Middlesex County, Massachusetts

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1790 House Abbot, Edwin, House Aborn, John, House Ace Art Company Acton Centre Historic District Acton High School Adams, Amos, House Adams, Charles-Woodbury Locke House Adams, Seth, House Adams-Magoun House Agudas Achim Anshei Sfard Synagogue Albree-Hall-Lawrence House Alewife Brook Parkway Allen House Allen, Abel, House Allen, Nathaniel Topliff, Homestead Allyn House Almshouse Almshouse American Net and Twine Company Factory American Waltham Watch Company Historic District American Watch Tool Company Andover Street Historic District Andrews, Joseph, House Angier, John B., House Arlington Center Historic District Arlington Center Historic District (Boundary Increase) Arlington Coal & Lumber Arlington Gaslight Company Arlington Pumping Station Arlington Reservoir Ash Street Historic District Ashland Dam and Spillway Ashland Town House Assington Athenaeum Press Atwood, Ephraim, House Auburndale Congregational Church Austin Hall Avon Hill Historic District Ayer, Albert, House Ayer, Thomas, House B and B Chemical Company Bacon, Clifton, House Bacon, Robert, House Bacon, Stephen, House Bacon-Gleason-Blodgett Homestead Badger, Rev. Stephen, House Baker, Charles, House Baker, Charles, Property Baker, Kenelum, House Baldwin, Loammi, Mansion Baldwin, Maria, House Bancroft, Joseph, House Bancroft, Samuel, House Bancroft, Wendell, House Banks, E. Sybbill, House Baptist Society Meeting House Barnes, James B., House Barnes, Walter S. and Melissa E., House Barrett, Col. James, Farm Bartlett-Hawkes Farm Bassett, Edwin, House Bassett, Maria, House Batchelder House Batchelder, Alden, House Batchelder, George, House Batchelder, Nathaniel, House Battell House Bayley House Beacon Street Tomb Beard, Benjamin, House Beard, Josiah, House Beard, Padilla, House Beck-Warren House Bedford Center Historic District Bedford Depot Bedford Veterans Administration Hospital Historic District Beebe Estate Beebe Homestead Bell Rock Memorial Park Belmont Railroad Station Belvidere Hill Historic District Bemis Mill Bennett-Shattuck House Bennink-Douglas Cottages Berkeley Street Historic District Berkeley Street Historic District (Boundary Increase) Bertram Hall at Radcliffe College Beth Eden Baptist Church Beth Israel Synagogue Bickford, John, House Bigelow Block Bigelow Street Historic District Bigelow, Dr. Henry Jacob, House Bigelow, Henry, House Billerica Mills Historic District Billerica Town Common District Billings, Frederick, House Birkhoff, George D., House Blake and Knowles Steam Pump Company National Register District Blodgett, William, House Boardman, E., House Bogle-Walker House Boit, Elizabeth, House Boston and Maine Railroad Depot Boston and Maine Railroad Depot Boston Edison Power Station Boston Manufacturing Company Boston Manufacturing Company Housing Boston Manufacturing Company Housing Boston Post Road Historic District Bottle House Block Bottume, John, House Boutell-Hathorn House Boutwell, Gov. George S., House Bow Street Historic District Bowers, Jerathmell, House Bowers, Jonathan, House Bowser Gazebo Boxborough Old Town Center Brabrook, E. H., House Brackett House Brackett House Brackett, Edward A., House Brackett, S. E., House Bradbury, William F., House Braddock, Edward, House Brae-Burn Historic District Brande House Brandeis University President's House Brattle Hall Brattle, William, House Brewer, Moses, House Bridgman, Percy, House Brigham Cemetery Brigham House Brine, George, House Broadway Winter Hill Congregational Church Brooks, Charles, House Brooks, Daniel, House Brooks, Francis, House Brooks, James H., House Brooks, Jonathan, House Brooks, Luther, House Brooks, Shepherd, Estate Brookside Historic District Brown, C.H., Cottage Brown, Col. Roger, House Brown-Maynard House Brown-Stow House Browne, Abraham, House Bruner, Mayall, House Bryant, William, Octagon House Buck's Corner Historic District Buck, Charles, House Buck, Ephraim, House Buckingham, John, House Buckman Tavern Building at 1-6 Walnut Terrace Building at 10 Follen Street Building at 102-104 Inman Street Building at 104-106 Hancock Street Building at 106-108 Inman St Building at 1707-1709 Cambridge Street Building at 1715-1717 Cambridge Street Building at 202-204 Charles Street Building at 259 Mount Auburn Street Building at 38-48 Richardson Avenue Building at 42 Edward J. Lopez Avenue Buildings at 110-112 Inman St. Buildings at 15-17 Lee St. Buildings at 35-37 Richardson Avenue Bullard Farm Bullard, Isaac, House Bullen-Stratton-Cozzen House Buswell, Clara, House Butler School Butterfield-Whittemore House Butters-Avery House Buttrick, Francis, House Buttrick, Francis, Library Byam, Charles, House Call-Bartlett House Calvary Methodist Church Cambidge Common Historic District Amendment Cambridge Common Historic District Cambridge Common Historic District (Boundary Increase and Decrease) Cambridge Home for the Aged and Infirm Cambridge Public Library Capitol Theater Building Capron, Charles, House Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts Carr, Martin W., School Carr-Jeeves House Carroll-Hartshorn House Carter Mansion Case's Corner Historic District Casey's Diner Castle, The Center Depot Center School Central Congregational Church Central Library Central Square Historic District Central Square Historic District Central Square Historic District Chamberlain, Samuel, House Chandler, Gen. Samuel, House Chapel