Historical Markers in St. Louis County, Missouri
#3 "Aerotrain"
#39 "Marmora"
#9908 "Silver Charger"
100th Anniversary of Kappa Sigma at Washington University
13 Air Force
1935 Frisco Caboose
417 Bomb Group AAF
4th Marine Division
56th U.S. Colored Infantry Memorial
66 Park-In Theater
82nd Airborne Infantry Division US Army
A Community within a Community / ~150 Years AgoContraband
A Longstanding, Strategically Central Military Post
A Place Called Home / ~150 Years AgoPetersburg
A Slave Plantation
A Triumph Of Valor
A "Key" from the past
A.E. Hotchner
ACFX #26640
Agnes Moorehead
Al Hirschfeld
Albert King
All Sea Service Women
Alt School House
Ambushed Patrol
Archie Moore
Army Air Forces
Arthur Bangert
Arthur Holly Compton
Auguste Chouteau
Barry Commoner
Barry-Wehmiller Pavilion
Beacon Car Wash
Betty Grable
Bill Mauldin
Bob Costas
Bob Gibson
Branch Rickey
Buddy Ebsen
Carl & Gerty Cori
Catherine "Kay" Spring
Chain Of Rocks Bridge
Changes at White Haven / ~150 Years Ago - Grants Horses
Charles A. Lindbergh
Charles Castello
Charles Eames
Charles Guggenheim
Charles M. Russell
Charlotte Ballard
Christopher & Mary Ann Hawken Home
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry
Citizens National Bank
Civil War Destruction
Civil War Memorial
Civil War Union Women Memorial
Clarence Barbre
Clark Terry
Clester Cabin
Combat Wounded Veterans
Confederate Burials in the National Cemetery
Conway House
Cool Papa Bell
Coral Court
Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park - Water Trail
Creve Coeur Lake Streetcar
Crossing the River
Dan Dierdorf
Dave Garroway
David Francis
David L. Reynolds
David Merrick
David Sanborn
Davis House
Dedicated to World Peace
Dedicated to World Peace
Des Peres Park
Des Peres Presbyterian Church
Destroyer Escort and A.P.D. Sailors
Dick Gregory
Dick Weber
Died in Helicopter Crash
Dizzy Dean
Donald L. Bond
Donald R. Zykan, Sr.
Douglas Aircraft C-47A Transport
Douglass School
Dred & Harriet Scott
Dripping Springs
Dwight Davis
Early Owners of the Farm
Early Visitors
Ed Macauley
Elijah Lovejoy
Empire Supply
Ernest Trova
Eugene Field
Evarts Graham
Fairfax House
Fallen Heroes Memorial
Fallen Marines and FMF Corpsmen Hero Memorial
Father Dickson Cemetery
First Lieutenant Michael J. Blassie
First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood
Flat Gravesite Markers
Fontella Bass
Fort Belle Fontaine
Francis Field and Gymnasium
Francis Olympic Field
Francois Dunegant dit Borosier
Frank B. Korte / Josephine "Jo" Korte
From Humble Beginnings, a World Class Street Is Born!
Fun Fair Park
George Sisler
Gerald Early
Gerald Gordon
Gocke House
Grace A. Zykan
Grace Bumbry
Grant's Departure / ~150 Years Ago
Grant's Trail: Sappington House and Father Dickson Cemetery
Gravois Creek Greenway - Clydesdale Park
Green Haven?
Greentree Park and Meramec Greenway
Gregorie Aubuchon
Gyo Obata
Hackmann Cabin
Halsey C. Ives Mansion
Hanley-Clayton Donation Helps Establish the St. Louis County Seat
Harold Ramis
Harold "Hal" Schuchmann
Harriet Robinson Scott
Harriett Woods
Harriett Woods
Harry Caray
Harugari Cemetery
Henry Armstrong
Henry Avenue
Henry Christian Werth
Henry F. Hendel
Henry F. Koch
Henry Shaw
Henry Townsend
Henry Wallis House
Historic Black Churches in Webster Groves
Historic Father Dickson Cemetery
Historic Hanley House
Historic Quinette Cemetery
Historic Shrewsbury, Missouri
Hoch House
Howard Nemerov
Ike Turner
Illinois Terminal Neon Sign
In Honor of all Eureka Residents who Served Their Country
In Memory of August A. Busch, Jr.
