National Register Listings in
Jerome County, Idaho

Allton Building Barnes, Tom, Barn Bethune-Ayres House Blessing, Carl, Outbuildings Bothwell, James, Water Tank House Bower, Charles, House Brick, Frank J., House Caldron Linn Callen, Dick, House Canyonside School Cook, William H., Water Tank House Cooke, E. V., House Daniels, O. J., House Doughty, George V., House and Garage Epperson, George, House Erdman, G. H., House Falls City School House Fry, Merrit, Farm Gleason, F. C. House Goff, Hugh and Susie, House Graves, Lulu, Farm Greenwood School Gregg, Edward M., Farm Havens, Bert and Fay, House Hazelton Presbyterian Church Huer Well House/Water Tank Jerome City Pump House Jerome Cooperative Creamery Jerome County Courthouse Jerome First Baptist Church Jerome National Bank Johnson, Edgar, House Keating, Clarence, House Kehrer, Thomas J., House Kelley, Marion and Julia, House Laughlin, Ben, Water Tank House-Garage Lawshe, George, Well House Lee, J. O., House Lee, J.O., Honey House Mandl, Joseph, House Minidoka Internment National Monument Newman, J. W. and Rachel, House and Bunkhouse North Side Canal Company Slaughter House Osborne, Jessie, House Quay, Greer and Jennie, House Ricketts, Julian T., House Schmerschall, John F., House Shepard, L. Fay, House Shoshone Falls Power Plant Caretaker's House Silbaugh, W. H., House Spencer, Edward S., House and Garage and the Fred Nelson Barn Stevens, Arnold, House Stickel, John, House Sugarloaf School Thomason Rice Barn Tooley, Don, House Van Hook, Jay, Potato Cellar Van Wagener, Jacob B., Barn Van Wagener, Jacob B., Caretaker's House Veazie, William T. and Clara H., House Vineyard, Charles C., House Vipham, Thomas, House Webster, Archie, House Weigle, William, House and Water Tank
Idaho was one of the last states in the US to grant women the right to vote. Women in Idaho were granted suffrage in 1896, four years before the 19th Amendment was ratified.
Jerome County, located in the southern part of Idaho, has a rich and diverse history that dates back to the mid-19th century. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Shoshone-Bannock and Northern Paiute tribes, who relied on the abundant natural resources for their livelihoods.

In the early 1880s, the region saw an influx of settlers with the construction of the Oregon Short Line Railroad. One of these settlers was Arthur Jerome, for whom the county was later named. The railroad played a crucial role in the development of Jerome County, as it allowed for easier transportation of goods and people, stimulating growth and establishing towns in the area.

Agriculture played a significant role in shaping Jerome County's history. The region's fertile soil and suitable climate made it ideal for farming, particularly for the cultivation of sugar beets. In the early 20th century, the sugar beet industry boomed, attracting more settlers and transforming the county into a major agricultural hub. The success of the sugar beet industry led to the establishment of sugar processing plants, which provided employment opportunities for local residents.

Jerome County has also faced challenges throughout its history. During World War II, the county experienced a shortage of labor due to the enlistment of young men in the armed forces. This led to the recruitment of Mexican workers through the Bracero Program, which brought temporary agricultural laborers to the area. The influx of Mexican workers greatly impacted the cultural landscape of Jerome County, contributing to its diverse population.

Today, Jerome County continues to thrive as an agricultural region, with farming being the primary economic driver. It remains a vibrant community that celebrates its cultural heritage while embracing modern developments. Whether it be the rich Native American history, the growth spurred by the railroad, or the continued importance of agriculture, Jerome County's past has shaped its present and will continue to influence its future.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Jerome County, Idaho.

  • 1919 - Jerome County was established on February 8
  • 1919-1928 - Early agriculture boom, with sugar beets as a primary crop
  • 1929-1939 - Great Depression and Dust Bowl had significant impact on the county
  • 1940-1945 - World War II brought increased demand for agricultural products
  • 1950s-1960s - Population growth and expansion of irrigation projects
  • 1970s-1980s - Diversification of agriculture, including dairy farming and aquaculture
  • 1990s - Growth of manufacturing industries in the county
  • 2000s - Expansion of urban areas and increased focus on renewable energy