Historical Markers in Waldo County, Maine
A Benevolent Bequest / Un legs généreux
A Grand Plan
A Question of Boundaries
Belfast City Hall / L'Hôtel de Ville de Belfast
Belfast Historian's Home / La Maison Williamson
Belfast, Maine
Biggest Little City / Une Grande Petite Ville
Broiler Capital of the World / Capitale du poulet rôti
Captain Albert W. Stevens / Le Capitaine Albert W. Stevens
Carver Memorial Library / La Bibliothèque Carver
City Park / Le Jardin Public
Civil War Hero / Héros de la guerre de sécession
Civil War Soldiers' Monument / Monumnet aux soldats et La Guerre de Sécession
Conflict and Prosperity on the River
Cpl. Clair Goodblood Memorial
Digging Down and Building Up
Downtown Main Street / La rue principale en centre-ville
Early Banking / Les premières banques
Education First and Foremost / L'éducation, d'abord et surtout
Firing a Cannon
First Church
First Day at Central School: Circa 1900 / Premier jour d'école : Central school ca. 1900
Five-Masted Beauty / Une beauté à cinq mâts
Fort Knox
Fort Point State Park
Fort Pownall
Fort Pownall, 1759-1775
French's Beach
Home of Clara Pendleton Blanchard 1843-1931 / La maison de Clara Pendleton Blanchard 1843-1931
Liberty Tree Memorial
Lincolnville Center
Lincolnville War of 1812 Cannon
Lincolnville's Town House
Main and High / Au carrefour de main et de high
Main Street, 1875
Making a Living / Gagner sa vie
Making a Living / Gagner sa vie
Memorial Bridge
Near this Site in 1770
On this site
Peter Ward, Ship Carpenter: Living and Working in a Neighborhood of Artisans
Post Office Square / La place de la poste
Raising the Flag / Hisser le drapeau
Regal Passenger Steamer / Un paquebot à vapeur majestueux
Searsport Cyclone May 22, 1921 / Le Cyclone de Searsport, le 22 mai 1921
Searsport House
Stylish Lodging / Une résidence chic
The Architecture of Defense
The Belfast Historical Society Museum
The Casemate - Key to Fort Design
The Circus Comes to Town / Le cirque arrive !
The Finest and the Fastest / Le plus rapides et les plus racés
The First Mayor / Le premier maire
The Great Conflagration / La grande conflagration
The Growth of Ship Building: Isaac Carver / Le développement des chantiers navals : Isaac Carver
The Heart of the Fort
The Home of a Hero / La maison d'un héros
The James P. White House / La maison de James P. White
The Nut House / Ah ! La noix
The Oldest Manufacturer / Le plus ancien fabricant
The Opera House / L'Opéra
The Penobscot Expedition
The Silver Screen / Le septième art
The Site of a Lumber Mill 1890 / Site d'une scierie, 1890
The Windsor Hotel / L'Hôtel Windsor
Union Hall
Union School
Where Did the Soldiers Sleep?
Whitcomb-Baker VFW Post 4633 Veterans Memorial
World War I Memorial
Maine has a unique lobstering tradition: Lobstering is a way of life in Maine, and it has been for generations. Lobstering was once considered a lowly profession, but now it is a highly respected and lucrative industry. Maine lobsters are renowned for their sweet flavor and are considered a delicacy around the world.
About Waldo County
Waldo County Timeline
Waldo County, located in the beautiful state of Maine, has a rich and interesting history that has shaped its development over time. The area was initially home to Indigenous peoples, particularly the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes, who lived in the region for thousands of years before European settlers arrived.
In the early 17th century, English explorers and traders established contact with the Native communities along the coast of present-day Maine, and by the mid-1600s, European settlement began. The land that is now Waldo County was part of the expansive Plymouth Colony before it was later incorporated as part of Massachusetts.
During the American Revolution, the area around present-day Waldo County played a significant role. Supporting the ideals of independence, local militias actively fought against British forces and participated in several key battles and skirmishes. The town of Castine, located in present-day Waldo County, was actually occupied by the British for a period of time during the war.
In 1827, Waldo County was officially established and named after Samuel Waldo, a prominent landowner and colonial leader. The county's growth and development were largely influenced by the agriculture and maritime industries. Coastal towns like Belfast and Searsport became major centers for shipbuilding and shipping, contributing to the county's prosperity. The industrial revolution in the 19th century brought further economic growth and diversification to the area.
Today, Waldo County is known for its picturesque landscapes, charming small towns, and strong sense of community. Its rich history can still be seen in the preserved historic buildings, museums, and cultural events that celebrate the region's past.
In the early 17th century, English explorers and traders established contact with the Native communities along the coast of present-day Maine, and by the mid-1600s, European settlement began. The land that is now Waldo County was part of the expansive Plymouth Colony before it was later incorporated as part of Massachusetts.
During the American Revolution, the area around present-day Waldo County played a significant role. Supporting the ideals of independence, local militias actively fought against British forces and participated in several key battles and skirmishes. The town of Castine, located in present-day Waldo County, was actually occupied by the British for a period of time during the war.
In 1827, Waldo County was officially established and named after Samuel Waldo, a prominent landowner and colonial leader. The county's growth and development were largely influenced by the agriculture and maritime industries. Coastal towns like Belfast and Searsport became major centers for shipbuilding and shipping, contributing to the county's prosperity. The industrial revolution in the 19th century brought further economic growth and diversification to the area.
Today, Waldo County is known for its picturesque landscapes, charming small towns, and strong sense of community. Its rich history can still be seen in the preserved historic buildings, museums, and cultural events that celebrate the region's past.
Waldo County Timeline
This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Waldo County, Maine.
- 1789: Waldo County is established as a county in the state of Maine.
- 1808: The county's first courthouse and jail are built in Castine, the original county seat.
- 1827: The county seat is moved from Castine to Belfast, where a new courthouse and jail are constructed.
- 1861-1865: Waldo County residents actively participate in the American Civil War.
- 1873: The Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad is completed, connecting the county to the rest of Maine's railway network.
- 1874: The town of Swanville is incorporated in Waldo County.
- 1901: Unity College, a private college, is founded in Unity, Maine.
- 1937: The Penobscot Narrows Bridge, connecting Waldo County to Prospect, is completed.
- 1967: The Waldo-Hancock Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the Penobscot River, is opened to traffic.
- 1989: The Waldo County Village of Heritage Park is established in Unity, showcasing historic buildings of the area.