In Memory of the Unknown Dead
Indian Army
Irma Rombauer
J. Milton Turner School
Jack Buck
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Jackie Smith
James (Jay) Russell
James B. Eads
James E. Fischer
James J. Eagan
James R. Shanks, Chaplain, 1st. Lt.
James "Jay" Russell
Jay B. Smith Funeral Home
Jay Gould and the Missouri Pacific
Jefferson Barracks
Jefferson Barracks - A River Flowing Through Time
Jefferson Barracks - At the Confluence of American History
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site - Old Ordnance Room
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site - Powder Magazine Museum, Memorial Walk
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site - Tent City
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site - Visitors Center, Laborer House and Stable
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site - World War II Reception Center #1772
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site North Gate
Jefferson Barracks Historic Site Old Guard Monument and Powder Magazine Patio
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
Jimmy Connors
Joe Garagiola
John A. Ortwig
John Danforth
John Goodman
John H. "Johnny" Londoff, Sr.
John Hartford
John M. & Pearl Dooley
John Mullanphy
Johnnie Johnson
Joseph Peters
Joseph Pulitzer
Josephine Baker
Judge Timothy W. Kelly, Sr.
Jules ONeil
Kalb Electric
Kate Chopin
Katherine Dunham
Katz Drug Store
Kay Thompson
Kenneth J. "Ken" Otto
Kevin Kline
Khe Sanh Veterans Memorial
Killed - Aircraft Accident - Alaska
Killed in Action
Killed in Aircraft
Killed in Crash
Killed in Vietnam October 8, 1969
Kirkwood City Council Shooting Memorial
Kirkwood Depot
Lackland / Baker Mansion
Lake School
Lake Sherwood
Leonard Slatkin
Lewis and Clark
Lime Kiln
Lloyd Lionel Gaines
Lockheed T-33 A Shooting Star
Longwood The "Hancock Place"
Lou Brock
Lowell E. Girardier
Manchester Volunteer Fire Dept
Marianne Moore
Marlin Perkins
Marsha Mason
Martha Gellhorn
Mary Engelbreit
Mary Lee Payne Gentry
Mary Wickes
Masters & Johnson
Maya Angelou
MCHX #117
Medium Towed Howitzer, 155mm
Meramec Greenway - Flat Creek Trail at Kircher Park
Meramec Greenway - Flat Creek Trail at Lions Park
Meramec Greenway - Lower Meramec Park
Meramec River Greenway - Fenton City Park
Meramec River Greenway - Unger Park
Meramec River Greenway - Winter Park
Mercury Spacecraft MA-6, 1962
Mertz Log Home
Michael Joseph Blassie
Michael McDonald
Mike Peters
Miles A. Seed Carriage House
Miles Davis
Minnesota Civil War Memorial
Missouri Military Memorial
MKT #1
Mona Van Duyn
Museum of Transportation - A Layout of the Land
Narrow Gauge
Navy Seabees
New Buildings for White Haven
Old Burying Ground
Old Log Cabin
Old St. Ferdinand Shrine
Old Trails Historical Society
Operation Desert Shield & Desert Storm
Original Site of Cold Water Church
Ortmann Funeral Home
Outbuildings / ~150 Years AgoColored Troops
Outdoor Kitchen & Hired Man's Room
Overland Historical Society and Log House
Overland Manor
Ozzie Smith
Patrick G. Click, Sr.
Paul C. Reinert, S.J.
Paul F. Detrick, Sr.
