National Register Listings in Scott County, Iowa
Adams, Walker, House
Adler, E. P., House
Ambrose Hall (Additional Documentation)
American Commercial and Savings Bank
American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Bldg.
Argyle Flats
Ball-Waterman House
Ballard, John W., House
Barrows, Edward S., House
Beiderbecke, Leon Bismark, House
Benton, Richard, House
Berg, Henry, Building
Best, Louis P. and Clara K., Residence and Auto House
Bethel AME Church
Bettendorf, Joseph F., House
Bettendorf-Washington School
Blackhawk Hotel
Boyle, John R., House
Brammer Grocery Store
Bridge Avenue Historic District
Brown, James, House
Brownlie, Alexander, House
Bryan, Alden, House
Buchanan School
Buffalo High School
Building at 1119-1121 W. Third Street
Building at 202 W. Third Street
Building at 813-815 W. Second Street
Burdick, Anthony, House
Busch, Diedrich, House
Calvary Baptist Church/First Baptist Church
Cameron, W. S., House
Carr, William V., House
Cawley, James, House
Central Fire Station
Central Office Building
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Freight House
City Market
Claussen, William, House
Cody Homestead
Cody Road Historic District
College Square Historic District
Collins House
Columbia Avenue Historic District
Community Building
Cook, Clarissa, Home for the Friendless
Copeland, George, House
Cork Hill District
Cottage at 1514 and 1516 W. Second Street
Crescent Warehouse Historic District
Currier House
Davenport Bag and Paper Company Building
Davenport Bank and Trust (Boundary Increase)
Davenport City Hall
Davenport Crematorium
Davenport Downtown Commercial Historic District
Davenport Hose Station No. 3
Davenport Hotel
Davenport Motor Row and Industrial Historic District
Davenport Village
Davenport Water Co. Pumping Station No. 2
Davison, Abner, House
Dawley House
Democrat Building
Dessaint, Marie Clare, House
Dillon Memorial
Dils-Downer House
Donahue Building
East 14th Street Historic District
East Hill House and Carraige House
Ebeling, Arthur, House
Ebeling, Henry, House
Edinger, Edward, House
Eldridge, D. C., House
Eldridge, Theodore, House
Ewert, Ferdinand, Building
Fennern, Henry P., House
Ficke Block
Finch, Fred, House
First Bible Missionary Church
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First National Bank Building
First National Bank of Davenport
First Presbyterian Church
Forest Grove School No. 5
Forrest Block
French, Alice, House
Frick's Tavern
Gabbert, William, House
Gamble, James, House
Gannon, M. V., House
Gaspard, D. Julius, House
Germania-Miller/Standard Hotel
Glaspell, Isaac, House
Goering, Jacob, House
Goodrich, William T., House
Gordon-Van Tine Company Historic District
Grilk, Charles, House
Guy, Finley, Building
Hall, Israel, House
Hamburg Historic District
Hauschild's Hall
Hebert, Louis, House
Heinz, Bonaventura, House (second)
Henne, Robert, House
Hibernia Hall
Hiller Building
Hoersch, John, House
Hoffman Building
Hoffman, Samuel, Jr., House
Holbrook, William, House
Horton-Suiter House
Hose Station No. 1
Hose Station No. 6
Hose Station No. 7
Hotel Mississippi-RKO Orpheum Theater
House at 1646 W. Second Street
House at 2123 W. Second Street
House at 2212 W. River Drive
House at 318-332 Marquette Street
House at 919 Oneida Street
Iowa Reform Building
Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home
Jansen, Theodore, House
Kahl Building
Kahl, Henry, House
Kattenbracher House
Kiene, Albert, House
Kimball-Stevenson House
Klindt, George, House
Klindt, Henry, House
Koch Drug Store
Koenig Building
Koester, Nicholas, Building
Kuhnen, Nicholas J., House
LeClaire, Antoine, House
Lerch, Gustov C., House
Lincoln School
Linden Flats
Lindsay, James E., House
Linograph Company Building, The
Lippincott, John, House
Littig Brothers/Mengel & Klindt/Eagle Brewery
Littig, John, House
Lock and Dam No. 14 Historic District
Lueschen, John, House
Mallet, Joseph, House
Martzahn, August F., House
Marycrest College Historic District
McBride-Hickey House
McCaffrey House
McCarthy, Patrick F., House
McClellan Heights Historic Dictrict
McHarg, Joseph S., House
McKinley Elementary School
McKinney House
McManus House
Meadly House
Meiser Drug Store
Middleton, Dr. George McLelland, House and Garage
Miller Building
Miller, F. H., House
Miller, Severin, House
Motie, Joseph, House
Murray, Thomas, House
Nebergall "Knoll Crest" Round Barn
Newcome, Daniel T., Double House
Newhall, Lucian, House
Nichols, Oscar, House
Nighswander, Benjamin, House
Northwest Davenport Savings Bank
Northwest Davenport Turner Society Hall
Oak Lane Historic District
Oakdale Cemetery Historic District
Ockershausen, Henry, House
Old City Hall
Old Mill House
Outing Club
Pahl, Henry, House
Palmer, B. J., House
Paulsen, Peter J., House
Paustian, Henry, House
Peters' Barber Shop
Peters, J. C., House
Petersen's, J. H. C., Sons Store
Petersen, Max, House
Petersen, W. D., Memorial Music Pavillion
Picklum, Frank, House
Pierce School No. 13
Plambeck, Joachim, House
Pohlmann, Elizabeth, House
Pohlmann, Henry, House
Potter-Williams House
Price, Hiram/Henry Vollmer House
Prien Building
Priester Building, The
Prospect Park Historic District
Putnam-Parker Block
Quickel, Jacob, House
Radcliff, Willam, House
Raible, F. J., House
Rambo House
Ranzow-Sander House
Raphael, Jacob, Building
Regina Coeli Monastery
Renwick Building
Renwick House
Riverview Terrace Historic District
Roberts, Edward C., House
Roslyn Flats
Rowhouses at 702-712 Kirkwood Boulevard
Royal Neighbors of America National Home Historic District
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cathedral Complex
Saengerfest Halle
Schebler, Richard, House
Schmidt Block
Schmidt, F. Jacob, House
Schmidt, Louis C. and Amelia L., House
School Number 6
Schricker, John C., House
Schricker, John, House
Schroeder Bros, Meat Market
Scott County Jail
Sharon, Fred B., House
Shaw, E. A., House
Shields Woolen Mill
Siemer House
Simpson, Charles S., House
Sitz, Rudolph H., Building
