Muscogee County, Georgia

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Adams Cotton Gin Building
Berry, George O., House
Bibb City Historic District
Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Church South
Building at 1007 Broadway
Building at 1009 Broadway
Building at 1400 Third Avenue
Building at 1519 3rd Avenue
Building at 1531 3rd Avenue
Building at 1612 3rd Avenue
Building at 1617 Third Avenue
Building at 1619 Third Avenue
Building at 1625 Third Avenue
Building at 215 Ninth Street
Building at 221 Ninth Street
Building at 303 11th St.
Building at 920 Ninth Avenue
Building at 921 Fifth Avenue
Building at 944 Second Avenue
Bullard-Hart House
Bush-Philips Hardware Co.
Butts, Thomas V., House
Cargill, Walter Hurt
Carter and Bradley, Cotton Factors and Warehouseman
Cedars, The
Central of Georgia Railroad Terminal
Central of Georgia Railroad Terminal
Church of the Holy Family
Church Square
City Fire Department
Claflin School
Cole-Hatcher-Hampton Wholesale Grocers
Colored Cemetery
Columbian Lodge No. 7 Free and Accepted Masons
Columbus High School
Columbus Historic District
Columbus Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Columbus Historic Riverfront Industrial District
Columbus Investment Company Building
Columbus Ironworks
Columbus Manufacturing Company
Columbus Stockade
Cooke, Wm. L., House
Denson, William H., House
Depot Business Buildings
Dinglewood Historic District
Dismukes, Robert E., Sr., House
Elisha P. Dismukes House
First African Baptist Church
First African Baptist Church Parsonage
First National Bank
First Presbyterian Church
Fletcher, John T., House
Fontaine Building
Forston House
Frank Brothers
Gann's Pharmacy
Garrett-Bullock House
Girard Colored Mission
Goetchius-Wellborn House
Golden Brothers, Founders and Machinsts
Green Island Ranch
Harrison-Gibson House
High Uptown Historic District
Highland Hall
Hillcrest-Wildwood Circle Historic District
Hofflin & Greentree Building
Illges House
Illges, John Paul, House
Isaac Maund House
Joseph House
Lafkowitz, Abraham, House
Ledger-Enquirer Building
Lewis-Rothchild Building
Liberty Theater
Lion House
Loeb, Sol, Building-Garrett-Joy Building
McArdle House
McGehee-Woodall House
Methodist Tabernacle
Mott House
Mott-Fox-Hugley House
Octagon House
Old City Cemetery
Old Dawson Place
Peabody-Warner House
Peacock Woods-Dimon Circle Historic District
Pemberton House
Phillips, George, House
Pond, George, House
Power and Baird, Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions
Rainey, Gertrude Ma Pridgett, House
Rankin House
Rankin Square
Reich Dry Goods Company
Roberts, John Spencer, House
Rosenberg, Max, House
Rothschild's, David, Wholesale Dry Goods
Rothschild, David, House
Secondary Industrial School
Silver's Five and Dime Store-H.L. Green Co.
Sixteenth Street School
Southern Railway Freight Depot
Spencer, William Henry, House
Springer Opera House
St. Christoper's Normal and Industrial Parish School
St. Elmo
St. John Chapel
Swift Manufacturing Company
Swift-Kyle House
Tarver, C.B., Building
Thomas, Alma, House
Triangle Building
Trinity Episcopal Church
Turner, Charles E., House
U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
W. Jacob Burrus House
Walker-Peters-Langdon House
Waverly Terrace
Wells-Bagley House
Weracoba-St. Elmo Historic District
Wolfson Printing and Paper Co.
Woodruff, Ernest, House
Woodruff, Henry Lindsay, House
Woodruff, Henry Lindsay, Second House
Woolfolk, John W., House
Wynn House
Wynn's Hill-Overlook-Oak Circle Historic District
Wynnton Academy
Wynnton Village Historic District
1918 Diamond Jubilee 1993 Camp Benning / Fort Benning
29th Infantry Division
30th Infantry Division / 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team Memorial
32nd Infantry Regiment Memorial
503d Infantry Regiment (Airborne) Memorial
700 Broadway
70th Infantry Div.