Paul J. Kohnen
Peter Raven
Philip A. "Phil" Foeller
Phyllis Diller
Pierre Laclede
Pierre-Jean De Smet, S.J.
Pilot Wheel from the Steamer Capital (1879-1945)
Pitman Arms from S.S. Admiral
Power Substation
Project Gemini
Quinette Cemetery
Randolph Laughlin House
Red Cedar Inn, Pacific, Missouri
Red Schoendienst
Redd Foxx
Remembering the Achievements of James P. Kirkwood
Remembering Their Sacrifices
Rev. John Clark
Rev. Sir Moses Dickson
Richard A. Hudlin and Arthur R. Ashe, Jr. and the Bennett Avenue Historic District
Richard "Dick" A. Weber
Ridley Pearson
Riot in the Tunnels
Rita Ann Moellering
Robert G. Lowery, Sr.
Robert Guillaume
Robert McFerrin, Sr.
Rogers Hornsby
Rosemary Straub Davison
Saint Louis
Saint Louis County
Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
Sally Benson
Saratoga Lanes
SBIX #1634
Scheidt Hardware
Scott Joplin
Sellenriek Barn
Service Roster
Sgt. 1st Class Charles F. Prevedel
Shelley Winters
Sidney R. Garrett
Simpson Park and the Meramec River Greenway
Site of Appel House
Site of Buck School
Site of Caleb Baldwin House
Site of Charles / James Loring House
Site of Daniel Boone's Cabin
Site of First Parachute Jump
Site of Frank Spencer House
Site of Grace Van Studiford House
Site of John and Elizabeth Smith Farmhouse
Site of John Ball Homestead
Site of Lackland Avenue School
Site of Twelve Mile Inn
Site of William Walton House
Slaves Only
Smoke House
Spanish Lake
Spanish Land Grant
St. Charles Rock Road
St. Ferdinand III of Castile
St. Joe Minerals Corporation Shovel
St. Vincent Greenway - University of Missouri - St. Louis
Stan Musial
Stan Musial
Stanley Elkin
Sunnen Products Company
Sunset Greenway
Susan Blow
Tappmeyer Homestead
Tennessee Williams
The Barn Center
The Chosin Few
The Community, Churches, and Schools of the Hadley Township Neighborhood
The Era of Abuse Through Use
The Gasconade Bridge Disaster
The Growth of a Neighborhood
The H.T. Pott Towboat
The Hanley Farm, Past and Present
The Historic Parade Ground
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark Expedition Across Missouri
The Magazine Building
The Missouri Pacific Today...
The Old Stone Church
The Overland Trail
The Pacific Railroad Controversy
The Pacific Railroad of Missouri: Audacious Dreams & Harsh Realities
The Push Poles and Poling
The Roads to White Haven
The Rock House
The Rock House/Edgewood Children's Center
The Rockettes
The Sellers Turntable
The Twillman House
The Wedge
The White Haven Estate: Other Houses
The Working Farm
The "Katy Flyer"
Theodore Link
Third Infantry Division - U.S. Army
This Gate is made of four United States Army Cannons
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Sappington House
Tina Turner
To The Confederate Dead 1861 - 1865
To Those Who Gave Their Lives In The Struggle For Freedom
Tom Eagleton
Tow Boat H.T. Pott
Trolleys, Cars and Carriages. Oh My!
TTOX #130059
U.S. Army Air Forces Air Crash Victims May 13, 1945
U.S. Grant: The St. Louis Years
U.S. Submariners Lost in World War II
Ulysses S. Grant
UMSL Commons
United States Air Force
United States Air Force
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy
URTX #37144
UTLX #14387
UTLX #3882
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Path of Honor
Veteran's Memorial
VFW Post 3500 War Memorial
Victims of the Japanese Massacre
Vincent Price
Virginia Mayo
Visit The Loop!
Walker Evans
Walter H. LePere
Welcome to Fort Belle Fontaine
West Barretts Tunnel
What Does "Bi-Polar" Mean?
