In the early 1900s, the town of Villisca, Iowa was the site of a gruesome murder that remains unsolved to this day. On June 10, 1912, eight people were bludgeoned to death with an axe in their home. The crime is known as the Villisca Axe Murders and has been the subject of numerous books, films, and TV shows.
Muscatine County, Iowa has a rich history that dates back to the early 1800s. The area that is now Muscatine County was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Sauk and Meskwaki tribes. European settlers began arriving in the early 1830s, with the first permanent settlement being established in 1834.

One of the key figures in the early history of Muscatine County was Colonel George Davenport, who constructed a trading post in the area in 1833. The county was named after the Native American term "Masquoketa," meaning "those who have come early" or "those who have settled here first." The county grew rapidly in the mid-1800s due to the construction of infrastructure, such as the Iowa Central Railroad, which helped to facilitate trade and transportation.

Muscatine County's economy was initially based on agriculture, with crops such as wheat, corn, and oats being grown. However, the county's proximity to the Mississippi River also allowed for the development of industries such as logging and milling. The availability of natural resources, such as sandstone, led to the establishment of several quarries, which became an important industry in the county.

Throughout its history, Muscatine County has been known for its strong sense of community and civic involvement. The county has experienced periods of growth and development as well as challenges, such as economic downturns and natural disasters. Today, Muscatine County continues to thrive and is a vibrant community with a diverse economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. With its rich history and natural beauty, Muscatine County remains a cherished part of Iowa's heritage.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Muscatine County, Iowa.

  • 1834: Muscatine County, Iowa, was established by the Legislative Assembly of Michigan Territory.
  • 1835: The first white settler, Samuel Gordon, established a post office and named the area Bloomington.
  • 1839: Bloomington was renamed Muscatine after the Meskwaki Indian tribe known as the "Musquitons."
  • 1849: The first courthouse was constructed in Muscatine, which is the present-day location of the historic Muscatine County Courthouse Square.
  • 1855: Muscatine became the first city in Iowa to establish a public library.
  • 1870: Muscatine gained prominence in the pearl button industry and became known as the "Pearl Button Capital of the World."
  • 1895: The Muscatine Melon was introduced, becoming a popular and widely cultivated variety of melon.
  • 1934: US Route 61, also known as the Great River Road, was completed, running through Muscatine County.
  • 1945: Stanley Consultants, a global engineering firm, was founded in Muscatine.
  • 2011: The Muscatine Power and Water facility received the nation's first LEED Platinum certification for an electric power plant.