Smith, Alvord I., House
Smith, Henry H./J.H. Murphy House
Smith, James, House
Smith, John, House
Smith, William G., House
Spencer, Roswell, House
St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church Complex
St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
St. Katherine's Historic District
St. Luke's Hospital
St. Mary's Academy
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Complex
St. Paul's English Lutheran Church
Stewart, J. W., House
Stone House
Stone School
Struck, Dr. Kuno, House
Suiter, Jacob, House
Suiter, John H., House
Suiter, William, House
Swan, George B., House
Swedish Baptist Church
Taylor School
Templeton, I. Edward, House
Tevoet, Lambert, House
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Tromley, George, Jr., House
Tromley, George, Sr., House
Union Electric Telephone & Telegraph
Union Savings Bank and Trust
Union Station and Burlington Freight House
United States Post Office and Court House
Untiedt, Claus, House
Van Sant, Samuel, House
Vander Veer Park Historic District
Von Ach, Frank J., House
Walsh Flats/Langworth Building
Walter-Gimble House
Warner Apartment Building
Washington Flats
Washington Gardens
Werthman Grocery
West Third Street Historic District
Westphal-Schmidt House
Whitaker, Charles, House
Wilkinson, Thomas C., House
WOC Broadcasting Center
Wolters Filling Station
Woods, Oscar C., House
Worley, Philip, House
Wupperman Block/I.O.O.F. Hall
Zoeller Bros-Independent Malting Co.
The first electronic digital computer was built at Iowa State University in the 1930s. The machine, called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, was invented by John Atanasoff and his graduate student, Clifford Berry.
About Scott County
Scott County Timeline
Scott County, Iowa, located in the Midwestern United States, has a rich and diverse history that spans several centuries. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Sauk and Meskwaki people, who were later displaced by European settlers.
In the early 19th century, Scott County was part of the vast Louisiana Purchase territory, acquired by the United States from France. The first European settlers arrived in the area in the 1820s, drawn to the fertile land along the Mississippi River. The county was officially established in 1837 and named after General Winfield Scott, a hero of the War of 1812.
During the mid-19th century, Scott County experienced rapid growth and development. The construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and the arrival of the railroad in the 1850s brought increased trade and industry to the area. Davenport, the county seat, became an important trading center and hub of commerce.
The late 19th and early 20th centuries marked a period of innovation and progress in Scott County. The advent of the electric streetcar in the 1880s revolutionized transportation in the region. Davenport also became known as a center of healthcare and education, with the establishment of several hospitals and educational institutions. The county faced challenges during World War I and the Great Depression but rebounded in the post-war era with the growth of manufacturing industries.
Today, Scott County continues to thrive as a vibrant community with a diverse economy. Its rich history is celebrated through numerous historic sites and museums, including the historical Village of East Davenport and the Figge Art Museum. The county remains an important agricultural center, with farming and agribusiness playing a significant role in its economy.
In the early 19th century, Scott County was part of the vast Louisiana Purchase territory, acquired by the United States from France. The first European settlers arrived in the area in the 1820s, drawn to the fertile land along the Mississippi River. The county was officially established in 1837 and named after General Winfield Scott, a hero of the War of 1812.
During the mid-19th century, Scott County experienced rapid growth and development. The construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and the arrival of the railroad in the 1850s brought increased trade and industry to the area. Davenport, the county seat, became an important trading center and hub of commerce.
The late 19th and early 20th centuries marked a period of innovation and progress in Scott County. The advent of the electric streetcar in the 1880s revolutionized transportation in the region. Davenport also became known as a center of healthcare and education, with the establishment of several hospitals and educational institutions. The county faced challenges during World War I and the Great Depression but rebounded in the post-war era with the growth of manufacturing industries.
Today, Scott County continues to thrive as a vibrant community with a diverse economy. Its rich history is celebrated through numerous historic sites and museums, including the historical Village of East Davenport and the Figge Art Museum. The county remains an important agricultural center, with farming and agribusiness playing a significant role in its economy.
Scott County Timeline
This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Scott County, Iowa.
- 1835: Scott County is established
- 1836: Davenport, the county seat, is founded
- 1838: First courthouse in Scott County is built
- 1840: Scott County's population reaches 3,000
- 1856: Scott County Agricultural Society is formed
- 1862: First railroad reaches Scott County
- 1873: Palmer College of Chiropractic is founded in Davenport
- 1886: First electric streetcar begins operation in Davenport
- 1912: Black Hawk State Historic Site opens in Rock Island
- 1927: Davenport Municipal Airport opens
- 1933: Frederick W. Woodward Architecture Firm is established
- 1968: Putnam Museum and Science Center opens in Davenport
- 1980: Figge Art Museum is founded in Davenport
- 1990: Population of Scott County surpasses 150,000
- 2005: Scott County Jail is completed