of St. Anne Charles River Basin Historic District Charles River Reservation Parkways Charles Street Workers' Housing Historic District Chelmsford Center Historic District Chelmsford Glass Works' Long House Chestnut Hill, The Child, Francis J., House Childs, Mayor Edwin O., House Childs, Webster, House Christ Church Christ Episcopal Church Church of the New Jerusalem Church Street Historic District Church, William L., House Church-Lafayette Streets Historic District City Hall Historic District City Hall Historic District City Hall Historic District (Boundary Increase) City Stable and Garage Claflin School Claflin, Adams, House Clark House Clark Houses Clark-Northrup House Cleale, Joseph, House Cliff, Z. E., House Clough, Benjamin F., House Cloverden Cogan, Bernard, House Cogan, James, House Coggin, Gilman, House Colburn School Colburn, Gilbert, House Colburn, Sarah Foster, House Colby Hall Cole House Collins, Frederick, House Colonial Beacon Gas Station Commanding Officer's Quarters, Watertown Arsenal Common Burying Ground at Sandy Bank Common District Common Historic District Commonwealth Avenue Historic District Community Memorial Hospital Company F State Armory Concord Armory Concord Monument Square-Lexington Road Historic District Concord Square Historic District Conventual Church of St. Mary and St. John Converse Memorial Building Cook, Asa M., House Cook, Thomas, House Cook, William, House Coolidge School Coolidge, Josiah, House Cooper-Davenport Tavern Wing Cooper-Frost-Austin House Cotting, John, House Cowdrey, George, House Cowdry, Jonas, House Cowdry, Nathaniel, House Crafts Street City Stable Craigie Arms Crimmins, Thomas A., House Crowell, C. C., House Crystal Lake and Pleasant Street Historic District Cuming, Dr. John, House cummings, e.e., House Curtis, Allen Crocker, House-Pillar House Curtis, Paul, House Curtis, William, House Cushman House Cutter, Ephraim, House Cutter, Gershom, House Cutter, Jefferson, House Cutter, Second, A. P., House Daly, Reginald A., House Damon House Damon Mill Damon, Joseph, House Damon, Washington, House Dana-Palmer House Daniels, Blake, Cottage Daniels, Charles A., School Davis, Isaac, Trail Davis, Seth, House Davis, William Morris, House Day Estate Historic District Day, Anna, House Dean, Silas, House Deane-Williams House Dennison Manufacturing Co. Paper Box Factory DeRochmont House DeRosay-McNamee House Dewey Place Dike-Orne House District 7 School Divinity Hall Dodge, Edward, House Dow Block Dow, Lenoir, House Downer Rowhouses (Adams Street) Downer Rowhouses (Central Street) Dowse, Rev. Edmund, House Dunbar-Stearns House Dunstable Center Historic District Dunstable Town Hall Dunvegan, The Dupee Estate Durant, Capt. Edward, House Durgin House Durgin, E. A., House Dutton-Holden Homestead Dwight, Edmund, House East Cambridge Historic District East Cambridge Savings Bank East Holliston Historic District East Main Street Historic District East Parish Burying Ground Eastern Middlesex County Second District Court Eaton-Prescott House Echo Bridge Eddy, George W., House Edward's Plain-Dowse's Corner Historic District Elder, Samuel, House Eliot Hall at Radcliffe College Elliott, Charles D., House Elliott, Luther, House Ellis, Asa, House Ellis, Moses, House Elmwood Emerson, Ralph Waldo, House Emerson-Franklin Poole House Eminence, The Estabrook, Rufus, House Evangelical Baptist Church Everett Avenue-Sheffield Road Historic District Exchange Hall Fairview Cemetery Farley-Hutchinson-Kimball House Farlow and Kendrick Parks Historic District Farlow and Kendrick Parks Historic District (Boundary Increase) Farlow Hill Historic District Farmer, Kimball, House Farquhar, Samuel, House Farrier, Amasa, Boardinghouse Farrier, Amasa, House Farwell, R.H., House Faulkner Homestead Fay, Issac, House Fells Connector Parkways, Metropolitan System of Greater Boston Fellsmere Park Parkways, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Fenno, John A., House Fernald, George P., House Fernald, Walter E., State School Fessenden, Reginald A., House First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church in Newton First Burial Ground First Congregational Church First Congregational Church First Congregational Church in Woburn First Parish Church First Parish Church of Groton First Parish Church Parsonage First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Church First Unitarian Church First Universalist Church Firth-Glengarry Historic District Fisher, Henry N., House Fiske House Fiske, Elijah, House Fitch, Ezra, School Flagg, Frederick, House Flagg-Coburn House Flanley's Block Fleming, Thomas, House Flentje, Ernst, House Fletcher, Henry, House Fletcher, Jonathan, House Flint House Fogg Art Museum Foley, Michael, Cottage Follen Community Church Follen Street Historic District Forge Village Historic District Fort Devens Historic District Fort Washington Foster, Alexander, House Foster, Samuel, House Foster, Walter K., House Fowle, Edmund, House Fowle-Reed-Wyman House Fox, Warren, Building Framingham Centre Common Historic District Framingham Railroad Station Framingham Reservoir No. 1 Dam and Gatehouse Framingham Reservoir No. 2 Dam and Gatehouse Framingham Reservoir No. 3 Dam and Gatehouse Franklin School French, Daniel, School Fresh Pond Hotel Fresh Pond Parkway-Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Frost, David, House Frost, Elizabeth, Tenanthouse Frost, Robert, House Frost, Walter, House Fuller, Capt. Edward, Farm