What Is Standard Gauge?
What's in a Name?
White Haven
White Haven's Outbuildings
Who Is Owney The Dog?
Wildwood Estate
William B. Ittner
William Burroughs
William Campbell House
William Clark
William Danforth
William Gass
William Greenleaf Eliot
William Heidbrink & Clarence A. Fritz Building
William Inge
William T. Sherman
William "Bill" Clay
Willie Mae Ford Smith
Working Plantation / ~150 Years Ago - Emancipation
World War I, St. Louis Veterans, Court of Honor
World War II Memorial
World War II Merchant Marine Seamen and Navy Armed Guard Memorial
WWII M4A3E8 Sherman Tank
Yogi Berra
"Black Diamond"
"Daniel Nason"
"The Tower"
The Missouri River is the longest river in North America, stretching for 2,341 miles from its source in Montana to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico.
About St. Louis County
St. Louis County Timeline
St. Louis County, Missouri has a rich history that spans back to its earliest indigenous inhabitants. Native American tribes, including the Mississippian culture, were the first known settlers in the area. The arrival of French explorers in the late 17th century introduced European contact and the establishment of fur trading posts. However, it was the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 that marked a significant turning point in the history of the region, as St. Louis County became part of the growing United States.
Throughout the 19th century, St. Louis County experienced rapid growth and development. The area became a key trade and transportation hub due to its strategic location along the Mississippi River. The construction of the Erie Canal and later the railroad network further facilitated trade and led to increased industrialization. In the mid-1800s, St. Louis County witnessed an influx of immigrants, particularly from Germany and Ireland, who contributed to the cultural diversity and economic prosperity of the region.
During the 20th century, St. Louis County continued to evolve. The county experienced suburbanization and population growth, as many residents moved out of the city of St. Louis to seek a quieter suburban lifestyle. This trend was accompanied by the development of new residential communities, shopping centers, and infrastructure. However, this increased suburbanization also led to racial segregation and socioeconomic disparities.
In recent years, St. Louis County has faced various social and economic challenges. The county has been a focal point for civil rights movements and protests against racial injustice, highlighted by the events that unfolded in Ferguson in 2014. Efforts have been made to address these issues and promote inclusivity and equality. St. Louis County remains an important economic and cultural center in the Midwest, and its history continues to shape its present and future.
Throughout the 19th century, St. Louis County experienced rapid growth and development. The area became a key trade and transportation hub due to its strategic location along the Mississippi River. The construction of the Erie Canal and later the railroad network further facilitated trade and led to increased industrialization. In the mid-1800s, St. Louis County witnessed an influx of immigrants, particularly from Germany and Ireland, who contributed to the cultural diversity and economic prosperity of the region.
During the 20th century, St. Louis County continued to evolve. The county experienced suburbanization and population growth, as many residents moved out of the city of St. Louis to seek a quieter suburban lifestyle. This trend was accompanied by the development of new residential communities, shopping centers, and infrastructure. However, this increased suburbanization also led to racial segregation and socioeconomic disparities.
In recent years, St. Louis County has faced various social and economic challenges. The county has been a focal point for civil rights movements and protests against racial injustice, highlighted by the events that unfolded in Ferguson in 2014. Efforts have been made to address these issues and promote inclusivity and equality. St. Louis County remains an important economic and cultural center in the Midwest, and its history continues to shape its present and future.
St. Louis County Timeline
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of St. Louis County, Missouri.
- 1764 - St. Louis County is established by the French, becoming part of the Louisiana Territory.
- 1804 - The area is acquired by the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
- 1812 - St. Louis County is organized as a county within the Missouri Territory.
- 1822 - St. Louis County becomes part of the newly established state of Missouri.
- 1876 - The city of St. Louis secedes from the county, forming an independent city.
- 1950s-1960s - Suburbanization begins in St. Louis County, leading to rapid population growth.
- 2014 - Protests erupt in response to the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis County.