Hotel Pinehurst

Marker installed: 2009
Marker provided by: Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Since 1949 the State Historical Marker program has identified and interpreted historic sites across Mississippi. More than one thousand markers can be found near buildings, battlefields, cemeteries, churches, temples, forts, homes, schools, and abandoned towns.

For tourists the markers may be their only glimpses into the state’s rich and varied history. For Mississippi communities the markers can be points of pride that memorialize locally important people and events.

State Historical Markers are privately sponsored and funded. Anyone may sponsor a marker. To qualify a site must have unique historical significance to the local community, the state, or the nation.

Mississippi is home to several historically black colleges and universities, including Jackson State University, Alcorn State University, and Mississippi Valley State University.
Jones County, Mississippi has a rich and intriguing history that dates back to the early 19th century. The county was established on January 24, 1826, and named after John Paul Jones, an American naval hero of the Revolutionary War. The region was originally inhabited by Native American tribes including the Choctaw and Chickasaw.

One significant event in Jones County's history was its role in the American Civil War. Led by Newton Knight, a Jones County native, a group of Union sympathizers known as the "Knight Company" opposed the Confederacy and organized an armed resistance against Confederate soldiers. This rebellion attracted attention and sparked debates about the loyalty of Southern states during the war. The Free State of Jones, as it came to be known, was a symbol of resistance against the Confederacy.

After the Civil War, Jones County experienced economic growth with the rise of industries such as timber and agriculture. Lumber mills and sawmills were established, and the county became a major player in the timber industry. This growth led to the expansion of towns like Laurel and Ellisville, which became significant economic centers in the area.

In the 20th century, Jones County continued to develop and modernize. The establishment of Camp Shelby, a military training site, during World War II brought economic opportunities to the region. The county also saw advancements in education and healthcare, with the establishment of Jones County Junior College and South Central Regional Medical Center.

Today, Jones County, Mississippi remains a vibrant and growing community, known for its historical significance and contributions to industries like timber and agriculture. The county's rich history, spanning from the Civil War era to the present day, continues to shape its identity and culture.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Jones County, Mississippi.

  • 1819 - Jones County is established as a county in Mississippi.
  • 1840s - Early settlers arrive in Jones County, primarily from Georgia and the Carolinas.
  • 1860-1865 - Jones County becomes a hotbed of resistance during the American Civil War, with many residents opposing secession and forming the "Free State of Jones".
  • 1884 - The Mississippi Central Railroad opens in Jones County, boosting economic development in the area.
  • Early 1900s - The timber and lumber industries become major economic drivers in Jones County.
  • 1940s - Camp Shelby, a military training facility, is established in Jones County and becomes an important training center during World War II.
  • 1950s-1970s - Jones County experiences population growth and urbanization, with increased industrial and commercial development.
  • 1994 - The Mississippi Armed Forces Museum opens at Camp Shelby, showcasing the military history of the region.