87th Infantry Division Monument
96th Infantry Division Deadeyes Memorial
Alma Woodsey Thomas
Augusta Jane Evans (1835-1909)
Baker High School
Battle of Columbus
Battle of Columbus
Birthplace of Georgia's Woman Suffrage Movement
Birthplace of Robert Winship Woodruff
Bricks & Clay Products
Brigadier General Henry Lewis Benning
Bullard-Hart-Sampson House
Camp Conrad
Carson McCullers
Carson McCullers (1917 - 1967)
China Gate
Church of the Holy Family
Circus Train Wreck Memorial
City Mills
City of Columbus
Civil War Womens Riot
Col. W. L. Salisbury
Colored Department of the City Hospital / Doctors and Nurses
Columbian Lodge No. 7, Free & Accepted Masons Columbus, Georgia
Columbus Iron Works
Columbus Iron Works
Columbus Museums
Columbus Steamboat Wharf
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Columbus' First Jewish Cemetery
Columbus First Theater
Confederate Boats
Confederate Dead
Confederate Hospitals
Confederate Memorial Day
Confederate Siege Gun
Confederate Supply
Cotton Warehouses
Creek Agriculture
Cusseta: A Center for International Diplomacy
Daily Life in Cusseta
Dedicated to the American Revolutionary War Infantryman
Dedicated to the Veterans of 1898 to 1902
Dr. Pembertons Country Home
Dr. Thomas H. Brewer
Eagle & Phenix Mills
Early Industrial Center
Early Residences
Educational Institutions
Empire Mills
Ernest Woodruff / Robert Winship Woodruff
Establishment of Memorial Day
Eugene J. Bullard, 1895-1961 / Worlds First Black Combat Aviator
Fallen Sniper Memorial
First African Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Black Public School
First Presbyterian Church
Fit for Man and Beast
Fort Benning
Fort Benning POW Memorial
Fortson General Store
Fortson House/The Fortson Community
Fourth Street Baptist Church
Friendship Baptist Church
Frontier Wars
Garrett and Sons / Cargill-Wright Company
General Benning
George Parker Swift I
Gertrude "Ma" Rainey
Haiman's Sword Factory
He Helped Bring And Keep Fort Benning
Hero's Memorial
High Uptown Historic District / Garrett-Bullock-Delay House
Historic Riverdale Cemetery
Holsey Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Horace King
Horace King (1807 - 1887)
Industrial District
J.S. Pemberton & the Confederacy/The Formula
Jewish Section of Riverdale Cemetery
John McIlhenny Home
John Stith Pemberton
Kirven's Department Store
Ladies Defender
Last Land Battle in War of 1861-65
Leonard Spring
Liberty Hill Baptist Church
Linwood Cemetery
Lummus Cotton Gins
Martin J. Crawford
Mass - Produced Ice Machines
Mildred L. Terry Branch Library
Military Service Walk
Moses Dallas: Confederate Naval Pilot/American Slave
Nehi and Royal Crown Cola
Ninth Street Branch YMCA
Nunnally Johnson (1897-1977)
Oglethorpe House
Oglethorpe Meets the Indians at Coweta
Operation Just Cause
Origin of Memorial Day
Pemberton Cottage
Pembertons Drugstores, 1857-69
Philip Thomas Schley
Philip Trammell Shutze
POW ✯ MIA Monument
POW✯MIA Monument
Primus King and the Civil Rights Movement
Prize-Winning Newspapers
Radcliff School
Red Jacket
Richard Christmas
River Commerce
Rose Hill / Mott-Fox-Huguley House
Saint John African Methodist Episcopal Church
Samuel Cooper
Sarah Turner Butler Heritage Corner
Secondary Industrial School
Sixth Avenue Passenger Station
Soft Drinks
Specialist Ross A. McGinnis
Springer Opera House
St. Elmo
St. James AME Church
Temple Israel
Textile and Banking Pioneer
The Bradley Olmsted Garden
The Cedars
The Chattahoochee River
The Columbus Museum
The Creek Indians and the Falls
The Creek Town of Cusseta
The Dam (1882) & Powerhouses (1899)
The Elms
The Fall Line
The First Breech Loading Cannon
The Infantryman
The Joseph House
The Ledger-Enquirer Newspapers
The Pemberton House
The Polar Bear Regiment Memorial
The Rankin House
The Spencer House
The "Chattahoochee Choo Choo"
This Gun
Thomas Greene Bethune
Trinity Episcopal Church
Tropic Lightning Memorial
Tyler Home
Victory Drive
W. C. Bradley and Coca-Cola
Walker Peters Langdon House
William Bartram Trail
William H. Spencer High School
Winona Cargile Alexander: A Founder of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Woodruff Farm House and Log Cabin
World Trade Center Beam Memorial
Wynnton Community
Wynnton School Library
"Kinfolks' Corner"
"Torch Hill"
Blind Tom
Columbus Stockade Blues
Ma" Rainey Home
The Folly
During the Civil War, Muscogee County played a significant role as a supply and transportation hub for the Confederate Army. The county had active Confederate camps and helped provide resources and troops to the war effort. However, Muscogee County was not exempt from the hardships and destruction of the war, experiencing economic devastation and loss of life.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Muscogee County saw significant economic growth thanks to the textile industry and the arrival of major railroads. Textile mills, such as the Eagle and Phenix Mill, brought jobs and prosperity to the area, attracting a diverse population of workers. The growth of transportation networks allowed for the expansion of trade and commerce, shaping the county's urban development.
Muscogee County has also played a vital role in the Civil Rights Movement. The city of Columbus, situated in Muscogee County, was a prominent site of activism and organization. Local citizens, including Dr. Thomas Brewer and the True Colors organization, fought for desegregation and equal rights. Their efforts contributed to significant social and political changes in the county and the wider region of Georgia.
Today, Muscogee County continues to be a vibrant and diverse community with a mix of urban and rural areas. It is home to educational institutions, including Columbus State University, and hosts events that celebrate its rich history and culture. From its Native American roots to its involvement in pivotal moments of American history, Muscogee County's past has shaped its present-day identity.
Brief timeline of the history of Muscogee County, Georgia:
- 1802 - Muscogee County is established in Georgia.
- 1827 - The county seat is established in Columbus.
- 1838 - Muscogee County experiences the forced removal of Native Americans known as the Trail of Tears.
- 1861-1865 - Muscogee County is deeply affected by the American Civil War.
- 1871 - The first public school in the county is established.
- 1885 - Columbus becomes the first city in Georgia to install a city-wide electric streetcar system.
- 1936 - Columbus hosts the Junior League Baseball World Series, the first of many national events held in the city.
- 1953 - Construction begins on the Jim Woodruff Dam, creating Lake Seminole and offering new recreational opportunities.
- 1970 - Columbus merges with the county government, forming the consolidated Muscogee County-Columbus government.
- 1982 - The Chattahoochee Riverwalk opens, transforming the riverfront into a popular area for recreation and entertainment.
- 1996 - Columbus hosts the 1996 Olympic softball matches at the Columbus Softball Complex.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Muscogee County, Georgia.