Fuller, Enoch, House Fuller, Margaret, House Fuller, William Griffin, House Fuller-Bemis House Gale, George, House Gale-Banks House Gane, Henry, House Gardner, Addington, House Gardner, Edward, House Gardner, O. W., House Gardner, Patience and Sarah, House Garfield Street Historic District Gaut, Samuel, House George Close Company Building Gibbs, Paul, House Gibbs, William, House Gilbrae Inn Gill, Charles, House Gilmore, Onslow, House Ginn Carriage House Ginn Gardener's House Glen Road Historic District Glenwood Cemetery Golden Ball Tavern Goodale Homestead Goodbar, Lafayette, House Goodnow Library Goodwin, Captain-James Custis House Gore Place Gould, Samuel, House Goulding, Eleazer, House Gowing-Sheldon Historic District Grace Episcopal Church Grace Universalist Church Grandview, The Grange, The Grange, The, (Boundary Increase) Graniteville Historic District Gray Cliff Historic District Gray Cliff Historic District (Boundary Increase) Gray Gardens East and West Historic District Gray, Asa, House Greek Orthodox Church Greek Revival Cottage Green, Capt. William, House Green, Deacon Daniel, House Green, Jonathan, House Greenwood Union Church Gropius House Groton High School Groton Inn Groton Leatherboard Company Grove Hill Cemetery Grover, Henry, House Gunderson, Jos., House Hagar-Smith-Livermore-Sanderson House Hager-Mead House Hall Tavern Hall, Edward, House Hall, Henry C., House Hall, Isaac, House Hall, Stephen, House Hammond House Hammond, E. C., House Hammond, Ephraim, House Hammond, Jonathan, House Hancock School Hancock-Clarke House Hapgood House Hapgood, Richard, House Harbach, John, House Harding House-Walker Missionary Home Hardy, Nahum, House Harnden Tavern Harnden-Browne House Harriman, Henry I., House Harrington Block Harrington House Harrington, Samuel, House Harrison, C. Lewis, House Hartshorn, Timothy, House Hartwell House Harvard Houses Historic District Harvard Lampoon Building Harvard Square Historic District Harvard Square Historic District (Boundary Increase) Harvard Square Subway Kiosk Harvard Street Historic District Harvard Union Harvard Yard Historic District Haskell, Charles, House Hastings Square Historic District Hastings, Oliver, House Hasty Pudding Club Hatch, Horace, House Haven, Wilbur Fiske, House Haverhill Street Milestone Hawkins, Lorenzo D., House Hayward, Fred R., House Henderson Carriage Repository Hibbard, Benjamin, Residence Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth, House Higginson, Henry, House High Street Historic District Highland Hose House Highland School Highland, The Hildreth, Jonathan, House Hildreth-Robbins House Hill, Aaron, House Hill, Abraham, House Hill, Addison, House Hill, Deacon Samuel, House Hill, Rev. Thomas, House Hill, Sidney A., House Hillside Avenue Historic District Hillside Cemetery Hoar Tavern Hobbs Brook Basin Gate House Hobbs, Isaac, House Holbrook, Charles, House Holbrook, Richard, Houses Hollander Blocks Hollis, Thomas, Historic District Holmes, Joseph, House Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Homer-Lovell House Hooper-Eliot House Hooper-Lee Nichols House Hopestill Bent Tavern Hopewell, Frank B., House Hopkins, Elisha, House Hopkinton Dam and Spillway Hopkinton Supply Co. Building Hornblower, Edward, House and Barn Hosmer Homestead Hosmer, Jonathan and Simon, House Hosmer, Joseph, House Houghton Memorial Building House at 1 Morrison Avenue House at 1 Woodcrest Drive House at 10 Arlington Street House at 1008 Beacon Street House at 102 Staniford Street House at 107 Waban Hill Road House at 107 William Street House at 11 Beach Street House at 11 Wave Avenue House at 113 Salem Street House at 114 Marble Street House at 115-117 Jewett Street House at 1177 Main Street House at 118 Greenwood Street House at 12 West Water Street House at 129 High Street House at 13 Sheffield Road House at 14 Chestnut Street House at 15 Chestnut Street House at 15 Davis Avenue House at 15 Lawrence Avenue House at 15 Wave Avenue House at 152 Suffolk Road House at 16 Mineral Street House at 16-18 Preston Road House at 170 Otis Street House at 173-175 Ward Street House at 18 Park Street House at 18A and 20 Aborn Street House at 19 Tremont Street House at 19-21 Salem Street House at 190 Main Street House at 193 Vernon Street House at 196 Main Street House at 197 Morrison Avenue House at 199 Summer Avenue House at 2 Nichols Street House at 20 Hancock Road House at 20 Lawrence Street House at 20 Morrison Road House at 203 Islington Road House at 206 West Street House at 21 Chestnut Street House at 21 Dartmouth Street House at 215 Brookline Street House at 22 Parker Road House at 2212 Commonwealth Avenue House at 23 Avon Street House at 23 Lawrence Street House at 230 Melrose Street House at 230 Winchester Street House at 242 Summer Avenue House at 25 Avon Street House at 25 Clyde Street House at 26 Center Avenue House at 26 Francis Avenue House at 269 Green Street House at 28 Cordis Street House at 28 Wiley Street House at 29 Mt. Vernon Street House at 3 Davis Avenue House at 30 Sheffield Road House at 307 Lexington Street House at 309 Waltham Street House at 31 Woodbine Street House at 32 Morrison Road House at 322 Haven Street House at 343 Highland Avenue House at 35 Temple Street House at 38 Salem Street House at 380 Albion Street House at 39 Converse Street House at 391 Williams Street House at 40 Crescent Street House at 41 Middlesex Road House at 42 Hopkins Street House