National Register Listings in Sussex County, Delaware
Abbott's Mill
Abbott's Mill (Boundary Increase)
Adams Home Farm
Adams, Joseph T., House
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Allen, Richard, School
Ball Theatre
Bethel Historic District
Blackwater Presbyterian Church
Brick Hotel
Bridgeville Historic District
Bridgeville Public Library
Building at 200-202A High Street
Building at 218 High Street
Building at High and Cannon Streets
Burton Hardware Store
Burton-Blackstone-Carey Store
Cannon's Ferry
Carey's Camp Meeting Ground
Carlisle House
Chandler, Capt. Ebe, House
Chipman Potato House
Chipman's Mill
Coleman House
Collins Potato House
Cool Spring Presbyterian Church
Cox, J. W., Dry Goods Store
Davis, Robert, Farmhouse
Dawson, Dr., House
Delaware Breakwater and Lewes Harbor
Dickerson Potato House
Dinker-Irvin Cottage
Dodd Homestead
Draper House
Draper-Adkins House
Egglinton Hall
Ellendale State Forest Picnic Facility
Eratt House
Evans-West House
Faucett, Peter S., House
Fenwick Island Lighthouse Station
First Broiler House
First National Bank of Seaford
Fisher Homestead
Fisher's Paradise
Fort Miles Historic District
Georgetown Coal Gasification Plant
Godwin School
Grier House
Gyles, Stella Pepper, House
Hall, Col. David, House
Harmon School
Harmon, Isaac, Farmhouse
Harmony Church
Hazzard House
Hearn and Rawlins Mill
Hearn Potato House
Hebron Methodist Protestant Church and Cemetery
Highball Signal
Hitch, E. L., Potato House
Hitchens, Ames, Chicken Farm
Hopkins' Covered Bridge Farm
Indian Mission Church
Indian Mission School
Indian River Life Saving Service Station
Johnson School
Judge's House and Law Office
Laurel Historic District
Lewes Historic District
Lewes Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Lewes Presbyterian Church
Lightship WLV 539
Marsh, Peter, House
Maston House
Maull House
Maull, Thomas, House (Boundary Increase)
McColley's Chapel
Melson House
Messick, Dr. John W., House and Office
Milford Railroad Station
Milford Shipyard Area Historic District
Milton Historic District
Mispillion Lighthouse and Beacon Tower
Moore Potato House
National Harbor of Refuge and Delaware Breakwater Harbor Historic District
Norwood House
Old Bridgeville Fire House
Old Christ Church
Old Sussex County Courthouse
Pagan Creek Dike
Pepper, Carlton, David, Farm
Perry-Shockley House
Phillips Potato House
Ponder, Gov. James, House
Portsville Lighthouse
Prince George's Chapel
Ralph Potato House
Redden Forest Lodge, Forester's House, and Stable
Ricards House-Linden Hall
Richards Historic District
Richards Mansion
Rider Potato House
Robbins, David, Homestead
Robinson, Jesse, House
Ross Point School
Ross, Edgar and Rachel, House
Ross, Gov. William H., House
Russell, William, House
Scott's Store
Seaford Station Complex
Short Homestead
Sipple, Thomas, House
South Milford Historic District
Spring Banke
Spring Garden
St. George's Chapel
St. John's Methodist Church
St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Stanley Potato House
Sudler House
Sussex County Courthouse and the Circle
Delaware was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution, and as a result, the state played an important role in the early history of the United States. In the early years of the country, Delaware was known for its thriving shipping industry, and the District of Delaware was an important port for goods coming in and out of the state.
About Sussex County
Sussex County Timeline
Sussex County, Delaware, has a rich and diverse history that dates back thousands of years. The area was first inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Nanticoke and Lenape, who relied on the region's natural resources for survival. The arrival of European settlers in the 17th century marked a significant turning point in the county's history.
In 1631, the first European settlement was established by Dutch traders near present-day Lewes. However, conflicts with the Native Americans and British takeover led to the abandonment of the settlement. In the late 17th century, English settlers and Quakers started resettling the area, and Sussex County was officially established in 1683.
Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Sussex County played a vital role in agriculture, especially as a major producer of wheat and corn. The county's economy thrived with the growth of small towns, such as Georgetown and Seaford. During the American Revolution, Sussex County saw its share of battles, including the Battle of Cooch's Bridge in 1777.
In the 20th century, Sussex County experienced significant changes due to the growth of industry and tourism. The construction of major highways, such as Route 1 and the creation of beach resorts like Rehoboth Beach, transformed the county into a popular destination for vacationers. Agriculture remained an essential part of Sussex County's economy, with a shift towards poultry farming.
Today, Sussex County continues to evolve and grow, balancing its agricultural roots with the demands of a modern economy. The preservation of historical sites and the appreciation for its diverse heritage serve as a reminder of the county's vibrant past and a source of pride for its residents.
In 1631, the first European settlement was established by Dutch traders near present-day Lewes. However, conflicts with the Native Americans and British takeover led to the abandonment of the settlement. In the late 17th century, English settlers and Quakers started resettling the area, and Sussex County was officially established in 1683.
Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Sussex County played a vital role in agriculture, especially as a major producer of wheat and corn. The county's economy thrived with the growth of small towns, such as Georgetown and Seaford. During the American Revolution, Sussex County saw its share of battles, including the Battle of Cooch's Bridge in 1777.
In the 20th century, Sussex County experienced significant changes due to the growth of industry and tourism. The construction of major highways, such as Route 1 and the creation of beach resorts like Rehoboth Beach, transformed the county into a popular destination for vacationers. Agriculture remained an essential part of Sussex County's economy, with a shift towards poultry farming.
Today, Sussex County continues to evolve and grow, balancing its agricultural roots with the demands of a modern economy. The preservation of historical sites and the appreciation for its diverse heritage serve as a reminder of the county's vibrant past and a source of pride for its residents.
Sussex County Timeline
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Sussex County, Delaware.
- 1642 - The area that is now Sussex County was first settled by the Dutch and Swedish colonists.
- 1670 - English settlers arrived and established their presence in the region.
- 1682 - Sussex County became part of the newly formed Pennsylvania colony.
- 1704 - Sussex County officially became part of the newly established Delaware colony.
- 1755 - The county seat was moved from Lewes to Georgetown.
- 1775 - The American Revolution began, and Sussex County played a significant role in the fight for independence.
- 1805 - Construction of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal began, enhancing trade and transportation in the region.
- 1822 - The Nanticoke Indian Reservation, located in Sussex County, was officially established.
- 1855 - The Delaware Railroad reached Sussex County, further improving transportation and trade.
- 1871 - The Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach was built, marking the beginning of the area's popularity as a beach resort.
- 1929 - The Great Depression impacted Sussex County, causing economic hardship for many residents.
- 1950s - The poultry industry became a dominant economic sector in Sussex County.
- 1991 - The Indian River Inlet Bridge opened, providing improved access to the coastal areas of Sussex County.