National Register Listings in
Douglas County, Kansas

Achning, Ralph and Cloyd, House Bailey Hall Baldwin City School and Auditorium-Gymnasium Barnes Apple Barn Bell, George and Annie, House Benedict House Beni Israel Cemetery Black Jack Battlefield Black Jack Battlefield Boundary Increase Blood, Col. James, House Breezedale Historic District Case Library Chewning House Chicken Creek Bridge Clearfield School-District 58 Clinton School District 25 Coal Creek Library Cohn/Gardner-Hill & Company Store Constitution Hall Double Hyperbolic Paraboloid House Douglas County Courthouse Duncan, Charles, House Dyche Hall, University of Kansas East Lawrence Industrial Historic District (Additional Documentation) Eldridge House Hotel English Lutheran Church Fernand-Strong, House First Methodist Episcopal Church French, Charles & Elizabeth Haskell, House Goodrich, Eugene F., House Green Hall, University of Kansas Greenlee, Michael D., House Hancock (12th Street) Historic District Haskell Institute Henry, William, House Holy Family Catholic Church House, Edward, House Johnson Block Historic District Kibbee Farmstead Klock's Grocery & Independent Laundry Lane University Lawrence's Downtown Historic District Ludington House Mackie, George K., House Marion Springs School Martin, Handel T., House McCurdy, Witter S., House Miller, Robert H., House Morse, Dr. Frederic D., House Mugan-Olmstead House North Rhode Island Street Historic Residential District O'Sullivan, John and Anna Farmstead Oak Hill Cemetery Old Castle Hall, Baker University Old Lawrence City Hall Old Lawrence City Library Old West Lawrence Historic District Oread Historic District Parmenter Memorial Hall Pilla, Charles, House Pinckney I Historic District Pinckney II Historic District Plymouth Congregational Church Priestly House Quayle, William A., House Reuter Organ Company Buildings Riggs, Samuel A., House Roberts, John N., House Saint Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church Santa Fe Depot Santa Fe Depot Santa Fe Trail-Douglas County Trail Segments Snow House South Rhode Island and New Hampshire Street Historic Residential District Spooner Hall, University of Kansas Star Cash Grocery Store and Residence Stephens, Judge Nelson T., House Stoebener Barn Stony Point Evangelical Lutheran Church Strong Hall Taylor, Lucy Hobbs, Building Trail Park and Trail Park DAR Marker United Presbyterian Center University of Kansas East Historic District University of Kansas Historic District Upper Wakarusa River Crossing US Post Office-Lawrence Usher, John Palmer, House Vermilya-Boener House Vinland Fair Association Fairgrounds Exhibit Building Vinland Grange Hall Vinland Presbyterian Church Willow Springs Santa Fe Trail Segment and DAR Marker Winter School No. 70 Zimmerman Steel Company Zimmerman, S. T., House
The famous outlaw Jesse James was killed in St. Joseph, Missouri, which is just across the border from Kansas.
Douglas County, Kansas has a rich and diverse history dating back to the time of Native American settlements. The Kaw (or Kanza) people were the original inhabitants of the area before European settlers arrived in the 19th century. The county takes its name after Stephen A. Douglas, a prominent 19th-century politician.

In the mid-1800s, Douglas County played a crucial role in the "Bleeding Kansas" era, a period of conflict over whether Kansas would be a free or slave state. Lawrence, the county seat, was a stronghold for anti-slavery activists and had a significant impact on the national debate on slavery. The infamous Lawrence Massacre in 1856, where pro-slavery forces attacked the town, further intensified the tensions.

During the Civil War, Douglas County continued to be a center for abolitionist activities. The county's residents played vital roles in supporting the Union army and providing aid to escaped slaves traveling the Underground Railroad. The historic Eldridge Hotel in Lawrence served as a temporary headquarters for several Union generals.

In the post-war years, Douglas County experienced significant growth and development. The University of Kansas was established in Lawrence in 1866, becoming a major educational and cultural institution for the county and the region. As the county grew, agriculture played a vital role in its economy, with thriving wheat and dairy industries. Today, Douglas County continues to preserve its historical significance while embracing modern advancements and maintaining a strong sense of community.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Douglas County, Kansas.

  • 1854 - Douglas County, Kansas is established as a county
  • 1855 - Lawrence, the county seat, is founded
  • 1856 - Violence erupts in Lawrence during the "Bleeding Kansas" era
  • 1863 - Quantrill's Raid on Lawrence results in the destruction of much of the city
  • 1870 - The University of Kansas is founded in Lawrence
  • 1903 - The United Spanish War Veterans Home is established in Leavenworth
  • 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case rules against racial segregation in schools
  • 2008 - The closure of the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant marks the end of an era