at 42 Salem Street House at 42 Vinal Avenue House at 44 Temple Street House at 45 Claremont Avenue House at 47 Sargent Street House at 483 Summer Avenue House at 49 Vinal Avenue House at 5 Bennett Street House at 5 Prospect Hill House at 5 Willow Court House at 5-7 Winter Street House at 509 North Avenue House at 511 Watertown Street House at 52 Oak Street House at 54 Spring Street House at 556 Lowell Street House at 57 Woburn Street House at 6 Adams Street House at 6 Kent Court House at 6 S. Marble Street House at 60 William Street House at 68 Maple Street House at 7 Salem Street House at 729 Dedham Street House at 72R Dane Street House at 77 Howard Street House at 79-81 Salem Street House at 8 Park Street House at 81 Pearl Street House at 81-83 Gardner Street House at 88 Prospect Street House at 9 White Avenue House at 90 Prospect Street House at 95 Chestnut Street Houses at 28-36 Beacon Street Hovey-Winn House Howe Building Howe House Howe School Howells, William Dean, House Howes, C. G., Dry Cleaning-Carley Real Estate Hoyt, Benjamin, House Hoyt-Shedd Estate Hubbard Park Historic District Hubbard-French District Hutchins, Oliver, House Hutchinson-Blood House Hyde Avenue Historic District Hyde House Hyde, Eleazer, House Hyde, Gershom, House Hydrant No. 3 House Inman Square Historic District Ireland, Samuel, House Irving Square Historic District Item Building Jack's Diner Jackson Homestead Jackson House Jackson, Samuel, Jr., House James, Joseph K., House Jaquith, Abraham, House Jarvis, The Jenison, Robert, House Jenkins, Franklin B., House Jenkins, Franklin B., House Jennison, Joshua, House John Eliot Historic District Johnson, Edwin C., House Johnson, Newell D., House Johnson-Thompson House Jones Tavern Jones, John, House Jones, Marshall W., House Jones, Thomas W., House Jones, William R., House Jordan, Dr. Charles, House Judkins, Amos, House Keene, Walter, House Kemp Barn Kemp Place Kendal Green Historic District Kendall, Deacon Thomas, House Kennedy, F. A., Steam Bakery Kenney, David, House Kensington Park Historic District Kessler, William F., House Keyes, Amos, House Keyes, Jonathan, Sr. House Kidder-Sargent-McCrehan House Kimball, W.W., House King House Kingsbury House Kingsley, Chester, House Kirkland Place Historic District Kistler House Knight, Elisha, Homestead Knight, R. A.-Eugene Lacount House Lake Cochituate Dam Lakeside Cemetery Chapel Lamson, Newton, House Lamson, Rufus, House Lane, David, House Lane, Job, House Langmaid Building Langmaid Terrace Larches, The Larrabee's Brick Block Lasell Neighborhood Historic District Lawrence Light Guard Armory Lawrence, Phineas, House Lawton Place Historic District Lechmere Point Corporation Houses Leland, Deacon William, House Lewis House Lewis, Charles D., House Lexington Green Lexington Green Historic District Libby, Nelson F., House Lincoln Center Historic District Linden Street Bridge Little, Arthur D., Inc., Building Littlefield-Roberts House Locke School Locke, Asa, House Locke, Capt. Benjamin, House Locke, Capt. Josiah, House Locke, Lt. Benjamin, Store Locke-Baldwin-Kinsley House Lockhardt, Charles H., House Longfellow National Historic Site Lord's Castle Loring, George, House Lovejoy, A. L., House Lovell Block Lovering, Joseph, House Lowell Cemetery Lowell Historic Preservation District Lowell Locks and Canals Historic District Lowell National Historical Park Lowell Post Office Lowell School Lowell, The Luke, Arthur F., House Lyman Street Historic District Lynn Fells Parkway, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Lynnwood Lyon, T.U., House Malden City Infirmary Mann, James H., House Manning Manse Manning, Charles, House Manning, Jacob, House Manning, Joseph K., House Maple Avenue Historic District Maplewood Cemetery Marcia Browne Junior High School Marlborough Center Historic District Martin, Aaron, House Martin, Aaron, Houses Mason, John, House Mason, John, House Mason, Josiah, Jr., House Mason, W. A., House Masonic Block Massachusetts Hall, Harvard University Massachusetts State Armory Maxwell, Louis N., House Maynard, Charles, House McCall, Samuel W., House McGill, John H., House McLean Hospital National Register District McLean, Isaac, House Mead, Alpheus, House Medford Pipe Bridge Meeting House of the Second Parish in Woburn Melrose Public Library Melrose Town Center Historic District Melvin, Isaac, House Memorial Drive Apartments Historic District Memorial Hall, Harvard University Merriam, Galen, House Merriam, M.H. and Company Merrimack-Middle Streets Historic District Merrimack-Middle Streets Historic District (Boundary Increase) Metropolitan District Commission Pumping House Metropolitan State Hospital Middlesex Canal Middlesex Fells Reservation Parkways Middlesex Fells Reservoirs Historic District Milestone Millard-Souther-Green House Minute Man National Historical Park Minute Man National Historical Park (Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation) Mitchell, Amy B., House Monadnock Road Historic District Monarch Diner Montrose, The Moody Street Fire Station Moody Street Historic District Moore House Morse, Daniel, III, House Morse-Barber House Morse-Tay-Leland-Hawes House Morton Road Historic District Mossman, Col. Adelbert, House Mount Auburn Cemetery Mount Auburn Cemetery Reception House Mount Feake Cemetery Mount Pleasant Mt. Prospect School for Boys Mt. Vernon Street Historic District Munroe, Robert, House Murray, Robert, House Musketaquid Mills