet, Salish, and Shoshone. The Lewis and Clark Expedition explored the region in 1805, documenting the natural resources and mapping the area. This initial contact with the explorers paved the way for later Euro-American settlement.
In the 1860s, gold was discovered in the Last Chance Gulch, which is now the city of Helena, the county seat of Lewis and Clark County. This led to a mining boom, attracting settlers and prospectors from all over. Helena quickly became a bustling city and the territorial capital of Montana. The gold rush also brought conflicts with Native American tribes, leading to tensions and occasional clashes.
As Helena grew, so did the county. It became an important center for commerce, government, and culture in the region. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, railroads were built, enhancing connectivity and stimulating the economy. The county experienced both economic ups and downs, facing challenges such as floods and fires, but continued to thrive.
Today, Lewis and Clark County is a diverse and vibrant community. It is home to a mix of urban and rural areas, offering a wide range of recreational opportunities, including hiking, fishing, skiing, and exploring the nearby national forests. The county also has important historical sites and landmarks that celebrate its past, including the Montana State Capitol building, which is located in Helena.
Brief timeline of the history of Lewis And Clark County, Montana:
- 1805 - Lewis and Clark explore the region during their expedition
- 1843 - Fur traders establish the first permanent settlement in the area
- 1864 - Lewis and Clark County is officially established
- 1875 - Helena becomes the county seat
- 1883 - Construction of the state capitol building begins in Helena
- 1919 - Construction of the Cathedral of Saint Helena is completed
- 1974 - Helena Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
- 1991 - The Great Northern Carousel, a popular attraction, opens in Helena
This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Lewis And Clark County, Montana.