Cass County, Iowa
American Legion Memorial Building
Atlantic High School
Cass County Court House
Chase, Charles F. and and Ruth, House
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Depot
Griswold National Bank
Hitchcock, Rev. George B., House
Hotel Whitney
Martin, S. F., House
McWaid, Job A. and Rebecca E., House
Nishnabotna Ferry House
American Legion Memorial Building
Cass County Veterans Memorial
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Depot
Civil War and Spanish-American War Soldiers Monument
Fighting Slavery Aiding Runaways
John Gingery Cabin
Lewis Freedom Rock Veterans Memorial
Memorial Building
Rev. George B. Hitchcock House
The Mormon Pioneer Trail / A Road and River, Well Traveled
The Mormon Pioneer Trail / A Warm Welcome on the Nishnabotna
The Mormon Trail
Veterans Memorial
World Wars Memorial
The county was officially established in 1851 and named after Lewis Cass, a prominent politician and Secretary of State under President James Buchanan. As settlers moved in, towns and communities started to develop, with Atlantic becoming the county seat. The county grew rapidly during the late 19th century, fueled by agriculture and the construction of railroads. The communities of Anita, Griswold, and Lewis also emerged during this period.
Cass County played a significant role in the agricultural revolution of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Farmers in the area adopted new technologies and methods, such as crop rotation and mechanization, which boosted productivity and transformed the region into a major center for pork and grain production. The county's rich soil and favorable climate also supported the growth of orchards and vineyards, leading to the establishment of fruit packing plants and wineries.
In the modern era, Cass County continues to be an important agricultural hub, with farming being the backbone of the local economy. The county is also home to diverse industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and education. Throughout its history, Cass County has remained a tight-knit community, known for its strong work ethic, resilient spirit, and commitment to preserving its rich heritage.
Brief timeline of the history of Cass County, Iowa:
- 1851: Cass County, Iowa, is established as a county.
- 1853: The first courthouse in Cass County is built in Lewis.
- 1865-1868: The county suffers from a series of grasshopper plagues, causing significant damage to crops.
- 1875-1876: A new courthouse is constructed in Atlantic, replacing the old building in Lewis.
- 1896: The Atlantic and Omaha Railroad is completed, providing improved transportation to and from Cass County.
- 1924: The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad builds a branch line through Griswold and Anita, further enhancing connectivity.
- 1933-1942: The Great Depression and Dust Bowl greatly impact Cass County, leading to economic challenges and agricultural struggles.
- 1969: The Pottawattamie County Community College opens a center in Cass County, offering local residents access to higher education.
- 1987: The Cass County Historical Society is established to preserve and promote the county's history.
- 2011: The Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company celebrates its 100th anniversary in Cass County.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Cass County, Iowa.