Myrtle Baptist Church Neighborhood Historic District Mystic Dam Mystic Gatehouse Mystic Pumping Station Mystic Valley Parkway, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS Mystic Water Works Natick Center Historic District Needham Street Bridge New England Confectionery Company Factory Newman, Andrew, House Newton Centre Branch Library Newton City Hall and War Memorial Newton Cottage Hospital Historic District Newton Highlands Historic District Newton Highlands Historic District (Boundary Increase) Newton Lower Falls Historic District Newton Street Bridge Newton Street Railway Carbarn Newton Theological Institution Historic District Newton Upper Falls Historic District Newtonville Historic District Newtonville Historic District (Boundary Increase) Nichols House Nichols, Daniel, Homestead Nichols, James, House Nichols, Jerry, Tavern Nichols, John F., House Nichols, Richard, House Niles, Louville V., House Niles, Louville, House Nobility Hill Historic District Norfolk Street Historic District North Acton Cemetery North Avenue Congregational Church North Lexington Street Historic District North Town Hall Noves, Charles W., House Noyes, J.A., House Noyes-Parris House O'Hara Waltham Dial Company Oak Knoll Oakes, Edward, House Octagon House Odd Fellows Building Odd Fellows Hall Oddfellows Building Olcott, John E., House Old Bedford Center Historic District (Boundary Increase and Decrease) Old Billerica Road Historic District Old Burying Ground Old Burying Ground Old Cambridge Baptist Church Old Cambridge Historic District Old Cambridgport Historic District Old Cemetery Old Chelmsford Garrison House Complex Old Chestnut Hill Historic District Old Chestnut Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase) Old Chestnut Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase) Old Harvard Yard Old Hose House Old Manse Old Medford High School Old Schwamb Mill Old Shephard Farm Old Ship Street Historic District Old Town Bridge Old Town Hall Oliver House Opposition House Orchard House Orne, Sarah, House Orvis Road Historic District Otis-Wyman House Our Lady Help of Christians Historic District Oxford, The Page, Christopher, House Page, H. P., House Page, Nathaniel, House Paine, Robert Treat, Jr., House Park Street Railroad Station Parker House Parker House Parker House Parker Tavern Parker Village Historic District Parker, Capt. Nathaniel, Red House Parker, Edmund, Jr., House Parker, Harrison, Sr., House Parker, James, House Parker, Joseph, House Parker, Samuel, House Parker, Stillman, House Parker, William, House Parker-Burnett House Parkman Tavern Parsonage, The Parsons, Edward, House Pawtucket Congregational Church Peabody Court Apartments Peabody-Williams House Peacock Farm Historic District Pearl Street School Peck, John M., House Peirce School Peirce, Edward, House-Henderson House of Northeastern University Pepperell Center Historic District Pest House Pierce Farm Historic District Pierce House Pierce Organ Pipe Factory Pierce, F. Lincoln, Houses Piety Corner Historic District Pine Ridge Road-Plainfield Street Historic District Pinkham, Richard, House Pleasant Street Congregational Church Pleasant Street Historic District Pleasant Street Historic District Pleasant Street School Plummer Memorial Library Porcellian Club Potter Estate Potter-O'Brian House Powder House Park Pratt House Pratt, Dexter, House Pratt, Miles, House Pratt, Stillman, House Prentiss, William, House Prentiss-Payson House Prescott Estate Prescott, Gustavus G., House Pressey-Eustis House Proctor, John, House Proctor, William, House Prospect Congregational Church Prospect House Putnam Street Historic District Putnam, Rev. Daniel, House Railroad Hotel Randall-Hale Homestead Rawson Estate Rawson, Warren, Building Rawson, Warren, House Read, Cheney, House Reading Municipal Building Reading Municipal Light and Power Station Reading Standpipe Reardon, Edmund, House Red Top Reed-Wood Place Reeves Tavern Remick, Joseph, House Revere Beach Parkway-Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston Reversible Collar Company Building Rice, Capt. Peter, House Richards, James Lorin, House Richards, Theodore W., House Richardson, Dr. S. O., House Richardson, Zachariah, House Riley, Charles, House River Street Firehouse Riverside Concrete Company-Lamont's Market Robbins, George, House Robbins, John, House Robbins, Royal E., School Roberts House Robin Hill Cemetery Robindreau, Alfred E., House Robinson House Robinson-Lewis-G. F. Fessenden House Rocklawn Cemetery Rogers Fort Hill Park Historic District Rosebud, The Rowhouses at 256-274 Haven Street Royall, Isaac, House Rumford, Count, Birthplace Russell Common Russell, Arthur H., House Russell, Charles, House Russell, Jason House Russell, Philemon, House Russell, Susan, House Russian Cemetery Sabbath Day House Sacco-Pettee Machine Shops Saco-Lowell Shops Housing Historic District Sacred Heart Church, Rectory, School and Convent Saint John's Episcopal Church Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic College for Boys Salem Street Burying Ground Salem-Auburn Streets Historic District Salisbury, Jonas, House Salisbury, Jonas, House Sanborn House Sanborn, Rev. Peter, House Sanderson House and Munroe Tavern Sanderson, John, House Sanderson, Nathan, I, House Sanderson, Nathan, II, House Sanderson-Clark Farmhouse Sands, Hiram, House Sands, Ivory, House Sandy Pond School Sanger, Asa, House Sanger, Richard, III, House Saunders, William, House Sawin-Bullen-Bullard House Sawyer, C. A., House (Second) Saxonville Historic District Schuebeler, Charles, House Sears Tower-Harvard Observatory Second Cambridge Savings Bank Building Second Church of Newton Second Waterhouse House Sever Hall, Harvard University Sewall-Ware House Shady Hill Historic District Sharon House Shattuck, Ralph W., House Shaw, Thomas Mott, Estate Shawsheen Cemetery Shell Oil Company "Spectacular" Sign Sherborn Center Historic District Sherburne, Warren E., House Shirley Center Historic District Shirley Shaker Village Shirley Village Historic District Shoe Shop-Doucette Ten Footer Silver Hill Historic District Simonds Tavern Simonds, William, House Simpson House Simpson, Dr. Thomas, House Six Moon Hill Historic District Skillings Estate House Sleepy Hollow Cemetery Slowey, Patrick, House Smith Shoe Shop Smith, Curtis S., House Smith, Marshall, House Smith, Perez, House Smith-Peterson House Snow, Lemuel, Jr., House Somerville High School Somerville Journal Building Somerville Theatre Soule, Lawrence, House South Burying Ground South Common Historic District South Reading Academy South School Souther, John, House Spaulding, Zeb, House Spring Hill Cemetery Spring Hill Historic District St. Charles Borromeo Church St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church St. James Episcopal Church St. John's Roman Catholic Church St. Joseph's Convent and School St. Joseph's School St. Mary's Catholic Church St. Mary's Church and Cemetery St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Complex St. Patrick's Church St. Paul's Parish Church Stanley, Leonard W., House Stanstead, The Stanton, Jacob, House Staples-Crafts-Wiswall Farm Stark Building Stark, Robert M., House Stearns, Amos, House Steele, John, House Sterling, Ella Mahalla Cutter, House Stewart, Frank H., House Stewart, Henry, House Stickney-Shepard House Stimpson, William, House Stone Building Stone's Bridge Stone, Joseph L., House Stoneham Firestation Stoneham Public Library Stoughton, Mary Fisk, House Stratton, Edward B., House Strong's Block Sudbury Aqueduct Linear District Sudbury Center Historic District Sudbury Dam Historic District Sullivan, Edward, House Sumner and Gibbs Streets Historic District Swadkins, Thomas, House Swan, Henry, House Swasey, James, House Sweetser, Daniel, House Sweetser, Michael, House Sweetser, Warren, House Symmes, Deacon John, House Symmes, Marshall, House Symmes, Marshall, Tenant House Symmes, Stephen, Jr., House Symonds, Thomas, House Tay, Jesse, House Taylor Square Firehouse Taylor-Dallin House Temple Building Temple Israel Cemetery Temple, Joseph, House Temple, Mark, House Tenney Homestead Tewksbury State Hospital Thaxter, Celia, House Thayer House Thompson, Abijah, House Thoreau-Alcott House Tilton, D. Horace, House Towle, Loren, Estate Town Diner Train, Samuel, House Treadwell-Sparks House Trinity Episcopal Church Trowbridge-Badger House Tufts, Peter and Oliver, House Tufts, Peter, House Turnbull, R.P., House Twitchell, Joseph, House Two Brothers Rocks-Dudley Road Historic District Tyler Park Historic District Tyler, Frank J., House Tyng, Col. Jonathan, House Union Railway Car Barn Union Station Union Street Historic District Unitarian Universalist Church and Parsonage United States Watch Company University Hall, Harvard University University Museum Upham, Phineas, House Upper Magazine Street Historic District Urban Rowhouse Urban Rowhouse Urban Rowhouse US Post Office US Post Office-Arlington Main US Post Office-Central Square US Post Office-Lexington Main US Post Office-Medford Main US Post Office-Somerville Main US Post Office-Wakefield Main US Post Office-Waltham Main US Post Office-Winchester Main US Post Office-Woburn Center Station Vale, The Valentine Soap Workers Cottage Valentine Soap Workers Cottage Varnum Building Varnum School Vaughn, H. G., House Vinal, Albert, House Vinton, Alfred, House Waban Branch Library Wade, John, House Wade, Jonathan, House Waitt Brick Block Wakefield Park Wakefield Rattan Co. Wakefield Trust Company Wakefield Upper Depot Walcott-Whitney House Walden Pond Walden Street Cattle Pass Walker Home for Missionary Children Walnut Street School Waltham Gas and Electric Company Generating Plant Waltham Gas Light Company Waltham High School Waltham Water Works Shop Wamesit Canal-Whipple Mill Industrial Complex Wannalancit Street Historic District Ward, Ephraim, House Ware Hall Ware Paper Mill Ware's Tavern Warren Block Warren, Dr. Samuel, House Warren, H. M., School Warren, H., House Warren, Langford H., House Warren, Levi, Jr., High School Warren, Nathan, House Washington Park Historic District Washington Square Historic District Washington Square Historic District (Boundary Increase) Watertown Arsenal Historic District Watertown High School, Old Watson, Abraham, House Wayland Center Historic District Wayside Inn Wayside Inn Historic District Wayside, The Webster Park Historic District Wedgemere Historic District Weeks Cemetery Weeks Junior High School Wellington Farm Historic District Wellington, Benjamin, House Wellington, William, House Wellington-Castner House Wells, Charles, House West Main Street Historic District West Newton Hill Historic District West Newton Village Center Historic District West Parish Burying Ground West School West Schoolhouse West Somerville Branch Library West Ward School Westford Center Historic District Westford Town Farm Westlawn Cemetery Weston Aqueduct Linear District Weston, Ephrain, House Weston, Jabez, House Westwood Road Historic District Wetherbee House Wetherbee, Levi, Farm Wheat, Samuel, House Wheeler-Harrington House Wheeler-Merriam House Wheeler-Minot Farmhouse Whit's Diner White, S. B., House White, Warren, House Whitney-Farrington-Cook House Whittemore House Whittemore's Tavern Wilder Street Historic District Wildwood Cemetery Wiley, Caleb, House Williams, Charles, House Williams, Charles, Jr., House Williams, F. G., House Williams, Micah, House Williams-Linscott House Willis, Stillman, House Wilmington Centre Village Historic District Wilson Cemetery Wilson Mill-Old Burlington Road District Wilson's Diner Wilson, Henry, Shoe Shop Winchester Center Historic District Winchester Savings Bank Winchester Town Hall Windsor Road Historic District Winn Farm Winn, Suell, House Winship, Charles, House Winslow School and Littlefield Library Winslow-Haskell Mansion Winter Street Historic District Wisteria Lodge Withey, S. B., House Woburn Public Library Woburn Street Historic District Wood, Charles, House Wood, J. A., House Woodland Farm-Leland House Woodland, Newton Highlands, and Newton Centre Railroad Stations, and Baggage and Express Building Woods End Road Historic District Woodville School Woodward Homestead Woodward, John, House Woodward, Rev. Samuel, House Worcester House Working Boys Home Worthen, Daniel, House Wright Cemetery Wright House Wright's Tavern Wright, Philemon/Asa Locke Farm Wyatt, George, House Wyeth Brickyard Superintendent's House Wyeth, John, House Wyeth-Smith House Wyman, Francis, House Wyman, George, House Yale Avenue Historic District

A Quincentennial Commemorative to Christopher Columbus Acton Minutemen Acton Minutemen Adelbert Ames American Revolution Memorial An Evolving Legacy April 19, 1775-The Dawn of Revolution Arlington Reservoir At This Well Battle of Lexington Monument Bedford Minutemen Bedford Minutemen Benjamin Franklin Butler Billerica Billerica & Bedford Rail Road Blending Old and New Bloody Angle Bon Marche Building British Soldier Brooks Historical Area Brown, Fay, and Watson Houses Buckman Tavern Buckman Tavern Cambridge Cambridge Farms Cambridge Soldiers and Sailors Monument Camp Stevens Muster Ground Captain Cooke’s Mill Lane Captain David Brown House Site Captain Isaac Davis Captain Isaac Hall Hitching Post Captain John Heald Captain Thomas Wheeler House Casey’s Home Central Fire Station Central Street Charles Follen Chelmsford Chelmsford Chelmsford’s “Minuteman Boulder” Cherry and Webb Building Chief of the Penacooks Christ Church City of Waltham Centennial Memorial Civil War Soldiers Monument Concord Battle Monument Concord Fight Concord Massachusetts Civil War Memorial Concord Massachusetts Spanish American War Memorial Concord Massachusetts War Memorials Concord Massachusetts World War I Honor Roll Converse Bridge Cooper’s Tavern Cuba China Philippines Danforth Homestead Davenport Car Manufactory Davis Block Debating Slavery Dinosaurs in New England District No. 1 School Doughboy Monument Dunstable Dunstable Ebenezer Fiske House Site Ebenezer Fiske House Site End of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride Ephraim Wales Bull Evolution of a Millyard Faulkner Homestead First Long-Distance Phone Call First Meetinghouse in Hopkinton First School for Lip-Reading First Town Center First Town House Florence Patti Marion Fort Washington Fourth Meeting House Gen. Casimir Pulaski Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Henry Knox Trail Gen. Thaddeus Kosciuszko George Dilboy George L. Duncan Dedication Plaza and Fountain George Washington Memorial Highway Grave of British Soldiers Groton Hancock - Clarke House Harnessing Waterpower Harriet A. Jacobs Harris Delta Hartwell Tavern Historical Area Haynes Garrison House Henderson Inches Sawmill Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau High School Common Hollis Hall Homage to Women Hop Brook Mill House and Farm of Colonel James Barrett House of John Cutter House of Jonathan Harrington House of Rev Peter Bulkeley Hudson Veteran's Memorial Human Construction In the Shadow of the Mills Indian College Indian Meetinghouse Institute Building Irish Labor J.C. Ayer & Company Laboratory Jake & Earl's Dixie BBQ James Walter Mullally Crossing Jason Russell House Jethro’s Tree John Harvard's Land John Rogers Homestead John Tinker / John Shattuck Josiah Nelson House Keepers of the Gate Knox Trail Landscape Changes Lexington Green Lexington Meeting Houses Lexington Minuteman Lexington Ship Memorial Lieut Wm. Munroe Brigham Jr. Park Life on the Corporation Line of the Minutemen Locomotives in Lowell Lowell Gas Light Building Lowell High School Clock Restoration Lowell Institution for Savings Building Lowell Manufacturing Company Major John Buttrick Major John Buttrick House Malden Spanish War Veterans Monument Mansion House Marrett and Nathan Munroe House Massachusetts Hall McCarthy Building Meetinghouse Hill Memorial to the Lexington Minute Men Meriam’s Corner Meriam’s Corner Meriam’s Corner Merrimack St. Depot Middlesex Safe Deposit and Trust Company Building Minute Man Visitor Center Minutemen Muster Location Molyneaux Circle Munroe Tavern Mystic Congregational Church Bell Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel P Banks Near this spot was the residence and garrison of John Fitch Old Belfry Old Burying Ground Old Cambridge Baptist Church Old Charlestown – Watertown Path Old City Hall Old Men of Menotomy Old Middlesex Canal Old Parsonage Oldest House in Cambridge Oldest Toll House On this Hill Orchard House Our Soldiers' Lot Parker House Paul Revere Capture Site Pike Haven Homestead Pollard Exchange Powder House Prince Estabrook Prof. John Winthrop Putnam School Raymond A. Sullivan Reading Red Granite Reflections of the Revolution Rendezvous of the Minute Men Rev. Carleton A. Staples Revolutionary War Monument Revolutionary War Skirmish Robbins Cemetery Robert W. "Red" Touchette Roger Brown Roger Clap Memorial Route of William Dawes Royall House Samuel Whittemore Sherborn Shirley Civil War Memorial Simpson and Rowland Building Sir Richard's Landing Site of Eames Massacre Site of Early Meeting House Site of First House Soldiers and Sailors Monument Spot where the British Landed St. Anne's Church Steam Railroads In New England Stearns Estate Stele for the Merrimack Stephen Daye Stow Stow Street of Lightning Sudbury Sudbury Fight Suffolk Mill The Battle Green The Bay Path The Birth of an Industrial City The Bluff & Fiske Hill The Capture of Paul Revere The First Provincial Congress The First Settlement - 1635 The Foot of the Rocks The Goodnow Garrison House The Great Gate The John Brown Bell The Larch Path The Lowell Sculptures: One, Two, and Three The Midnight Riders The Milldam The Millpond The Minuteman of Concord 1775 The Muster Field The North Bridge The North Bridge The Old Parker Tavern - 1680 The Peter Tufts (Cradock) House The Revolutionary Tavern The Road to Colonel Barrett’s The Rule of the Bell The Site of the Old Belfry The Smoot The Story Continues The Symmes Farm The Volunteer The Worker The Wright Tavern These Cannon Were Abandoned They Built the Museum of Science This Bluff This Flag Pole Thomas Eames Thomas Nelson Jr. House Thoreau House Replica Thoreau’s Cabin Thorning Boulder To Education Trades along the Battle Road Two Revolutions Vassall-Craigie-Longfellow House Veteran's Memorial Mall Victorian Garden W.A. Mack Building W.H. Parker Building Waltham Revolutionary War Memorial Waltham Soldiers and Sailors Monument Waltham Spanish-American War Monument Wannalancet Washington at the Wayside Inn Washington Elm Washington’s General Orders Watertown Watertown Way to Charlestown Weapon of the Day Welcome to Lowell National Historical Park Wentworth Building Wetherbee, Kelly, Rose, Maynard, and Ward Houses Whittemore House Whittemore Park Williams Tavern Woburn "Flame of the Marathon Run" "Francis’ Folly" "Quiet as the Grave" “Grandfather’s House” “Jingle Bells” Composed Here
Middlesex County, MA, located in the eastern part of the state, has a rich and diverse history dating back to the early colonial period. It was established in 1643 and was one of the original counties created in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The region was initially inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Massachusett and Nipmuc peoples.

In the late 17th century, Middlesex County became an important center of trade and agriculture, with towns like Concord and Cambridge playing significant roles in the American Revolution. The famous Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first military engagements of the war, took place in Middlesex County in 1775.

During the industrial revolution in the 19th century, Middlesex County experienced rapid urbanization and economic growth. The county's proximity to Boston and ample water resources allowed for the development of mills and factories, especially in cities like Lowell and Lawrence. These industrial centers became important hubs for textiles, manufacturing, and technology, drawing immigrants from around the world to work in the growing industries.

In the 20th century, Middlesex County continued to evolve. The county became a thriving center for higher education, with renowned institutions such as Harvard University and MIT located in Cambridge. The booming tech industry in the Silicon Valley of the East also contributed to the county's economic prosperity, attracting companies like Raytheon and Oracle.

Today, Middlesex County remains a dynamic and diverse county, with a mix of urban areas and historic towns. Its rich history, cultural institutions, and educational opportunities make it a vibrant and sought-after place to live, work, and visit.
Brief timeline of the history of Middlesex County, Massachusetts:

  • 1643: Middlesex County is established as one of the original counties in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • 1656: Cambridge, later known as Cambridge Village and then Newtown, is established.
  • 1676: King Philip's War affects the county, with several towns attacked and many residents killed or captured.
  • 1754: The county seat is moved from Cambridge to Concord.
  • 1774: Lexington and Concord, two towns in Middlesex County, play a critical role in the American Revolutionary War with the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
  • 1803: Framingham becomes the county seat, replacing Concord.
  • 1825: Charles River Bridge, connecting Boston and Charlestown in Middlesex County, is the first major suspension bridge in the United States.
  • 1863: Arlington is established as a separate town from the western part of Cambridge.
  • 1974: Middlesex County government is abolished, and most governmental functions are assumed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Middlesex County, Massachusetts.